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HOTFIX 202403011 for WebCenter

Saved search is missing custom actions and menu action button styling is missing

HOTFIX 202311059 for WebCenter

WebCenter 23.11 Viewer- Measure Color Percentage eye dropper tool is not giving clear ink color information when clicking the Make Annotation option.

HOTFIX 202307062 for WebCenter

Duplication of attributes found. The same attribute is allowed to be placed in an attribute category an unlimited number of times. Having double attributes at project or document level may lead to workflow errors and other instabilities like not showing reference properties correctly.

HOTFIX 202403018 for Automation Engine

Pilot - Files View: * When switching from Job to Container mode, the job folder's container may show selected rather than the job folder itself. Pilot - Products View: * Selecting a product may not always properly show the assoicated file and its file path, but just shows the data zone. * When selecting a product and clicking on a part of its file path, this does not always bring up the Files View with that folder selected. * When selecting a product, the product data zone may show folders that cannot be selected. Pilot - WebCenter View: * Trying to download a document in this view may unexpectedly fail to open a folder browser.