A Hotfix is a software package that you can install on an existing installation of our software. Each hotfix contains fixes for one or more known issues in our released software.
Because there is always a small chance for a hotfix to cause new issues, you should only install Required Hotfixes, unless otherwise instructed by your Esko Software Support team.
Browse to the hotfix you need and download it now.
Flexo Engine: When submitting, with a cutting flow selected, to a plate merger queue that has the 'Solvent Saver' activated, resulting cutting lines may be shifted.
07 Mar 25
Fixes for the dashboard related issues that cause incorrect display of attribute values.
07 Mar 25
Adobe® Illustrator® crashes when opening files with a structural design written in Data Exchange 22.11 or lower.
04 Mar 25
Export ArtiosCAD Design Info: In specific circumstances, the task may fail with error "XML data could not be created".
27 Feb 25
PDF Action List Executed on Normalized PDF yields Wrong Object Type error.
27 Feb 25
Fix to address system errors or crashes that occur when opening a Normalized PDF saved by ArtPro+ 24.11 in PackEdge, or when sending it to a Classic Automation Engine task.
26 Feb 25
CS01879517: Apply PDF Action List: Sending a normalized PDF through this task may in specific circumstances cause subsequent BRIX graphic kernel based tasks to fail. CS01879216: Apply PDF Action List: The task may fail in very specific circumstances with a message like "GException Wrong Object Type caught while saving".
25 Feb 25
Unable to export live barcodes with outlines when using a custom font. This is a regression issue.
24 Feb 25
File names are incorrect, or the download fails when trying to download a document with spaces or special characters in the name.
21 Feb 25
Creating or updating Saved Searches with conditional formatting configured on a date field fails
21 Feb 25
The Dashboard Viewer Block does not display documents in Best Quality when it is configured in the General Preferences to use Best Quality mode for Viewing.
20 Feb 25
Step & Repeat Tabular / CAD based: When processing VDP using Dynamic Marks, the task may in specific circumstances result in inks being shown in marks that are not present in the input.
20 Feb 25
When creating a Press Profile in Color Pilot, in Step 2 (Process Section) for one of the Spot Color Sections (Orange, Green or Violet in this case), in "Synchronize" Step, if you press the "Apply Synchronization" button, the applied curve is not correct. It is always making it linear, even if the desired curve is not linear.
17 Feb 25
A new document version uploaded at a Task Dashboard does not generate view files.
14 Feb 25
Prepare for (WebCenter) Viewer: The task may fail to generate view files for very specific input, with an error message hinting at a corrupt input file.
14 Feb 25
WebCenter stability issue when creating a 3D view for a document in a project with a very large number of documents (library project).
14 Feb 25
When importing a PDF with Pantone and custom inks into ArtPro, selecting a Color Book and enabling the Convert option causes the software to crash. This issue occurs specifically during the import process.
13 Feb 25
Prepare for sharing: Medium image compression for this task may in specific circumstances generate unexpected image artifacts.
11 Feb 25
Searching documents with "Live Text in Document(s)" may lead to the server running out of memory.
11 Feb 25
Add Dynamic Marks: In specific circumstances, the task may take unexpectedly long to finish.
07 Feb 25
CAD-based Step and Repeat back creation via 'Tumble' is implemented improperly.
05 Feb 25
03 Feb 25
ArtPro+ graphic kernel based tasks may fail when processing input files with very specific (zero) minimum word spacing for text.
03 Feb 25
Add Ink Eaters: In very specific circumstances, the task output may contain unexpected artifacts (spikes).
31 Jan 25
Display issues with saved searches and dashboards containing visibility scripts
31 Jan 25
Gang Run Printing: Input files with large dimensions may in very specific circumstances cause numeric overflow, resulting in cut contours being clipped unexpectedly.
31 Jan 25
In certain situations, Classic Step & Repeat tasks may experience early Plato formula evaluations and performance degradation compared to version 24.03.
30 Jan 25
List values from Excel cells with formulas are not showing
29 Jan 25
When a WebCenter user requests to regenerate View files, the corresponding metadata files (ROMD) are not updated.
28 Jan 25
Info lines are rotated and overlap when using the merge layout for overprint charts.
27 Jan 25
Print simulation runs into an error when Samba screens are used.
24 Jan 25
Wrong output with nested objects with transparency.
23 Jan 25
Classic Step & Repeat tasks: These tasks may in specific circumstances suffer from performance degradation as compared to version 24.03.
23 Jan 25
Application server out-of-memory issues when handling view files stored on AWS S3
22 Jan 25
Step & Repeat CAD based: There may be performance issues when this task is used for VDP with large databases.
20 Jan 25
Server memory loss due to workflow API calls through “WebCenter SDK” External API connection.
16 Jan 25
Prepare for Sharing: With export flavor 'For Viewing' selected and option 'Add single-color page per separation' enabled, the task is missing (a) composite page(s) in its output.
16 Jan 25
Step & Repeat CAD based: Positioning of the layout on the back may not be according to expectations in 'Work and Tumble' output mode.
15 Jan 25
It is not possible to Opt-Out of e-mail notifications.
15 Jan 25
Imaging Engine tasks: Opening a task panel may be unexpectedly slow.
13 Jan 25
Viewer Compare highlights (the white areas) are no longer working correctly in 24.11
10 Jan 25
Executing dashboard API calls through the WebCenter SDK External API connection can fail due to missing admin rights.
08 Jan 25
08 Jan 25
Prepare for (WebCenter) Viewer: When set up for using the latest viewer technology, the task may result in incomplete ink coverage information being conveyed to WebCenter.
07 Jan 25
Export to PDF+ modifies linear gradient and output incorrect appearance.
20 Dec 24
Plato can only be run with an ArtPro+ Layout license. This hotfix allows to use an ArtPro+ Layout OR an ArtPro+ Advanced license to run Plato.
18 Dec 24
OpenViewer.jsp doesn't support SSO and gives the error: “002 One or more mandatory parameters were not specified”.
18 Dec 24
Printing condition CMYKOGV has wrong inks (CMY inks are switched with OGV) which makes the printing condition unusable.
17 Dec 24
Flexo Engine: When submitting, with a cutting flow selected, to a plate merger queue that has the 'Solvent Saver' activated, resulting cutting lines may be shifted.
17 Dec 24
Prepare for (WebCenter) Viewer: For very specific input, the task may fail to generate view files, with an error message hinting at a corrupt input file.
13 Dec 24
When trying to download an ARD file, when the only download format enabled is ARD, the system will not download the file and an error will appear.
12 Dec 24
Editor License Usage Tracking is broken. In Advanced login tracking, License Usage is always showing as 0 licenses are in use for the XX available Editor/Named User Licenses.
12 Dec 24
Exporting from Studio Window 24.11 to Keyshot will change the correct arrangement of Parts, so the design is changed from the original.
11 Dec 24
When setting up an Identity Provider connection to Azure, it may happen that users that belong to many groups are not able to sign in to Automation Engine.
06 Dec 24
Loading CHILI Package in WebCenter CHILI 5 viewer: Save as New Version button not displayed and assets are not being loaded.
03 Dec 24
Incorrect ink coverage values in text marks when the document uses more than one ink. All values are the same.
27 Nov 24
The Update Text Document workflow node is not able to change the "Master Language" for text statements using a new language specified in a SmartName.
27 Nov 24
Cascading attributes UI show misleading comment referring to filtered away values: "Only <N> values shown of <NN> - Please type a part of the value in the input field"
26 Nov 24
Save as new version from CHILI editor fails when using a SOAP connection.
26 Nov 24
Flow fails on “Export Chili to PDF” as there is a space character in the PDF Export setting name.
26 Nov 24
21 Nov 24
Check Job and Product Parameters: The task may unexpectedly finish in an OK state if a barcode is missing.
06 Nov 24
29 Oct 24
Document Reference 'Browse' button is missing at Project Creation Dashboard when using Chrome browser.
25 Oct 24
SetDueDate in Workflow JavaScript node is not working as expected.
15 Oct 24
Text saved searches with many available languages are loading very slowly.
15 Oct 24
Uploading a new document version in a Task Dashboard shows error "Task not completed. Completing the task would overwrite with unseen value(s)”.
15 Oct 24
15 Oct 24
Pilot: Adding a favorite ticket or performing a "Launch With" action may not work anymore for users without the "Tickets: Show all tickets and their parameters (public and others)" access right.
09 Oct 24
Changes to the Customization of WebCenter using the Interface is stopping the MS Office Documents from being processed.
01 Oct 24
Document thumbnail goes over document name in cards layout.
01 Oct 24
Publish issue: "There was an error during publishing. Please try again later" error appears when not seeing any resource in the Esko S2 explorer.
27 Sep 24
Hotfix for the "There was an error during publishing. Please try again later" publish issue and when not seeing any resource in the Esko S2 explorer.
27 Sep 24
When performing S3 Migration for WebCenter 24.07, some files are not migrating and give checksum validation failed error for the “Default Icons Location” accessor.
27 Sep 24
The new document version uploaded in a Task Dashboard does not generate view files.
25 Sep 24
Project Manager and Approval Master are unable to annotate and Force Reject documents.
25 Sep 24
23 Sep 24
When exporting a file containing a path with a gradient to PDF+, the opacity of the gradient stops is lost.
20 Sep 24
For Saved Search filters linked to lists, the drop-down sometimes doesn't appear.
19 Sep 24
12 Sep 24
ArtPro+24.07 can't open an ArtPro classic file that have linked ArtPro classic file that have missing linked images.
10 Sep 24
Color Pilot crashes when trying to create charts for new proofer profile when system language is set to "Chinese (Simplified, China)".
10 Sep 24
When trying to configure an SFTP site, in very specific circumstances, an unexpected error "Could not save data" may appear.
10 Sep 24
Apply PDF Action List: Attempting to execute a “Convert to PDF+” action on a normalized PDF with linked bitmap images may fail unexpectedly.
09 Sep 24
Optimize PDF: When processing a normalized PDF with a GS1-128 barcode, the task may fail unexpectedly stating that the barcode version is not supported.
09 Sep 24
The new document version uploaded via the Task Dashboard does not become viewable.
06 Sep 24
3D Graphic overlay does not automatically populate when 3D Collada attributes are set before viewing.
04 Sep 24
Image to Screened Separations: The "Clean up scum dots" option is forced on when opening an executed or saved ticket with a printing condition enabled and this option turned off.
14 Aug 24
The "Drop Minimum when" rule is not executed in an Equinox strategy when there is a dE value specified for the "Drop Black when" rule, resulting in a spot color which will suffer from peppering.
14 Aug 24
Export Gang Run Layouts (Classic): the task could export double cutting paths in case the cut path ink was used both as unregistered and registered ink in the graphics on the layout.
14 Aug 24
The error message “Error! The column name U_Id is not valid.” for all discussions created before the upgrade.
14 Aug 24
When a CHILI document is open in the side-by-side view and clicking Save As a new version can sometimes show an error stating 'Unable to create CHILI package'.
14 Aug 24
Support added for Epson SC-T7700, SC-T5700, SC-T3700 and Roland VersaUV LEC 300, 330, 640 models.
13 Aug 24
Image to Screened Separations: Defining screening exceptions for separations selected by ink index may cause incorrect resolving of output parameters for Dynamic Marks.
13 Aug 24
CadX server is not cleanly shutting down when it is stopped.
12 Aug 24
Mail secure download link is not showing the verification code page in the browsers Edge, Chrome and Firefox.
08 Aug 24
Export PDF Info: The task may yield separation LAB values in the generated XML file that do not match with values shown in ArtPro+.
01 Aug 24
Pilot - Products View: The product data zone may show folders that cannot be selected. WebCenter View: Upon download of a document in this view, the folder browser that opens may no longer pre-select the jobfolder but show the list of containers instead.
01 Aug 24
Page not loading when creating a project based on templates having a hidden date attribute.
01 Aug 24
Saved search is missing custom actions and menu action button styling is missing
24 Jul 24
WebCenter 23.11 Viewer- Measure Color Percentage eye dropper tool is not giving clear ink color information when clicking the Make Annotation option.
24 Jul 24
Duplication of attributes found. The same attribute is allowed to be placed in an attribute category an unlimited number of times. Having double attributes at project or document level may lead to workflow errors and other instabilities like not showing reference properties correctly.
19 Jul 24
Pilot - Files View: * When switching from Job to Container mode, the job folder's container may show selected rather than the job folder itself. Pilot - Products View: * Selecting a product may not always properly show the assoicated file and its file path, but just shows the data zone. * When selecting a product and clicking on a part of its file path, this does not always bring up the Files View with that folder selected. * When selecting a product, the product data zone may show folders that cannot be selected. Pilot - WebCenter View: * Trying to download a document in this view may unexpectedly fail to open a folder browser.
17 Jul 24
"Save Document Colors in Attribute" ignores ink book information.
15 Jul 24
12 Jul 24
For Saved Search filters linked to lists, the drop-down sometimes doesn't appear.
12 Jul 24
Gang Run Printing: The nesting algorithm may not always be honoring the input sequence properly when the graphics order is set to "by Submit Date".
11 Jul 24
Color Extraction workflow nodes causes workflow engine to increase and not complete.
08 Jul 24
Single inverted comma (') is replaced with (') after it is exported in preview.
27 Jun 24
With a two-sided Plato file, the colors on the reverse side are not completely ripped.
24 Jun 24
Uploading strength data to cloud gives Run Time Error.
21 Jun 24
Performance of Search Results with Attribute columns visibly degrades to the point where users are not able work.
17 Jun 24
When restarting the services, CAD-X is not cleanly shutting down and generates dump files. Due to this, the server disk fills up, causing WebCenter functionalities to fail.
14 Jun 24
Workflows hanging at task "Save Document Colors in Attribute".
10 Jun 24
Create Project workflow node will error intermittently when there are multiple inputs.
10 Jun 24
When saving drafts and publishing new versions, the user can’t access previous published content.
07 Jun 24
28 May 24
List Smart Name search: Document Attribute and Project Attribute fields shows only one (repeated) value.
23 May 24
21 May 24
Studio export to TIFF for certain flexible bag styles fail with the error: "The file .zae is a corrupt Toolkit file. Restore the file in Toolkit 22.03 or later."
17 May 24
'Proof for Contract Approval' task would fail with the error message 'Something went wrong during initialization of the Color Strategy' if a DGC curve is used in proofing color strategy.
16 May 24
Studio Collada used in Illustrator results in wrong warping when Collada is created as freeform label (Needed to get the wished Collada file).
14 May 24
Agent: Fixes for properly setting up & configuring for proofing from an Automation Engine SaaS server.
14 May 24
The Flexibles full color chart is missing the 'cyan' separator lines in the mindot strip, which makes measuring in scan mode not possible.
14 May 24
Extend Image trapping is improper with PowerTrapper (standalone or client) when using Illustrator 2023.4 (27.4) or newer.
10 May 24
Ink used in "Overrule Substrate Color of Press Profile" of a Color Strategy is causing halo effect on shadows.
08 May 24
GS1 XML: ArtworkContentGraphicElement should have a localeSequence element.
07 May 24
XHTML Encoding Issue in PCM: Various export formats (PDF, XML, Excel, etc.) of PCM Content Sheets in WebCenter can contain encoding mistakes in the values of the text content statements.
07 May 24
Language tag error "CONFIRM_OWN_VALUE_MSG" appears in the Dashboard when typing other value in the attribute that has "Allow Other Values" enabled.
06 May 24
Step & Repeat CAD based: The task may fail when requested to add a mark set with a name containing non-ASCII characters.
03 May 24
WebCenter runs out of memory when using Search (LRUQueryCache)
02 May 24
Interact with Web Service: On a SaaS environment under high load, this task when executed through an Agent, may stall in the state "Waiting for response from Agent".
26 Apr 24
Add Dynamic Marks / Apply PDF Action List: Applying or updating a Dynamic Mark that relies on a product parameter on a stepped/repeated input may not produce the expected result.
22 Apr 24
Submit to Flexo Device: The task may fail to send a merged plate to a CDI when the imaging technology is set to Pixel+.
19 Apr 24
Hotfix for ArtPro 23.11 to address recent regression issues, mainly occurring on macOS14 (Sonoma).
19 Apr 24
ZIP files created on macOS are not getting uploaded to WebCenter.
19 Apr 24
Automated barcode-driven production requires the cutting file name to start with the string contained in the i-script barcode. This was not the case for JDF (for Kongsberg) tickets which gave problems when using time stamps in the i-script barcode(s). Now the JDF file name follows the string used in the barcode (just like i-script export).
17 Apr 24
Delete File: the task may in very specific circumstances unexpectedly fail with a "java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException" message.
16 Apr 24
Interact with Web Service: On a SaaS environment under high load, this task when executed through an Agent, may stall in the state "Waiting for response from Agent".
08 Apr 24
PCW 24.03 contains the MCDWSI surface screen, resulting in the Crystal D V but this screen is not released yet so can't be used for ripping.
04 Apr 24
User gets an error message when trying to add content to attributes.
04 Apr 24
Image to Screened Separations: The Post-RIP action "Clean up scum dots" may not work as expected when applied for Separation Name "<All>".
02 Apr 24
The ink order of the PCW profile is different when compared to the order in the Printing Condition (BOGKYCM instead of CMYKOGB).
27 Mar 24
Project Attributes can be edited and saved in a Dashboard form of a completed task
26 Mar 24
Creating a new Proofer Profile or doing Check Strategy not all pages make it to the proofer, even if the chart says it was sent successfully to the printer.
15 Mar 24
When creating a new Proofer Profile (or doing a Check Strategy), all pages do not make it to the Proofer.
15 Mar 24
Double-digit dates truncate to single digits in Firefox (Version 121).
14 Mar 24
Uploading ZIP files is failing when Cloud OBGE is enabled.
12 Mar 24
The hotfix avoids any further duplication to happen : Attributes that are already present in the grid layout cannot be placed another time. However, attributes that were placed multiple times due to the bug, require manual cleaning (programmation cannot know which duplicate needs to be removed from the grid layout). Duplicates can be found within an attribute category by using the browser search functionality and search for *2 or *3 (or even for more duplicates that might have been created.)
12 Mar 24
12 Mar 24
"Approval comment" is no longer included in xml of "Integrate with WebCenter" ticket.
07 Mar 24
My Workspace - Files view: In specific circumstances involving larger folders, the list of subfolders and files may not be complete.
06 Mar 24
PDF Import causes Adobe Illustrator to crash on Mac OS.
04 Mar 24
Join XML Files: The namespace of the root element in the output may not be taken over properly from the input when the "Root Element" task parameter is not specified.
01 Mar 24
Copy or Move File: When executed on an assistant, this task may unexpectedly fail for very specific input file locations.
26 Feb 24
CS01735344: Export PDF Info: If not all process colors are present in the input, the XML report generated by this task may unexpectedly mention all of C, M, Y and K. CS01753976: Image to Screened Separations: Even though in the Files view of the Pilot, the file Info dialog shows that "Placed Art / Images" are "Up-to-date", the task may error out mentioning an "Imaging.OutdatedExtRefsError".
26 Feb 24
Double digit dates truncates to single digit in Firefox (Version 121).
21 Feb 24
"Error downloading ink book" when downloading a cloud ink book with more than 10000 inks.
16 Feb 24
"Error downloading ink book" when downloading a cloud ink book with more than 10000 inks.
16 Feb 24
Document Reference gives errors on Task Execution page.
12 Feb 24
A fully approved Document appears in a search for pending approvals with the status canceled.
09 Feb 24
When trying to import a CxF file from Techkon Chroma QA software the file fails. Removing the DeviceIllumination line looks to have fixed it but it is a valid CxF file.
09 Feb 24
Search index fails to index project/task/document when more than 80% of the characters in an attribute of that project/task/document are whitespace.
07 Feb 24
06 Feb 24
Interact with Web Service: When the Web Service would redirect to another server, this may in very specific circumstances cause authorization trouble.
05 Feb 24
Flexo - Plate Merger: A generated merged plate may, after being imaged fine on a CDI Crystal, not get processed properly by a connected XPS Crystal digital UV exposure device.
02 Feb 24
Add Dynamic Marks: Unexpected text size changes may happen for Area Text marks.
01 Feb 24
Prepare for (WebCenter) Viewer (OBGE): the task may end in error in case the input PDF file contains Type 3 fonts.
01 Feb 24
Issues when a Dashboard is reused in multiple nested levels in combination with different Dashboards for Drilldown.
01 Feb 24
Add SmartMarks: The task may unexpectedly fail for specific input.
30 Jan 24
In the strongly inadvisable situation where an Automation Engine in a local network would be configured to receive inbound web traffic from the public internet (f.i. for a Web Service Access Point), this may in very specific circumstances trigger a security flaw in the third party Eclipse Jetty library, which may in turn cause computing resource exhaustion on the server.
29 Jan 24
WebCenter 23.07 Master or Translation Text Statements are not saved randomly.
29 Jan 24
“Mark all discussions as read” is causing high load on database making the system too slow to use if the user is invited to many discussions with large audience.
25 Jan 24
When trying to install RipServer on a fully patched Windows Server 2022, the error 'Unsupported OS version' appears during pre-install. This hotfix replaces the RipServer installer with a version that does install correctly.
25 Jan 24
Imaging Engine fails for some S&R files when Identical One-Up is requested. The problem was seen in files from Plato
25 Jan 24
23 Jan 24
Add Ink Eaters: In very specific circumstances, the task output may contain unexpected artifacts (spikes).
23 Jan 24
Vulnerability can be exploited to expose server data.
22 Jan 24
Vulnerability can be exploited to expose server data.
22 Jan 24
Vulnerability can be exploited to expose server data.
22 Jan 24
Vulnerability can be exploited to expose server data.
22 Jan 24
Vulnerability can be exploited to expose server data.
22 Jan 24
Vulnerability can be exploited to expose server data.
22 Jan 24
Vulnerability can be exploited to expose server data.
22 Jan 24
Vulnerability can be exploited to expose server data.
22 Jan 24
Vulnerability can be exploited to expose server data.
22 Jan 24
Vulnerability can be exploited to expose server data.
22 Jan 24
Vulnerability can be exploited to expose server data.
22 Jan 24
Export IMP File to PDF File (Classic): The task may fail when the path to the input file contains special characters.
16 Jan 24
Unable to export Saved Search result with special character to Excel.
12 Jan 24
Measure Tools issue in Deep Zoom Mode in WebCenter Viewer.
05 Jan 24
Imaging Engine tasks: adding a Smart Mark set with a Grid Mark may for PDFPLA input generate incorrect output with missing mark elements.
03 Jan 24
Prepare for Sharing: when image downsampling is requested, this may cause banding effects for a specific type of images.
27 Dec 23
Gang Run printing: For very specific PDF files, extraction of the cut path may fail, causing the Trim box to be unexpectedly used instead.
27 Dec 23
Measuring color percentages in the AE Viewer using latest viewer technology may not work properly when selecting a large viewport.
22 Dec 23
Imaging Engine crashes when ripping for Contract Approval when the Proofer config has a recalibration applied to it (via a Check & Recalibrate).
15 Dec 23
Adding new documents to a Document Reference in a Dashboard form makes the page hang
15 Dec 23
When creating or working with existing Dynamic VDP text objects that use Universal Text, the point size requested is not retained, but instead is changed to the default size of 12 points.
15 Dec 23
Certain Pantone colors are not rendered when using Deep Zoom mode in the Viewer.
14 Dec 23
Imaging Engine tasks: Opening a task panel for an executed or saved ticket may not populate task parameters properly.
14 Dec 23
Annotation loading fails after view data regeneration, with view data on AWS S3 storage.
14 Dec 23
Gang Run files get stuck in the substrate queue if the rotation option is set to 'Allow 90, 180, 270'.and the graphic needs rotation to fit on the sheet.
11 Dec 23
Copy or Move File: When the output filespec is identical to the input filespec, a token may arrive at the task output pin carrying two times the file.
07 Dec 23
Files with VDP GS1 Datamatrix with [F1] in the code are not recognized.
05 Dec 23
24 Nov 23
FTP access point: Temporary files may not be cleaned up properly in case the FTP process itself would fail.
23 Nov 23
No view data generated after import of ZIP files from MediaBeacon using dashboard technology.
22 Nov 23
Automation Engine Viewer: When configured to view PDF files as in PackEdge, viewing sessions may in specific circumstances not be released upon quitting the Viewer.
22 Nov 23
Step & Repeat CAD based: In very specific circumstances, some structural lines in an MFG CAD template may be interpreted wrongly, resulting in an incorrect layout.
20 Nov 23
Interact with Web Service does not end session after task is complete
15 Nov 23
Message is shown talking about an error in "at least one Previewer" when working in Dashboard forms
08 Nov 23
Apply Content to GS1 export or InDesign workflow node errors when processing simple type text statements containing symbols or special characters.
08 Nov 23
Project header does not resize to fit browser window width.
08 Nov 23
This hotfix addresses the color related issues with ArtPro and PowerLayout on mac OS Ventura, as documented in [KB437076316: ArtPro - Color related issues with ArtPro 22.03 on macOS 13 (Ventura)|https://wiki.esko.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=437084162].
30 Oct 23
Upload of a new version of a file is failing in WebCenter.
25 Oct 23
Available Search filters and columns are displaying the wrong label to the end user.
25 Oct 23
Annotation loading fails after view data regeneration with view data on AWS S3 storage.
18 Oct 23
Large Nutritional tables generated in 22.07 are being truncated and 'cut off' at the end of the PDF if there are too many rows.
18 Oct 23
12 Oct 23
Proof for Contract Approval: requesting to add a PDF based verification strip causes a SmartMark (if any) to be incorrectly applied to the strip as well
05 Oct 23
Concurrency issues between Workflow Engine & Rule Engine.
04 Oct 23
04 Oct 23
The search crawler queue stays for a long time on 300K high peaks.
03 Oct 23
InformCC integration - Cannot upload report to WebCenter after a session of two hours.
29 Sep 23
Project Creation Node will not populate Document Reference Property values into child project.
27 Sep 23
When a user logs in with their account and it is successfully authenticated, the Adobe Host plugin shows “Request failed with status code 500” error.
26 Sep 23
Exported tiff files looks different from original PDF.
26 Sep 23
Annotation loading fails after view data regeneration with view data on AWS S3 storage
25 Sep 23
Apply Content to InDesign node errors when processing simple type text statements containing symbols or characters.
22 Sep 23
Search crawler queue stays for a long time on 300K high peaks
20 Sep 23
Tasks of certain types may fail in case a specific conditional SmartName needs to be resolved for a task option.
14 Sep 23
Comments on Content sheet block is not working when content sheet is opened in a pop-up.
13 Sep 23
Some structural lines in the MFG are interpreted incorrectly causing incorrect results when adjusting Trim & Bleed.
12 Sep 23
Check and Recalibrate from Color Pilot 22.07 doesn't work on EPSON SC P5000 with 10 inch wide media.
08 Sep 23
Preflight with PitStop: Applying an action list or a profile that uses the new PitStop 2023 feature to log checks within action lists or profile validations as "information" may cause the task to fail unexpectedly. Progress reporting may also temporarily show indications going above 100%.
30 Aug 23
In very specific circumstances, SmartNames of type "System" and category "File Info" may not resolve properly for ArtPro+ graphic kernel based tasks.
29 Aug 23
Create ArtiosCAD Layouts: the task may not generate layouts as expected in case a design needs 180 degree rotation for the best fit for a given grain direction.
21 Aug 23
Interact with Web Service: The task may fail unexpectedly when executing a POST request without parameters.
18 Aug 23
Performance issues when ArtPro+ 23.07 is connected to an Automation Engine server hosting many PDF Action Lists over VPN.
16 Aug 23
The "Job Location" SmartName introduced in version 22.11 is missing in version 23.07.
11 Aug 23
The "Job Location" SmartName introduced in version 22.11 is missing in version 23.03.
11 Aug 23
Aspose.bat script blocks or takes a huge time to process msoffice files.
09 Aug 23
Task Type Workflow Definition differences are not detected during comparison.
09 Aug 23
Office files are deleted after they are prepared for viewing due to a delete doc present in the Aspose workflow.
04 Aug 23
Export PDF Info: When requesting a PNG preview image, the specified resolution may not be honored properly.
02 Aug 23
When inputting text values, suddenly text display is erratic and the form cannot be saved.
01 Aug 23
"Send Single Pallet Base Style To Esko Cloud" gives error.
27 Jul 23
Automation Engine Viewer: When configured to view PDF files as in PackEdge, viewing sessions may in specific circumstances not be released upon quitting the Viewer.
21 Jul 23
11 Jul 23
Select Marked File is causing the workflow to error if it does not find a marked file.
10 Jul 23
ArtPro+ graphic kernel based tasks may in very specific circumstances cause barcodes to rotate or move unexpectedly.
05 Jul 23
Upload of a new version of a file is failing in WebCenter.
23 Jun 23
Flexo - Create Merged Plate / Submit to CDI: There may be periodic disruptions in the connection with CDI devices, causing these tasks to stall. Create Merged Plate / Submit to CDI: There may be unexpected duplicate plates showing up on the CDI Expose list (not resubmitted by a Pilot user). When there are many such tasks executing, some of them may get stuck, causing others to stall.
23 Jun 23
Export Search Results to Excel randomly shows error “Unknown error occured when searching”
16 Jun 23
The Flexibles chart from Full or Quick calibration (not the legacy) contains an error/problem.
16 Jun 23
Check & Recalibrate causes the Proof Server service to shut down.
14 Jun 23
Exporting Saved Search results to Excel stops at 100% without starting the actual download
07 Jun 23
Issue with nested solutions. Layer Editor shows dimensions in metric when it's supposed to be in imperial.
31 May 23
CS01653319: Roll-Fed Labels Workspace: The inline search for the Press field in a Production Job may not work properly. CS01653333: Roll-Fed Labels Workspace: Changing the search string in the inline search for Press Ticket / Press Material / Color Strategy in a Production Job may not work properly.
30 May 23
In a Saved Search, typing in a filter and hitting enter to search doesn’t work anymore after having used the button to clear all the filters.
29 May 23
Application server thread count keeps increasing.
25 May 23
Page count mismatch issue for PDF file with more than approximately 100 pages.
23 May 23
22 May 23
Viewing fails for copied Documents with View Files stored on AWS S3 or where the View Files Storage Location has been changed after the copy.
17 May 23
PitStop Profile Editor on Windows: The application may crash when creating or modifying an action list that involves adapting a fill/stroke color in DeviceCMYK mode.
16 May 23
Possible wrong output when using advanced Esko screening on recent CPU hardware.
16 May 23
Increasing slowness experienced on system running PCM functionality.
15 May 23
When a user uses either their personal profile page or the User Management user details page to update their avatars, their passwords get reset.
15 May 23
15 May 23
Opening History in Curve Pilot crashes when trying to look at the History tab of a PressSync curve. Curves cause it to crash.
15 May 23
Issues with the output of Export to Esko PDF when in PDF+ mode..
11 May 23
ArtPro+ graphic kernel based tasks may sporadically (on heavily loaded systems) not resolve workflow parameters properly.
11 May 23
After saving an complex form (100+ visible dashboards or document references) in Dashboards, reloading fails.
08 May 23
When Attribute/DocRef are in a sub-dashboard from where the save button is, the content is not saved.
08 May 23
Apply PDF Action List: A "Convert to PDF+" action on a classic ArtPro file containing multistep gradations may generate wrong output with missing gradations.
05 May 23
ArtPro+ graphic kernel based tasks may save PDFs incorrectly (possibly corrupting the PDF) in case a linked image would have all of its channels mapped away and/or all of its separations removed.
05 May 23
04 May 23
03 May 23
In Pilot connected to an AE-SaaS environment, opening the properties of a product with a huge number of product parameters may fail unexpectedly.
03 May 23
ArtPro+ graphic kernel based tasks may sporadically (on heavily loaded systems) not resolve workflow parameters properly.
28 Apr 23
Pilot: The maximum number of job inks (in the "Inks" tab of the "Job Setup" dialog) unexpectedly dropped from 64 to 36.
28 Apr 23
Conditional formatting is broken for "isEmpty" for document attributes. Conditional formatting is broken in drop-downs. Before validation scripts are not run when defined in a dashboard used for displaying a document reference in dashboard layout. Text disappears when hovering a dashboard button with custom styling for specific hover colors.
28 Apr 23
24 Apr 23
Copy or Move File: Moving a file may sporadically fail unexpectedly, retrying is not attempted.
21 Apr 23
MIS Integration: Upon creating a product with multiple parts, the part sequence as indicated in the JDF may not be honored properly.
17 Apr 23
Normalize PostScript / PDF / Illustrator 8.0 File (Classic): When the option "Use rulings, angles and dot gain compensation from file if available" in on, Pantone inks may get incorrectly mapped to designer inks with the same name.
04 Apr 23
In very specific circumstances, BRIX graphic kernel based tasks may unexpectedly and incorrectly change transparency on certain objects.
04 Apr 23
Integration with WebCenter: When a WebCenter with AWS S3 storage interacts with Automation Engine (OBGE) and when this involves data transfer from S3, temporary downloads on Automation Engine may not be cleaned up as expected.
03 Apr 23
Create Sheet Layout (Classic): When adding SmartMarks with the option "Pull Back Marks" activated for CAD based PDFPLA output, this may in very specific circumstances corrupt the CAD layer in the resulting PDFPLA file.
24 Mar 23
To enable users to use protected preliminary screens on Imaging Engine 18.1.0.
21 Mar 23
Tints of Unprofiled inks that are not too saturated (in this example, PANTONE 7500 C and PANTONE Cool Gray 5 C) are being output too bluish, when the "Tint Behavior for unprofiled Inks" is set to "Interpolate Solid Conversion". This was not the case in the Color Engine Classic.
20 Mar 23
Preliminary screens are screens that are under development but that can be used and tested by customers. These preliminary screens are created with dedicated protections. To be able to read and use such screens on Imaging Engine 20.1, this hotfix is needed. Notes: * A dedicated license is needed to use such screens * Preliminary screens are only active for a limited time currently set at 105 days. After this time the screens need to be re-generated.
20 Mar 23
Importing and creating Color Strategy with 2 HP proprietary version icc profiles is possible without any error in Color Pilot.
17 Mar 23
Pilot - File Info: Info on barcodes for PDF+ files may in specific circumstances be incomplete.
16 Mar 23
Usage tracking may run into trouble when the Automation Engine server has no internet access, which in turn may cause tasks to stall.
14 Mar 23
Fonts in Nutritional Table PDF does not recognize special characters.
13 Mar 23
Prepare for WebCenter Viewer: The task may generate an unexpected black background for RGB images with an alpha channel.
02 Mar 23
The bold formatting is added for some texts in Excel. After creating text statements using CreateTextContent SDK the bold formatting is lost in some texts but retained in some texts.
27 Feb 23
27 Feb 23
Datamatrix Creation Error - 12x12 Data matrix code will not be created when six alphanumeric letters are used.
22 Feb 23
In Imaging Engine tasks, for PDF+ input (from ArtPro+) with a Processing Step of type White, the corresponding ink is treated as of type technical, which may lead to wrong output for proofing. Export PDF Info, for PDF+ input (from ArtPro+) with a Processing Step of type White, an XML report with XML structure of type XMP written by this task will report the corresponding ink as of type technical.
17 Feb 23
Step & Repeat CAD based: in specific circumstances, one-ups may incorrectly be placed with a wrong orientation for an MFG or CF2 layout template.
17 Feb 23
Require password to complete Task with SAML SSO and Dashboards does not work.
15 Feb 23
13 Feb 23
Color pilot 22.07 inline check and recalibrate does not work on Epson 9900 with paper width 24.
08 Feb 23
Image Downloader does not work on an assistant, only on the master.
07 Feb 23
PCM: Update Text Node - Inherit Content not working properly.
07 Feb 23
Labels are not shown in the dashboards with the correct language. Only the TAG is shown.
06 Feb 23
Dynamic Barcodes: Lost access to enable "User properties from job setup" in v22.07.
03 Feb 23
Incorrect output with HD screening, flexo distortion and seamless screening.
02 Feb 23
WebCenter cannot extract/store text from multi-page PDFs that are not version 1.
01 Feb 23
Automation Engine Pilot Viewer: When configured to view PDF files as in ArtPro+, files may remain locked even when quitting the Viewer.
31 Jan 23
Step & Repeat based on MFG or CF2: Wrong rotation of the one-ups when the stations are replaced.
31 Jan 23
Text scraper cannot extract/store text from multi-page PDFs that are not Version 1.
30 Jan 23
When uploading certain ZIP files, such as a Referenced Document, WebCenter displays an error.
30 Jan 23
Error: Channel mapping... not supported in PDF
23 Jan 23
Step & Repeat Template based (Classic): Assigning graphics to stations may fail in case the 1-up graphics are based on an inside (flipped) ARD and the MFG consists of the corresponding (mirrored) designs.
20 Jan 23
JS Buttons are broken when importing Attribute Category.
20 Jan 23
20 Jan 23
<egBarc:BarWidthReduction> info in XMP is missing when BWR or Device Compensation value is ‘0’
19 Jan 23
A PDF+ file exported from Illustrator with v22.03 plug-ins and then opened in Illustrator with PDF Import plug-in results in multiple embedded images.
19 Jan 23
19 Jan 23
Thumbnails are not shown in the "optimal" size within a saved search.
13 Jan 23
Export to 3D: The task may fail on normalized PDF input containing complex DAE structural design data.
13 Jan 23
PostScript Type 1 fonts not available in ArtPro+ 22.11 on Mac.
11 Jan 23
05 Jan 23
Some black objects become white when importing PDF+ files into Adobe Illustrator.
04 Jan 23
File API Migration: Unmanaged perspective files are not migrated correctly.
04 Jan 23
File with linked .psd and exported as a PDF+ using DeskPack plug-ins v22.07 from Illustrator loses Opacity Masks when importing it back into Illustrator.
29 Dec 22
Some complex DAE files may not open in PackEdge for Studio use.
20 Dec 22
Asterisk added to filename in title bar when opening a file in Illustrator indicating the file has been modified even though no changes have been made.
19 Dec 22
* Inconsistent area and cube efficiencies for "No Pallet" Load after editing. * Inconsistent Report units after copying report to the clipboard. * Inconsistent primary pack on FCA report.
16 Dec 22
Error 'Cannot read properties of undefined..' appears when viewing 'Search Results Dashboard'.
13 Dec 22
ArtPro+ graphic kernel based tasks may encounter performance issues when processing PDF files with multiple copies of the same linked image (as written by ArtPro+ or previously processed with ArtPro+ graphic kernel based tasks). Imaging Engine tasks may produce wrong output for PDF files containing linked images with uncolored opacity masks (as written by ArtPro+ or previously processed with ArtPro+ graphic kernel based tasks).
12 Dec 22
Proof Server: Cannot verify with i1Pro3 (charts don't match).
12 Dec 22
Create Wrapper File (Classic): In specific circumstances, screening information from wrapped files may be lost.
12 Dec 22
The alignment done in ArtPro+ was not taken into account in WebCenter.
02 Dec 22
Color Pilot crashes during the creation of the Print Control Wizard adjustment curve.
30 Nov 22
Roll-Fed Labels Workspace: Starting production on a production job may not start the AutoSet workflow, even though explicitly requested to do so.
29 Nov 22
Pilot - Tasks View: A 'Force Quit' action may fail to stop the selected task properly.
29 Nov 22
Imaging Engine tasks: In very specific circumstances, it may happen that these tasks don't progress anymore according to expectations.
23 Nov 22
The textscraper.exe and the NDLWebServerAgent.exe tend to hang and that leads to an error when trying to edit Text in the Viewer.
21 Nov 22
ArtPro+ graphic kernel based tasks may have issues when opening a PDF file for which a missing linked image was relocated. Apply PDF Action List: If a Resize Mark object is scaled, the resize criteria may not be met anymore. Apply PDF Action List: If the object that a Dynamic Mark is attached to is reordered in the object hierarchy, the Dynamic Mark may incorrectly get reattached to the Trim Box.
21 Nov 22
Pilot - Tools - Configure - Jobs - JDF Setup: The configuration for ‘Job Location’ may be lost when restarting Automation Engine.
21 Nov 22
Flexo - Plate Merger: Occasionally, a full-size auto-merged plates may arrive at the CDI and display there as 0mm x 0mm.
16 Nov 22
Automation Engine Viewer may in specific circumstances be slow when it is configured to view PDF files as in PackEdge.
11 Nov 22
Pilot Viewer: When configured to view PDF files as in ArtPro+, files may remain locked even when quitting the Viewer. Pilot Viewer: When comparing PDF files, hidden and non-printing layers may incorrectly be compared as well.
10 Nov 22
08 Nov 22
Script SmartName resolving may become unreliable on systems under heavy load and with a very high volume of such SmartNames to resolve.
03 Nov 22
Workspaces Viewer: When configured to view PDF files as in ArtPro+, files may remain locked even when quitting the Viewer. Pilot Viewer: When comparing PDF files, hidden & non-printing layers may incorrectly be compared as well. When configured to view PDF files as in ArtPro+, files may remain locked even when quitting the Viewer.
03 Nov 22
Dynamic Content update issue when object copied from one file to another. A Dynamic Content object copied from one file to another (that uses a different XML than where it was copied from) does not visually update to the appropriate value from the XML in the file in which it was placed.
02 Nov 22
Calculate Ink key Settings (CIP3): On Automation Engine SaaS systems, the "Sheet Number" and "Sheet Side" SmartNames, which are used in the default ticket for this task, are not defined.
27 Oct 22
Flexo - Plate Merger: Automatic merging may in specific circumstances not propose the best possible layout.
27 Oct 22
Interact with Web Service: the task may in specific circumstances fail when the resulting HTTP response code or message are to be mapped to workflow parameters.
27 Oct 22
Unable to send a 3D file from ArtiosCAD to Cape for palletization.
25 Oct 22
NDL based tasks may in very specific circumstances not be able to overwrite their input file, causing them to fail.
25 Oct 22
Submit to Esko Cloud: Very complex workflows may fail to upload to Esko Cloud properly.
21 Oct 22
A BRIX graphic kernel based task that processes an ArtPro+ (PDF+) file may in very specific circumstances incorrectly convert a normal ink into a technical ink.
20 Oct 22
Correctly show printed date and time, also in case option “Rip and print on the fly” was set.
17 Oct 22
Tints of Unprofiled inks that are not too saturated (in this example, PANTONE 7500 C and PANTONE Cool Gray 5 C) are being output too bluish, when the "Tint Behavior for unprofiled Inks" is set to "Interpolate Solid Conversion". This was not the case in the Color Engine Classic.
17 Oct 22
Preflight with PitStop: The task may fail if the input filename has accented characters.
12 Oct 22
My Workspace: Downloading a file may result in a filename that represents a full URL rather than just the name of that file.
12 Oct 22
Tints of Unprofiled inks that are not too saturated.
11 Oct 22
WebCenter integration: In very specific circumstances, feedback to WebCenter about executed Automation Engine workflows may fail.
29 Sep 22
A BRIX graphic kernel based task that processes an ArtPro+ (PDF+) file may in very specific circumstances incorrectly convert a normal ink into a technical ink.
29 Sep 22
Proof tasks: After the task is executed, next time when the panel is opened, an extra spurious color strategy may show up in the list.
28 Sep 22
Proof overprint charts are generated but they don't arrive in the Fiery Command Workstation queue
27 Sep 22
"Block Approval when an annotation was set/changed on the current version" option is not taken into account as soon as a multi-page PDF is involved.
22 Sep 22
3D View doesn't update when accessing the graphical file starting from the component view, and changing the finishing profile.
22 Sep 22
When exporting an CF2 from a MFG in WebCenter, the file name is not correct in the code of the CF2 file.
16 Sep 22
Step & Repeast CAD based: When an MFG template is used, content may be missing or unexpectedly be generated extra on the resulting layouts.
16 Sep 22
Step & Repeat Template based: In case of JDF input, non-ASCII characters in filenames of one-up PDFs may cause the task to fail.
16 Sep 22
Facet searches based on attribute value with double spaces don't work.
14 Sep 22
Upload SDK drops extension when uploading to WebCenter components.
13 Sep 22
Create ArtiosCAD Layouts: In very specific circumstances, the nesting algorithm may result in obviously non-optimal layouts.
12 Sep 22
Gang Run Printing: The nesting algorithm may stop producing layouts in case a large number of graphics has an expired due date.
12 Sep 22
Lack of filtering in database query causes bandwidth problems between application and database server and general application slowdown.
08 Sep 22
Not able to create screen and curve after measuring and finishing the printing condition.
08 Sep 22
PCM - Add language [+] button is not working to add or delete a language.
01 Sep 22
Members not invited automatically to roles in the Project Creation node.
26 Aug 22
Using attributes in document references on Dashboards is broken for added documents.
23 Aug 22
User cannot use the tool "T" in the WebCenter Viewer.
22 Aug 22
The chart created for the "Full calibration for Flexibles" when using "CMYKOGV" ink-set and Crystal "NP" technology contains incorrect (Crystal V) preset elements.
17 Aug 22
11 Aug 22
Prepare Station (Classic): The task may fail for very specific input.
08 Aug 22
PDF files that come from DOCX files with emoji's can crash the TextScraperServer.
02 Aug 22
Pilot - SmartNames View: In very specific circumstances, the "Highlight Related SmartNames" function may not work as expected.
28 Jul 22
Color Pilot takes a long time to startup and even crashes sometimes.
20 Jul 22
Cannot create a proofer profile when proofing on Kraft Paper.
20 Jul 22
Extra space added in the CHILI Variable is removed.
20 Jul 22
Integration with WebCenter - Prepare for WebCenter Viewer: The task may unexpectedly fail with a network protocol related error. Publish on WebCenter - When requested to prepare for viewing and annotating, the task may unexpectedly fail with a network protocol related error.
20 Jul 22
Color Pilot takes a long time to startup and even crashes sometimes.
19 Jul 22
Color Pilot takes a long time to startup and even crashes sometimes.
19 Jul 22
My Workspace: When inside a job, moving out of the Files view and then returning back to it may show a throbber with a message "loading ..." that keeps spinning.
15 Jul 22
PressSync curve is not applied correctly on OGV Separations, using Image to Unscreened Separations.
11 Jul 22
Imaging Engine tickets for launched tasks may not show settings as expected in case dot cleanup was activated with a SmartName.
08 Jul 22
When installing more than one screen during setting up a printing condition, the same screening Code is used leading to the Error message: "Color Pilot - There was an Error creating the screen".
07 Jul 22
06 Jul 22
The position of a structural design file in certain Normalized PDFs is not correctly calculated, resulting in a shift on the 3D design when saving this PDF in ArtPro+.
30 Jun 22
The dimension unit as used in the Viewer may not be initialized according to the Pilot preferences.
28 Jun 22
Submit to Gang Run (Classic): the 'Rotation' option, when used to force an angle, may not be taken into account properly while nesting for a substrate queue with a setting for 'Graphics Order' different from 'Any'.
20 Jun 22
When exporting to a normalized PDF, some font's characters change. For example, the number two may change to the number five.
13 Jun 22
Zipped LEN files are not properly recognized as a 'Digital Film' type. View file generation fails immediately.
10 Jun 22
Apply PDF Action List: The 'Remove Screening' action may cause an unexpected warning without removing screen sets as instructed.
07 Jun 22
Printing Methods in SmartMarks are not resolved correctly.
06 Jun 22
The PCM report is not rendering all the Images of the Document References.
01 Jun 22
The time out function between WebCenter and Informa IT is not working properly.
01 Jun 22
Text SmartMark when converted to an object is changed to diamond symbols when the Modify Text Tool is used.
01 Jun 22
Importing text statements via .jsp call does not import bold text correctly.
26 May 22
Imaging Engine tasks may result in wrong or unexpected output when emulating characters of non-embedded fonts.
24 May 22
Export/Import for tasks not working correctly causing Other Properties to go missing.
19 May 22
The ASPOSE solution doesn't generate view files for the first page of the document.
18 May 22
Multipage document's page order is not correct in Viewer.
18 May 22
Proof for Contract Approval: the task may error out in case verification is enabled in combination with a specific color strategy option.
18 May 22
17 May 22
Slow Task form loading when a lot of specifications are used.
06 May 22
Prepare Station (Classic): the task may fail to correctly align ARD shapes in case the input PDF file consists of unconnected line segments originating from degenerated strokes.
06 May 22
Imaging Engine tasks: On the "Inks" tab of the task panel, ink type "Varnish" may not be taken over properly from the input file, which could lead to unexpected output results.
05 May 22
Unregistered user is not able to open a document forwarded to him/her in the WebCenter viewer.
28 Apr 22
When user tries to connect to Shapes server (shapes.esko.com) via Adobe® Illustrator®, error appears: "The Shapes server is not available. Please check your connection settings" and blocks user from accessing shapes.esko.com server.
26 Apr 22
Custom toolbars not appearing when opening ArtiosCAD 22.03.
25 Apr 22
When launching workflow from Adobe Illustrartor with Shuttle 22.03 public parameters are not available.
20 Apr 22
When using a language other than English and select a date, error appears on Save.
19 Apr 22
Task History: Execution flow details may not appear as expected when a workflow is opened.
18 Apr 22
Merge Text Content Documents node not selecting text statements with the incorrect element type.
18 Apr 22
Cannot reopen ArtPro+ 22.03 on Windows until all ArtPro+ 22.03 background processes are manually ended in the Windows Task Manager.
13 Apr 22
The artwork on models with thin surfaces of which the texture coordinates contain a transformation, no longer matches the model.
12 Apr 22
Imaging Engine tasks: Using the Shuttle client in any of the editors (DeskPack, ArtPro, ArtPro+) may result in the Ruling/Angle/Dotshape not to be specified correctly when launching such a task.
08 Apr 22
PackEdge has spinning wheel hanging when exporting to PDF.
05 Apr 22
Create Sheet Layout: Graphics with a die shape that doesn't fit the sizes of the CAD designs may get misaligned.
04 Apr 22
Create PDF Report: The color output profile of the report is neither taken from the input nor from the template, but is unexpectedly always Fogra 39.
01 Apr 22
User cannot use the tool "T"in the save WebCenter Viewer.
01 Apr 22
Step & Repeat Tabular: The task may in very specific circumstances unexpectedly error out on detecting conflicting printing methods.
30 Mar 22
Shuttle clients lose connection with server frequently, unable to launch workflow.
30 Mar 22
Pilot: Tasks may not run in the correct job context when launched using public parameters from within the workflow dialog.
29 Mar 22
Pilot: Tasks may not run in the correct job context when launched using public parameters from within the workflow dialog.
29 Mar 22
In some cases, SmartNames based on regular expressions may not resolve as expected.
28 Mar 22
Gang Run Printing: When the nesting calculation generates multiple layouts by re-using a previous layout, the number of copies for the layout may not always be correct. The nesting calculation may in particular circumstances fail in case of graphics with similar sizes.
25 Mar 22
Add Ink Eaters: When adding ink eaters based on named objects, the task may unexpectedly ignore inner holes in these named objects.
25 Mar 22
Create ArtiosCAD Layouts: This hotfix adds support for a new allocation strategy to generate all possible layouts between specified min and max sheet sizes.
25 Mar 22
Some CAD files cannot be viewed after upgrading to v21.11.
25 Mar 22
Adobe Illustrator 2022 crashes on launch in Esko Licensing plugin after updating to the March 2022 release (version 26.2) of Adobe Illustrator.
23 Mar 22
Unregistered user is not able to open a document forwarded to him/her in the WebCenter Viewer.
22 Mar 22
Under heavy load and in very specific circumstances, an abnormal amount of system resources may be consumed, which in turn could destabilize or even hang the system.
14 Mar 22
When applying bleed in the ArtPro ActionList "Nested Step and Repeat", the result is incorrect. Either the bleed is not added or is in the wrong direction.
10 Mar 22
Imaging Engine task tickets with ink/screening selection set as public parameter may in specific circumstances create unwanted additional exception rules in the ticket.
10 Mar 22
Add SmartMarks: ‘Position Mark’ SmartMark objects may be wrongly positioned when applied on front/back layouts.
09 Mar 22
ArtiosCAD Enterprise issues with saving documents in WebCenter.
07 Mar 22
Customer is unable see the 3D result with Studio Designer after upgrade.
07 Mar 22
Pilot - Manage Public Parameters: The "Show in Available Public Parameters" action is not available for individual public parameters in a preset.
07 Mar 22
Inks hue shifted with no reason for unregistered inks.
07 Mar 22
Role widget in dashboard allows selection of any group, not applying template restrictions.
04 Mar 22
This hotfix provides a solution for a security vulnerability found in Cape Pack.
02 Mar 22
WebCenter Outage, network communication breaks down.
01 Mar 22
Opacity mask is wrongly exported to Normalized PDF files.
01 Mar 22
Connectivity issues between Automation Engine and Imaging Engine.
24 Feb 22
Image to Screened Separations: It may not always be possible to select the first option in the dropdown list of the "Dot" or "Press Curve" fields inside the ink preview table in the "Separations" tab of the task panel.
23 Feb 22
SmartName resolving may in very specific circumstances unexpectedly fail for particular SmartNames.
23 Feb 22
Dynamic Barcodes crashing Illustrator when manipulating more than one file simultaneously.
18 Feb 22
16 Feb 22
Error: "a previous version of illustrator is still in the process" when Illustrator is opened.
15 Feb 22
Transparent gradient not exported properly to a PDF+ format.
11 Feb 22
"Rotate Document" plug-in caused slowness of the Ctrl+Z action in Adobe® Illustrator®.
09 Feb 22
ArtiosCAD crashes when opening designs from the design browser.
07 Feb 22
Imaging Engine tasks: In very specific circumstances, it may happen that the tasks don't progress further according to expectations.
07 Feb 22
Designer Inks are used as Technical Ink; when set as Exception in the ColorStrategie the output us wrong.
01 Feb 22
Designer Inks are used as Technical Ink; when set as Exception in the ColorStrategie the output is wrong.
01 Feb 22
Apply PDF Action List: The result of a "Convert to PDF+" action may not be OK for an ITF-14 barcode in the input that has bearer bars.
01 Feb 22
28 Jan 22
Convert Colors with Equinox: In specific circumstances, spot color conversion may be not according to expectations.
28 Jan 22
On Export to PDF+ from Illustrator Black separation line screen and angle are 0
27 Jan 22
As soon as the Task Execution view is selected, error is shown in the console and the task hangs.
27 Jan 22
Objects are disappearing when Export as PDF+ from Adobe Illustrator using Esko plugins.
25 Jan 22
Reporting errors when attributes used are named differently.
24 Jan 22
This hotfix provides a solution for a security vulnerability found in Cape Pack.
20 Jan 22
WebCenter server out of heap memory is triggered when a user opens a very large Adobe® Illustrator® file in the WebCenter Viewer.
20 Jan 22
View files are missing images when using SVG and Aspose.
19 Jan 22
Roll-Fed Labels Workspace: Approving or rejecting a product may fail unexpectedly.
19 Jan 22
When editing an ongoing approval cycle, the email notifications for group/role approvers might not be correct.
19 Jan 22
Export to 3D: When exporting an ArtPro+ (PDF+) file which contains an ARD structural design object, the graphics may not be correctly aligned to the CAD shape.
18 Jan 22
Upload to SFTP: For some very specific SFTP servers, the task may not work according to expectations.
17 Jan 22
Imaging Engine tasks: Angles set as public parameters may not be honored properly.
17 Jan 22
InDesign images are not scaling properly when the PDF is generated by WebCenter.
12 Jan 22
"Save as new version" button greyed out - Not available (Chili 6.1).
12 Jan 22
SQL queries related to workflow signature check are running for minutes.
07 Jan 22
Gang Run Printing - Export Nested Layouts: When exporting double-sided layouts, the 'Center Layout on Sheet' alignment option may be only applied on the front side.
07 Jan 22
Ink table may be unexpectedly resorted when replacin a station (even with the same station as already used).
06 Jan 22
Approval due date set by Lead Time was sometimes incorrect.
06 Jan 22
Gradients in graphics are appearing incorrectly when opened in Adobe® Illustrator® as an Esko PDF vs Adobe PDF.
06 Jan 22
Launch Workflow window can take a long time to open in case "Expand Ink List" preference is toggled on under DeskPack Shuttle Preferences.
06 Jan 22
When saving a CHILI file as new version in the Side-by-Side View and clicking the Save and Return button, the page does not return to where the user was before the page was opened.
05 Jan 22
SmartFlapping in classic Step & Repeat tasks may in specific circumstances not handle bleed overlaps correctly.
05 Jan 22
Publish on WebCenter: After publishing an ArtPro+ (PDF+) file with a linked ARD, WebCenter may not be able to auto-align CAD and graphics in its 3D viewer.
30 Dec 21
Add SmartMarks: The task may fail when processing PDFPLA files with references to stations with rotated graphics.
23 Dec 21
20 Dec 21
Step & Repeat CAD based (Dynamic): Output mode 'Work and Turn' may cause wrong station ordering in the resulting layout.
20 Dec 21
When installing ArtiosCAD 21.07 or installing a 21.x version of CAD-X (if through the PackEdge/Plato 21.11 installer), the updated CAD-X version can no longer be loaded by i-cut Layout 20.0
20 Dec 21
Image to Screened Separations: The task may fail when the "Clean up scum dots" option is enabled while the regional setting for the decimal symbol is not set to a dot '.' character on the Automation Engine Server.
17 Dec 21
Special character support for LEN/LENX files was broken.
16 Dec 21
Pilot - To Do List: The list may show (partly) empty when applying a search filter or sorting on Type, Due Date or Creation Date.
16 Dec 21
WebCenter performance will slowly degrade overtime until it is unusable, requiring a reboot. A thread leak can be caused, leading to degrading performance after x-time.
16 Dec 21
Extract Inks: Printing method criteria to keep inks may not work according to expectations for PDF+ input (from ArtPro+).
15 Dec 21
DeskPack: Exporting to Esko PDF may generate non-compliant PDF.
13 Dec 21
The bump value that PCW calculated to get a minimum dot distance of 0.6mm (bump of 0.4%) is not correct for a Corrugated HQPP printing condition.
13 Dec 21
Database access points may unexpectedly stop working properly.
13 Dec 21
bX Select Overprinting White Objects Misses Fails to Select Objects with Mixed Appearances.
13 Dec 21
"One or more licenses are not available..." message when launching ArtPro+ 21.11
10 Dec 21
Run Script: The task may fail when running a Windows script with input files containing a semicolon in their path or name.
09 Dec 21
Illustrator crashes with no crash log when exporting a Normalized PDF to the DeskPack Container.
08 Dec 21
Certain sequence of actions results in not linking the latest WCC document version to task. The tasks that follow in the workflow may consequently fail in different ways. When we approve a text of SmartName type and perform save, it fails with a "Failed to resolve SmartName" error. In the Task execution page due to this error, the latest WCC document version is not linked to task.
08 Dec 21
Image to Screened Separations: Dot cleanup per separation may in specific circumstances not work as expected when the printing condition is set by a SmartName.
07 Dec 21
Color Pilot is unable to create White Screens in the Wizard and shows the error "License missing".
07 Dec 21
Corrugated HQPP Chart does not contain R dot in case another dot is chosen as a basic dot.
07 Dec 21
Ripping a subset of the job separations can crash (for screened output).
07 Dec 21
The base panel in an ARD file cannot be changed when opened in Studio Toolkit for Boxes.
06 Dec 21
ArtPro+ graphic kernel based tasks may significantly slow down in case their output is set to overwrite the input and when the input file name or path contains special characters.
03 Dec 21
01 Dec 21
i1Pro3 compatibility for Curve Pilot v20.1 and v21.03.
25 Nov 21
Incorrect tolerance values set in PressSync setup. The tolerance values are incorrectly set in setup for tone value and density in control strip and verify solid section
25 Nov 21
Automatic measurement does not work in patch mode with X-Rite eXact.
25 Nov 21
The latest 'under side camera' SmartMark script requires an updated marks kit installed on the system.
23 Nov 21
Imaging Engine tasks: Angles set as public parameters may not be honored properly.
19 Nov 21
17 Nov 21
Some translations are missing for the Italian, Spanish, German and Chinese language.
16 Nov 21
Imaging Engine -Rip ticket: Distortion is limited between 90 -110.
11 Nov 21
No printing method XMP data in output file from Imaging Engine.
09 Nov 21
Check and Recalibrate gives a "Wrong chart type: ILS30 chart Px5x needed" error when doing an Inline verification to an Epson SC-P9500.
08 Nov 21
Random Approval tasks are missing in Search Results.
08 Nov 21
CAD-X 21 module cannot be loaded in Packedge-Plato 20.
02 Nov 21
Set Project Attribute node fails, because a Rule Trigger that is unrelated to the updated attribute is triggered.
22 Oct 21
Integration with WebCenter - Prepare for WebCenter Viewer: The task may unexpectedly fail with a network protocol related error. Publish on WebCenter: When requested to prepare for viewing and annotating, the task may unexpectedly fail with a network protocol related error.
22 Oct 21
In very specific circumstances, workflows may unexpectedly stop processing.
18 Oct 21
Pilot - Apply ArtPro Action List: In-line editing a table of URL entries in the panel of this task may cause entries to become unreadable.
14 Oct 21
Attribute values of latest document versions in the Libraries are updated with attribute values of old version when user makes document reference point to latest version.
14 Oct 21
Create Report (ReportMaker): The input file may blend unexpectedly with the report background.
11 Oct 21
File uploaded from ArtiosCAD is not viewable in the WebCenter viewer.
11 Oct 21
High number of items in Workflow Step Processing Queue.
07 Oct 21
04 Oct 21
04 Oct 21
When Exporting to a Folder Path longer than 120 characters, the next Export crashes.
01 Oct 21
Result obtained with the ticket "Image to Screened Separations" not correct.
24 Sep 21
Performance improvement on loading and saving of content sheets with multiple text statements.
24 Sep 21
Export to PDF File: The task may fail on specific input in case JPEG image compression is requested with a compression ratio below standard compression.
20 Sep 21
Export to PDF File: The task may fail on specific input, in case JPEG image compression is requested with a compression ratio below standard compression.
20 Sep 21
Apply PDF Action List: The task may error out on a "Convert to PDF+" action for specific input with small barcode symbol sizes.
20 Sep 21
Create Merged Plate: For some specific LEN files, the task may fail with an internal error.
20 Sep 21
Output to email feature on grouped outputs, does not work on Outlook, giving an "Encounter an improper argument" error.
15 Sep 21
Roll-Fed Labels Workspace: Fixing output-related issues.
13 Sep 21
Inspect tasks powered by GlobalVision: PDF reports generated by these tasks could sometimes not be opened / moved / deleted.
13 Sep 21
Unable to select some materials for board creation.
13 Sep 21
Wrong conversion values and high dE value in case the Stabilized Color Build rule is used.
09 Sep 21
Preflight Color for Digital Printing / Equinox: dE element may be missing in the XML report in case of stabilized spot color conversion.
02 Sep 21
Roll-Fed Labels Workspace: Fixing Browser-Client related issues.
01 Sep 21
CHILI doesn't update the asset with the info of the latest doc version.
01 Sep 21
Apply ArtPro Action List: Gridwarp actions may fail in case the grid is embedded in the ArtPro file.
27 Aug 21
Gang Run Printing: Nesting of type "Minimal Waste" may unexpectedly exceed the requested number of copies.
27 Aug 21
Old Templates are not working consistently within the Side By Side View due to Timeout issues.
25 Aug 21
Prevent WebCenter 20.0 from running out of memory when trying to delete a non existing document and project ID via the DeleteDocument sdk call.
25 Aug 21
Thumbnails of documents show only most current version, not a thumbnail representing the actual version.
25 Aug 21
Project Attributes Section in Dashboard is not loading in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. time. Only initial or once cache is cleared.
24 Aug 21
Processing variable jobs with GS1 Datamatrices where application identifier separators are represented by <GS> characters.
20 Aug 21
19 Aug 21
Upversioning of documents from multiple workflow nodes fails. Unable to upload packshot jobs to Esko Cloud for processing.
18 Aug 21
18 Aug 21
Adding text statements or translation languages is slow
18 Aug 21
Differences in reactiveness of certain mouse functions in 64-bit ArtPro versions.
17 Aug 21
SmartMarks: (Multi-ink) Image marks may no longer knockout when placed on top of other objects.
17 Aug 21
Languages are getting added even after removing them.
17 Aug 21
Show only Contextual Languages in Content dashboard block for NFT
12 Aug 21
Stabilized Color Build grayed out in an Equinox color strategy for specific color build rules.
12 Aug 21
Opening a PDF file with an image having an opacity mask might result in a crash.
12 Aug 21
11 Aug 21
PitStop Profile Editor: The list of SmartNames may be empty in case there is a large amount of them on the server.
09 Aug 21
Flexo CTP: Merged plates with a size smaller than the full drum size (partial plates) may expose at a CDI drum rotation speed that is too high.
06 Aug 21
Flexo CTP > Plate Merger: Merging may fail for specific plate types when submitting plates to be imaged with XPS Crystal UV technology.
02 Aug 21
Import JDF Step & Repeat: When assigning multiple graphics to multiple instances of a design/print item, the sequence in which the graphics are placed may be different from the sequence of the stations in the CAD design.
02 Aug 21
NFT PDF reports are not generated when translation language codes are in ALL CAPs.
29 Jul 21
Error when exporting NFT to PDF when using non project languages.
27 Jul 21
In very specific circumstances (involving subworkflows and the "Use values from XML file" option), workflow parameters may resolve incorrectly.
23 Jul 21
Step & Repeat CAD based (Dynamic): Enhance duplex support for product-based workflows.
22 Jul 21
Opening a file in the viewer with Internet Explorer gives different results from Firefox or Chrome.
22 Jul 21
Style rules does not apply for Project Creation View (while creating Project).
22 Jul 21
Attribute Category assignment issue interacting with MediaBeacon.
21 Jul 21
Adobe® Illustrator® on Mac crashes when viewing Arabic Texts that contain a specific combination of glyphs/characters.
21 Jul 21
Mandatory hotfix for 21.07, Including fixes for editable Attribute Category block, PCM and project creation. Form issues: • Project Creation view is not used in some situations. • Reference properties editable even if set to Read-Only visibility. • List context broken on document's referenced inside an editable project attributes dashboard block.
21 Jul 21
Error "Exporting Normalized PDF Failed Colorant group <$special> can not be used in DeviceN." when exporting a Normalized PDF file.
20 Jul 21
Color Pilot crashes when printing ink book through Strategy with refinements.
19 Jul 21
Rotated DataMatrix barcode was not read by WebCenter.
15 Jul 21
Default time in Date and Time field not set correctly inside Document Reference attributes.
15 Jul 21
Export Nested Layouts: Export to MFG may give wrong output in case of nested ARD files with design side as inside.
09 Jul 21
A user delegate cannot save annotations in the WebCenter Viewer.
08 Jul 21
Prepare for Viewer: the task does not run on LENX files.
01 Jul 21
Export to Normalized PDF File (Embed All): Elements of the input file may disappear in the output.
01 Jul 21
Memory allocation of search crawler spikes when doing a search while recrawling.
25 Jun 21
Error with stage approval nodes: "Invalid approval rule. When starting the approval by the workflow, the approval cycle cannot be started or finished".
25 Jun 21
Data Exchange not compatible with 3rd Party PIM/DIM solution.
23 Jun 21
23 Jun 21
Detect Font In WebCenter Viewer not showing the correct Font.
23 Jun 21
ColorTrace: Colors in Artwork match colors in CCJ - no extra colors coming from profile are included. Also includes fix for the priority of the colors (H) and set the substrate method to "keep solid" This hotfix includes *CCAutomationTool 40.1.0 Build 5*: Automation: Make color retrieval hierarchical with embedded color data so that the ICC profile is checked first by name and dropping through to use the embedded data if not found in the ICC profile.
22 Jun 21
Includes new ColorTrace - version 40.0.3 - build 41.
22 Jun 21
Fixes & improvements for AVT AutoSet integration v2.0. When using PDF+ as 1-up files, the positions of barcode and text may be wrong in the inspection package.
22 Jun 21
Since version 20.0, the Look Up function is not working in all cases.
21 Jun 21
Shuttle preferences not kept, having to add it back in.
18 Jun 21
Pilot - Files View: "Save to Downloads Folder" function or "Copy" function followed by a paste on a local folder, may not take file access restrictions into account.
16 Jun 21
The document name is not highlighted while comparing documents in the Viewer.
16 Jun 21
After launching ArtPro or ArtPro+ 21.03, the application shuts down when a new document is opened.
11 Jun 21
11 Jun 21
Search with "Document Reference SmartNames" in Attribute Categories and Tasks returns unexpected results.
09 Jun 21
Hotfix to enable users to use protected preliminary screens on Imaging Engine 18.1.1.
08 Jun 21
Gang Run Printing: A nested layout PDFPLA result with placed pages of a large multipage graphics file may unexpectedly get corrupt (referring to wrong pages).
08 Jun 21
Job Parameters: After a job is created and/or updated from JDF, adapting a job parameter may sometimes not work properly.
08 Jun 21
Flexo CTP: Merged plates may fail to expose on CDI's with Grapholas version 19.0 or below.
04 Jun 21
i1iO3 spectrophotometer switches from Scanning Lines to Patch Mode.
04 Jun 21
01 Jun 21
XMP data of LEN files with DGC and Screens information might look confusing.
31 May 21
Knockout from SmartMarks are missing when a PDF is placed as Image Mark.
27 May 21
Workspaces: The Sign In page may in very specific circumstances not show username and password fields anymore.
27 May 21
Changing language of the smart reference in master language is also replicated on translations which are following master.
27 May 21
Task assignee's are unable to edit task fields on the dashboard without change of task permissions.
27 May 21
Regular RIP crashes, sometimes requiring a reboot to continue.
26 May 21
Regular RIP crashes, sometimes require a reboot to continue.
26 May 21
Step & Repeat Tabular: The task may slow down considerably in case it has to deal with a large number of rows/columns.
25 May 21
Approved document can still be annotated, even though the Approval preferences are set to prevent this from happening.
25 May 21
Dynamic Artwork containing a space following a © (copyright symbol) contains a LF instead of a space when exported to GS1 XML from WebCenter.
25 May 21
Project Details menu disappearing in project after completing task from custom task search tab and returning to project.
25 May 21
If you print a page to PDF using Firefox that is lengthy such as the Project History. you will only get the first page.
24 May 21
The AutoTextReference SDK call fails with "Undefined error 000" when it encounters identical text content in a library text statement that is of a different ELEMENT_TYPE than the requesting local text statement,
24 May 21
Javascript doesn't work when setting an integer to 0 (zero) within an attribute
24 May 21
Opening a document in the Viewer displays wrong page numbers.
24 May 21
Hotfix for Cape Pack v18.0.1 is needed to extend Export capabilities. A new menu option under Export > SAP > Enhanced Export is added to allow users to export the combination of files (PDF/XML/JPG) to a named folder of the user's choice.
21 May 21
19 May 21
Saved Search document sources which contain SmartNames are not working in Dashboard blocks in WebCenter 21.03 (+ errors in PCM as well).
19 May 21
Flexo CTP > CTP Queues: Moving a merged plate from one CDI queue to another may fail to adapt to the plate type settings for the new CDI.
19 May 21
The instance sequence property is not being correctly read for the WebCenter Chili integration. All text is currently pushed to instance 1, which is resulting in variables being overwritten.
19 May 21
When a user presses the 'update to latest version' button for the referenced text documents, previously deleted languages are now being added.
19 May 21
Download button in a task for multiple documents does not work. Task with multiple documents to download does not work when selecting and using the download button.
19 May 21
Support for X-rite i1IOPro3 in Curve Pilot v18.1.1
18 May 21
WebCenter Task Connector 20.0.1 r10 server components installer.
14 May 21
PCM smart-text auto suggestion functionality not always displaying directly matched statements.
14 May 21
Return button in Task Execution page reloads the page rather than returning to the source page.
14 May 21
Issue when creating a project out of ArtiosCAD Enterprise based on a template.
14 May 21
Signed Off icon missing when signing off Master Text.
14 May 21
Fillplaceholder SmartMark does not resolve correctly in Plato (when using station context to resolve SmartNames but graphic is not in or linked in any job).
14 May 21
Agent Folder Access Point (AE-SaaS only): In some cases, files may get locked by the Automation Engine Agent when they arrive in a folder on one of its local Agent Containers that is configured to be an Agent Folder Access Point.
12 May 21
Publish on WebCenter: The task may fail when publishing packed archive (.PAFSC) files.
12 May 21
Pilot: When duplicating a ticket, the modification date & modified-by attribute may not be kept.
12 May 21
Pilot: When duplicating a ticket, the modification date and modified-by attribute may not be kept.
12 May 21
During comparison, some pages of the artwork are not displayed. Example: if the file has three pages only two of them are displayed.
12 May 21
A possible XSS vulnerability in My Work is solved. (the XSS vulnerability enabled users to only affect themselves or users that they have full control of).
12 May 21
showuserdetails.jsp call doesn't apply any visibility restrictions.
12 May 21
Save Search Result button not always displaying in saved searches
12 May 21
A hotfix for Cape is needed as we will be adding a new menu options under Export>SAP.
07 May 21
A hotfix for Cape is needed as we will be adding a new menu options under Export>SAP.
07 May 21
Using the new option "Interpolate Solid Conversion" gives bad results in shades of some colors.
04 May 21
27 Apr 21
When setting document attributes, based on a List but with the option 'Allow other values' active, a warning will be displayed "The typed value is not a known value. Please confirm you want to use it anyway. The rest of the cascading dropdown will continue to work."
27 Apr 21
After upgrading to 16.1.1, if the statistical data is turned on for the main task table, workflow failed in some projects. But if the statistical data is turned off, it causes system slowness.
26 Apr 21
26 Apr 21
26 Apr 21
Data Exchange not compatible with third Party PIM/DIM solution.
26 Apr 21
Export ArtPro To Normalized PDF File : Staggered cut lines may be positioned incorrectly when ripping the output of this task.
20 Apr 21
Flexo CTP > Plate Merger: The calculation of layout proposals for the merge queues may become quite slow in some cases.
20 Apr 21
WebCenter 20.0 Merge Text Content Documents node bug.
19 Apr 21
Chili templates are not working consistently within the Side By Side View / Timeout Issues.
14 Apr 21
Core server processes of Automation Engine may under heavy load risk to run out of memory, which may destabilize the system.
12 Apr 21
Windows Server 2016: Bitmap Viewer crash dump files fill up the hard disk.
09 Apr 21
After installing hotfix 201704045 to fix another issue, for some files Imaging Engine fails to Image to Screened separations for HD Flexo screen(s).
09 Apr 21
Prepare for Viewer: Running this task may unexpectedly consume two processing channels.
07 Apr 21
Using Fine Line Rendering results in missing XMP info on screening.
05 Apr 21
Print Simulation files did not keep the same file format as the RIP output.
05 Apr 21
ArtiosCAD outputs to tables and plotters is giving a UIOB04 error.
31 Mar 21
i1iO3 spectrophotometer switches from Line-Scanning to Patch Mode.
25 Mar 21
During profiling the press with equinox profile target, i1iO3 spectrophotometer switches from line-Scanning to Patch Mode.
23 Mar 21
Under certain conditions when using the Google Chrome browser, values calculated using JavaScript start to flash between original value and the newly calculated value.
18 Mar 21
Changes to user records (update or delete) triggers unnecessary large search crawling.
16 Mar 21
CreateTextContent SDK fails due to ZIP security settings.
15 Mar 21
Task Language Specifications not cascading to Content Sheet.
12 Mar 21
PackEdge hangs on startup (and never starts up) when there are too many SmartNames in Automation Engine. Reading a SmartName config database from an Automation Engine server with more than 5000 entries failed during initialization and the application did not startup ( endless loop ).
11 Mar 21
PDF Import adds Black channel to files.
11 Mar 21
CAD Tasks (such as "Export ArtiosCAD Design Info" or "Run ArtiosCAD Standard") may unexpectedly fail without clear indication.
10 Mar 21
SmartMarks cannot move when "MFG Layout Level Objects" is in a set in Plato.
09 Mar 21
i-cut Layout 20 fails to connect to Automation Engine server.
08 Mar 21
Fixes forward approval to unregistered user when uploading a second version of a document that was originally forwarded, the link in the email shows error. Fixes searching on referenced documents with many documents. This hotfix contains fixes for the following issues: * When uploading a new version, the forward approval to unregistered user link shows following error when opened: "The link was revoked or is invalid". * When too many documents were referenced, the documents were not searchable.
05 Mar 21
Placing graphic and extracting cut path could result in the error message 'no current point' and the file will not be imported correctly.
25 Feb 21
Opening PDF file that has been trapped in ArtPro+ only show the Varnish layer. All other layers are missing.
25 Feb 21
Calculate Inkkey setting fail with error Error in 18.1.1.
24 Feb 21
PDF Import adds black channel to files.
16 Feb 21
Input PDF file containing unregistered White Ink that has grey color when ripped with Imaging Engine, becomes pure white.
15 Feb 21
15 Feb 21
Imaging Engine Tasks: SmartName value set based on distortion value is not saved and is lost when saving & reopening the ticket.
10 Feb 21
WebCenter Viewer cannot view document with finishing profile enabled.
10 Feb 21
Scanning of test charts with 6mm paths by an i1Pro3 device doesn't work.
09 Feb 21
Trying to log on to Automation Engine Pilot fails with all licenses in use message.
09 Feb 21
WebCenter 20.0 List attribute shows "Invalid selection made. The current selection for list "XYZ" does not correspond to one of the allowed combinations" message.
02 Feb 21
Cannot save files to the file server from ArtPro 20 (specific setup).
29 Jan 21
Scanning of testcharts with 6mm paths on an I1Pro3 device doesn't work.
28 Jan 21
Scanning of testcharts with 6mm paths doesn't work.
28 Jan 21
Dynamic Content - paragraphs in GS1 text statements automatically converted to line breaks.
28 Jan 21
The new WebCenter 20.0 feature SAML password recheck does not work with Azure AD.
27 Jan 21
Scanning of testcharts with 6mm paths doesn't work.
27 Jan 21
WebCenter 20.0 Task Execution with Document Reference having multiple documents - the browser loses focus (jumps to the top-most Document) when affect attributes near the bottom after scrolling down the page.
21 Jan 21
Wrong Paraf Italy barcodes created when driven by GS1 XML files in Dynamic Content
18 Jan 21
The Pilot - Files View may not show a proper file type for files that get overwritten.
18 Jan 21
Loading tasks with a big attribute form is very slow.
15 Jan 21
Layers which have the same name merge when open a Normalized PDF file on PackEdge. The same issue happens when processing AutomationEngine task.
15 Jan 21
BRIX graphic kernel based tasks may treat layers unexpectedly: - when opening a PDF, the auto-merging of layers having the same name may cause clip paths to be wrongfully removed. - when opening a normalized PDF, layers having the same name may be auto-merged, but it should not be merged.
15 Jan 21
If a NormalizedPDF (powergrid) is opened in ArtPro+ 20.1.0 and separations are deleted (Lack/Stanze), images are lost in further proceeding.
11 Jan 21
Layers import from PDF into Adobe Illustrator flattened.
05 Jan 21
Prepare for Inspection: Text areas in ArtPro+ PDFs may not be detected properly.
04 Jan 21
Prepare for Inspection: Text areas in ArtPro+ PDFs may not be detected properly.
04 Jan 21
Prepare for Inspection: The task (in an AVT workflow) may give wrong mask output due to objects in '0% Die' separation.
22 Dec 20
Plate Cutting Paths could be wrong when using Gap at Seam.
21 Dec 20
Slow loading of WebCenter pages containing attributes / task specifications.
18 Dec 20
Studio Designer - Export to Collada with higher customer resolutions may result in output displaying misplaced textures.
17 Dec 20
17 Dec 20
The PDF generated from the Annotation document is ignoring words at the line breaks in the Comment columns.
09 Dec 20
Cape error when saving a two Pallet job solution with a Truck solution.
08 Dec 20
Unable to rename the file(s) uploaded in Dashboard drop zone.
07 Dec 20
Image Trap loses its Clipping Mask when opened in Adobe® Illustrator®.
04 Dec 20
Intermittently with certain files, the Viewer will not load in properly. So users are unable to see the file or perform the needed Viewer functionality.
04 Dec 20
PackEdge crashed when trying to load the preview data of some CT files.
03 Dec 20
Since PackEdge 20, an error message pops up when opening a file which contains one ore more images with ink mapping. Due to this, the PDF output can go wrong.
01 Dec 20
Execute JS Node: changing document properties corrupts Last_Version_Index in DB.
20 Nov 20
WebCenter Viewer is missing the CAD widget on certain occasions.
10 Nov 20
Pack Proof: Changes in Proof Server workflows are not seen in Automation Engine until after restart.
09 Nov 20
It is not possible to do a Check & Recalibrate on Color Pilot 20.0 with i1Pro3 when choosing A4 format as the chart never appears.
06 Nov 20
06 Nov 20
Adobe Illustrator crashes when creating outlines of text used in a Dynamic Mark.
05 Nov 20
AutoTextReference SDK Call fails to create direct referenced Library text statements.
27 Oct 20
Deep Copy does not maintain document reference order.
23 Oct 20
Imaging Engine tasks: Applying SmartMarks may in specific circumstances lead to wrong output with missing objects. Imaging Engine tasks: In very specific circumstances involving input referring to external images, there may be image quality issues on these images in the output.
23 Oct 20
TextContent SDK - Improper replacement of non breaking spaces.
22 Oct 20
Admin users receive unwanted email notifications from projects in which they are not directly involved.
22 Oct 20
Cascading dropdowns in Inline Editing don't work when the list is based on a database view.
19 Oct 20
Filtering in Cascading Dropdowns in Dashboards is not working.
19 Oct 20
Under heavy load, certain core server components may cause memory issues that can destabilize or even hang the system.
05 Oct 20
Issues with Trapping Tags in PDF+ import and export.
05 Oct 20
Create Task action button does not attach selected documents to task.
29 Sep 20
WebCenter 20.0 Search and Inline Editing related issues.
29 Sep 20
Pilot: Manipulating Access Points may in specific circumstances cause the list of Access Points to disappear.
25 Sep 20
Menu buttons in ArtPro 20.0 react more slowly on files with lots of vector data.
24 Sep 20
Issues with PDF Import of files with Pullbacks generated by Automation Engine - In DeskPack, Pullbacks were not recreated on "Edit and Expand Automatic Trap Layer".
24 Sep 20
Plato 18.1: Incorrect station numbering if graphic file has a trim set with a height less than 1/4th the size of the width.
24 Sep 20
Under heavy load, certain core server components may cause memory issues that can destabilize or even hang the system.
21 Sep 20
Automation Engine Backup fails due to a .lock file getting created with Imaging Engine ticket.
21 Sep 20
When 'Shuttle'-ing from graphic editors, the user / operator name may sometimes improperly get an extra '@' sign at the end.
17 Sep 20
When replacing 1-up artwork in a PowerLayout Standalone template, Illustrator stops responding.
16 Sep 20
FastImpose cannot connect to Automation Engine 20.0
15 Sep 20
Wrongly rounded Media Box when working in inches.
15 Sep 20
Convert Colors for Digital Printing: when executed on a Step & Repeat input, this task may unexpectedly knock-out objects in technical inks that are supposed to be overprinting.
10 Sep 20
04 Sep 20
31 Aug 20
Complex workflows involving "Data Collector" workflow controls may in very specific circumstances seriously degrade overall system performance. Installing the hotfix will bring a new option "Merge workflow parameters from all collected data" to the "Data Collector" workflow control (which will be standard available as of Automation Engine 20.0). When switched off, and after carefully checking if this has no unexpected effects, this may considerably improve system performance.
28 Aug 20
27 Aug 20
SmartNames defined as workflow parameters values don't resolve correctly.
26 Aug 20
v20: "output to screened file" with manually selected single ink is not working if Pilot is not in English
13 Aug 20
Plate and sheet size are the same when using "Digital converting export".
13 Aug 20
13 Aug 20
When copying the report using "Copy Cape Report" on Multi-Viewer Graphics screen and pasting it on another application, some of the diagram labels are clipped. This issue is fixed with this hotfix.
13 Aug 20
Bleed does not act correctly with matrix crease.
04 Aug 20
Double Space in file name hang Imaging Engine ticket.
04 Aug 20
Task "prepare for view" outputting an empty token "1/2" instead of the input-files PDF/TIFF.
30 Jul 20
GS1 DataMatrix generates errors in the Dynamic VDP, "GS1 DataMatrix: The selected symbol size is too small to hold the entered code", but the data should fit.
30 Jul 20
Print Control Wizard failing when charts are printed on Kraft paper.
29 Jul 20
CS01257128: Notifications rules on tasks (as defined in Tools > Configure > Notification) may not always work properly anymore. CS01249223: Pilot: Opening a subworkflow for a workflow that is open in the Workflow Editor may fail in very specific circumstances.
28 Jul 20
ArtPro+ 20 and PackEdge 20 are unable to connect to certain Automation Engine servers.
16 Jul 20
The SmartName "Task Owner E-mail" may not resolve properly at all times.
14 Jul 20
14 Jul 20
26 Jun 20
Some valid spaces are removed from a resolved smart-text. When doing combined content statements the system removes spacing that was in the original statement.
05 Jun 20
This hotfix prevents users with Change Attribute rights, to Export/Import to JDF buttons and to change the Attribute Category of project and documents.
04 Jun 20
Output files from the 'Digital converting Export' feature reference different page box sizes - potentially creating problems with alignment of print and cut layouts on table-side applications.
03 Jun 20
Incorrect Primary Pack and consequently Bundle dimensions.
07 May 20
Export to PDF File: This task may, after installing HF_201911004, still error out in case ink selection is public parameter driven and individual inks are requested.
06 May 20
06 May 20
When uploading a CHILI file as new version in the side-by-side view, the page will now return to where the user was before the page was opened.
06 May 20
Workflow tasks may not longer be shown grouped in the Shuttle window inside graphic editors (such as Adobe® Illustrator® with DeskPack plugins or ArtPro+).
05 May 20
When using 'Create or Modify WebCenter project' ticket in Automation Engine to update a WebCenter project, it will fail due to synchronization of Document Reference attribute values (job parameters).
29 Apr 20
The Automation Engine Viewer may lock the folder of the file being viewed.
21 Apr 20
Step & Repeat Tabular (Dynamic): Re-opening a ticket that used SmartNames for "Cell Width" and/or "Cell Height" parameters, may show static values instead of these SmartNames.
20 Apr 20
Publish on WebCenter: In very specific circumstances, the task may hang because of unstable approval communication between WebCenter and Automation Engine.
16 Apr 20
Program crashes when trying to modify the percentage of Blue of an Equinox strategy in the 'Convert Spot' step of the Quick Refine tool.
14 Apr 20
Publish on WebCenter: For specific input files (with special characters in path or name), the task may fail in case the "Make available for download" option is not selected.
02 Apr 20
ArtiosCAD 18.1.1 Standard Edition suddenly closes when closing a project and an unmanaged document is also opened.
02 Apr 20
When importing text containing horizontal scale into Adobe® Illustrator® via DeskPack PDF Import, the horizontal text scaling is not taken into account in some cases.
01 Apr 20
In very specific circumstances, processing a normalized PDF with an ArtPro+ graphic kernel, and then viewing or processing it with a BRIX graphic kernel may cause objects to disappear.
01 Apr 20
Intermittently with certain files, the Viewer will not load in properly. So, users are unable to see the file or perform the needed Viewer functionality.
01 Apr 20
31 Mar 20
31 Mar 20
When using BoostX Document Rotation, some objects are not rotated.
27 Mar 20
The Apply PDF Action List task may in specific circumstances (involving an action converting AP to PDF+) errors out where it only used to warn in older versions.
26 Mar 20
Automation Engine QuickStart for Labels: * the production workflow can be configured now to split a production job into several print queue entries such that the DFE operator is able to modify print frame quantities. * the main (internal) XML that drives the production workflow is optimized now to reduce the risk of running out of memory on big VDP production jobs.
23 Mar 20
"Open login page" button in the session timeout pop up always redirects to the WebCenter login page instead of SAML (when SAML has priority 1).
20 Mar 20
'Create Text Content in Normal Mode' action in Automation Engine 'Integrate with WebCenter' does not close session so it will reach maximum sessions if launched enough times.
20 Mar 20
WebCenter 18.1 Document Search performance reduced for users since upgrade.
16 Mar 20
When customer folds the box using the Fold tab, the CAD files move to center of the page.
10 Mar 20
Performance problems in search. DB Connection pool runs out of connections, resulting in errors.
09 Mar 20
32-bit ODBC Query SmartNames may not work properly.
25 Feb 20
Attribute values are sometimes missing when duplicating or adding new (nested) references.
25 Feb 20
Ticket view may fail for users that don't have the access right to show all tickets and their parameters.
17 Feb 20
WebCenter annotation texts disappear after opening and closing annotation popup window in Viewer.
13 Feb 20
Core server processes of Automation Engine may under heavy load risk to run out of memory, which may destabilize the system.
13 Feb 20
This hotfix solves two issues: * Empty ARD layers are imported in Illustrator. The order of these empty layers is different than in ArtiosCAD. * The position of the ARD file relative to a trim box added in a previous version of Data Exchange is different in 18.1.1
13 Feb 20
Issue when creating a project out of ArtiosCAD Enterprise based on a template: the manager of the created project is always set to the user who was logged in in ArtiosCAD, instead of the Project Manager group set on the Template.
12 Feb 20
In case a web proxy is involved, it is not possible to configure and use SFTP Sites or Amazon S3 Cloud Storage Services properly.
12 Feb 20
10 Feb 20
Add Dynamic Marks: For specific input files (involving a creation/modification date without timezone indication), the task may fail.
07 Feb 20
Apply ArtPro Action List: In very specific circumstances, some objects may be missing in the output after an "Export Illustrator" action.
05 Feb 20
ArtiosCAD 18.1.1 (build 2353 and ArtiosCAD Enterprise build 1453) freezes when outputting to PDF.
05 Feb 20
Error: "Exporting Normalized PDF Failed Colorant group <$special> cannot be used in DeviceN" occurs when exporting a Normalized PDF file.
03 Feb 20
Integrate with WebCenter task (in Automation Engine) shows wrong action options.
31 Jan 20
Softmasks larger than 2GB (width * height) make APPE 5.3 crash.
30 Jan 20
Adobe® Illustrator® 2020 version 24.0.2 and later with DeskPack, Dynamic Content, or Studio plug-ins installed and using network licenses crashes after about 30 minutes.
28 Jan 20
ArtiosCAD Standard Edition 18.1 Publish to WebCenter feature is not functioning.
28 Jan 20
CP workflows with tasks processing IMP files: The page selection may not be shown properly when reopening executed tickets for such tasks.
27 Jan 20
Unable to view ArtiosCAD related files after clean WebCenter installation. Opening ArtiosCAD file results in "Error! Cannot read image parameters for file".
23 Jan 20
WebCenter Palette doesn't display any information about the Structural Design file placed from WebCenter.
21 Jan 20
Create Sheet Layout: SmartFlapping decisions from a PDFPLA template may not be inherited properly in the output.
20 Jan 20
WebCenter 18.1 SDK Upload Document MS Office Doc/Docx formats fails WebCenter Check & Register since this attempts the common Prepare for Viewing instead of the ViewGeneration Ticket configured to customizationConfig.xml for .doc/.docx.
17 Jan 20
Export to PDF File: This task may error out in case ink selection is public parameter driven and individual inks are requested.
17 Jan 20
"Could not retrieve screen data from the server" issue when opening Imaging Engine tickets after upgrading to Automation Engine / Imaging Engine 18.1.1.
17 Jan 20
Primary Pack Arrangement Pattern enabled for Arrange and Design group calculation throws Run-Time Error #9.
16 Jan 20
Primary Pack Arrangement Pattern enabled for Arrange and Design group calculation throws Run-Time Error #9
16 Jan 20
LEN-file with the single separation chart is not being generated when creating a new printing condition.
14 Jan 20
Step & Repeat Tabular: Independent left and right station bleed may not be applied properly in case of multiple grids.
14 Jan 20
Task notification may not work properly for rules that act on a 'Task Step is finished' condition.
13 Jan 20
Memory leak in PackProof when a recalibration needs to be applied during ripping.
06 Jan 20
When a LEN or a TIFF file is prepared for viewing within the Imaging Engine ticket, copying or moving a file to another location gives an error on viewing. It is only possible to ask INFO on the first LEN or TIFF file from a Set (ripped and prepared together).
03 Jan 20
In very specific circumstances (involving nested SmartNames), System Value SmartNames may not be resolved correctly.
20 Dec 19
Step & Repeat CAD based (Dynamic): In specific circumstances, this task may not apply correct bleed masks.
19 Dec 19
The NDL Web Viewer executable hangs and blocks the server from picking up JDF files from generated view files.
19 Dec 19
Create Tiles: the tiling sequence may not be taken into account properly when fixed tile sizes are requested.
18 Dec 19
This hotfix is to provide customers with the latest version of Esko Network License Manager to meet security requirements.
13 Dec 19
In Internet Explorer 11, when loading Attribute Categories with a lot of Views, sometimes you get the error "Problem in WCXML.getFirstLevelChilds: ...".
11 Dec 19
When HD screens are generated with a MC2x2c pattern a 1 pixel offset results in diagonal lines rather than the 2x2c pattern.
26 Nov 19
When HD screens are generated with a MC2x2c pattern, one pixel offset results in diagonal lines rather than the 2x2c pattern.
26 Nov 19
Interact with Web Service: HTTP (response) status codes 202, 204 & 303 may not be processed as expected.
22 Nov 19
If a user logs out in the middle of running a document search, this can crash JBoss due to the search still checking that users rights on result document visibility.
21 Nov 19
Adobe® Illustrator® CC 2019 version 23.0.5 and later with DeskPack, Dynamic Content, or Studio plug-ins installed and using network licenses crashes after about 30 minutes.
08 Nov 19
Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 Crashes with Network Licenses.
07 Nov 19
The document description is not getting updated when published from Automation Engine or through integrate with WebCenter. The description is correct when the document is first published but after that it never gets updated when a new version is uploaded.
07 Nov 19
Creating a Task from a Menu Action button, sometimes does not work.
06 Nov 19
Check and Recalibrate data is not being applied in FlexProof.
04 Nov 19
Color Pilot C&R: "Error saving check history to device".
29 Oct 19
When importing workflows, the conversion from the named objects (e.g. attribute names) to the IDs of the target system is not happening. This results in (corrupt) not-executable workflows.
23 Oct 19
21 Oct 19
By creating an Offcut only one Area will be saved and can be used.
18 Oct 19
Export Nested Layouts: The task could fail when exporting a layout containing placed normalized PDF files which were produced by the "Prepare Graphics for Nesting" task.
18 Oct 19
When using the SDK call to open Viewer on documents in a project, the parameter 'closesessionafter=1' is not logging out the user as it should be.
16 Oct 19
Importing MFG from i-cut Layout 18.0 to IPC is wrong: station files are wrongly positioned.
14 Oct 19
07 Oct 19
Need to add in i-cut Layout XML indication of whether the layout is recto verso.
04 Oct 19
26 Sep 19
Filtering XML files in Dynamic Content plugin may crash the application in specific cases.
24 Sep 19
Filtering XML files in Dynamic Content plugin may crash the application in specific cases.
24 Sep 19
23 Sep 19
Wait for Action (Checkpoint): The task may fail when running in the context of a job with a very long name.
17 Sep 19
Comparing versions in the Viewer doesn’t show correct amount of pages, especially if the previous version had more pages than the recent one.
16 Sep 19
Run-time Error #5 on entry into Layer Editor, when analysis is more than one pallet.
16 Sep 19
ReportMaker: ImageMarks to visualize separations of the task inputfile may still show objects outside the TrimBox, even if requested not to.
13 Sep 19
Crop/ Add Margins to LEN File: Staggered cut paths (as transferred through LEN files) may incorrectly get scaled down by these tasks.
12 Sep 19
Approval Search - some tasks missing for users. When performing an approval search as a regular user, it does not show all relevant tasks. This is due to users being invited to a project via a group whereas other groups are/were already invited.
10 Sep 19
"Proof (Image Downloader)" task no longer works in Automation Engine 18.1
09 Sep 19
Create ArtiosCAD Layouts: Creating layouts from designs in an Enterprise context doesn't put the proper name of the embedded designs in the resulting MFGs.
06 Sep 19
Load Structural File: The task may in specific circumstances stall indefinitely at 50%.
06 Sep 19
A custom Attribute Category view linked to a custom project details menu will affect the view of the Default Attribute Category view.
06 Sep 19
Line break (return) added by “Import Dynamic Text” workflow node.
05 Sep 19
In very specific circumstances, tasks may fail unexpectedly when Automation Engine is under heavy load.
03 Sep 19
Submission to AVT gateway succeeds but "Interact using JDF" tasks waits for ever.
29 Aug 19
Workflow Engine queue buildup caused by 'Import Dynamic Graphics' and 'Import Dynamic Content' task when looking up existing matches from the library. It’s a multiplication of the number of input files, the number of symbols/images/dynamic content in the PDF, and the number of documents in the library.
29 Aug 19
Gang Run Printing: In (very) specific circumstances: - sub-otpimal nesting and/or cut-line anomalies may occur - the nesting algorithm may cause graphics to overlap
29 Aug 19
PDF documents transmitted by Automation Engine via sFTP task become corrupted/damaged.
28 Aug 19
ArtiosCAD crashes when you output to samplemaking as ACM file.
16 Aug 19
16 Aug 19
Reverse nests do not honor gutters correctly when X & Y gutter values differ.
16 Aug 19
ArtiosCAD crashes when outputting PDF for a Japanese user if they used Japanese characters in the log in name.
16 Aug 19
The email addresses are replaced by strange characters and fails to send the output via email.
16 Aug 19
ArtiosCAD Enterprise 18.1 crashes when restoring toolbar configuration.
16 Aug 19
Selection in Saved Search DrillDown only works when "Apply Current Column Layout" is enabled.
13 Aug 19
Project Creator users are not able to see the 'Create Child Project' action button.
12 Aug 19
Synchronize ArtPro+ 18.1.1 Marks functionality with Automation Engine 'Dynamic' tasks.
09 Aug 19
In WebCenter 18.1, annotation page will now show thumbnails if the Check and Register process ended with a Warning state.
09 Aug 19
Improved MIS integration support in Automation Engine Browser Based Client (QuickStart deployment).
07 Aug 19
When creating a new nested document reference or duplicating a nested document reference you may get a blank line with no information.
01 Aug 19
Opening a stepped normalized PDF produces the message, "Too deep nesting of groups, more than illustrator can handle".
31 Jul 19
Pack Proof: The report printed below the job in case of inline verification may be incomplete.
29 Jul 19
PANTONE not printed correctly when 'Override Substrate' option is enabled.
26 Jul 19
Device Manager / CDI -- Create Merged Plate: The cutting files generated along with the plate may be wrong when (staggered) cut paths are involved as created in Plato 18.0 or higher.
25 Jul 19
In the viewer, text content widget will show the content based on the selected document version.
25 Jul 19
Wrong placed file in reportmaker output based on mediabox instead of trimbox
23 Jul 19
Create Report (ReportMaker): Designs may unexpectedly be positioned based on their Media Box rather than their Trim Box.
22 Jul 19
Viewing a normalized PDF with the Automation Engine Viewer or processing it with a BRIX graphic kernel based task may for very specific input files cause unexpected visual changes.
18 Jul 19
An attribute category with 1000 or more attributes could loose values when saved.
09 Jul 19
Problem with some PPi/LPi combinations for Seamless ripping.
08 Jul 19
WebCenter Viewer eventually hangs, giving "Error reading User id and User settings from server".
03 Jul 19
Files do not view correctly in 3D when making sub layers invisible.
02 Jul 19
Optimize PDF Separations: Spot colors (associated with a Lab ICC profile) may change tone drastically when converted to CMYK.
24 Jun 19
WebCenter upgrade to 18.1 - Login page does not take into account the customization of the client.
21 Jun 19
Missing pop-up window when hovering over the trapping color preview, with details on how much percent colors are in it.
21 Jun 19
The *Simplified My Work* checkbox that is wrongly migrated with the new dashboard.
21 Jun 19
BRIX graphic kernel based tasks that can apply SmartMarks may get stuck when CAD related SmartMarks are involved.
20 Jun 19
Adobe Illustrator® crashes when this plugin is installed.
18 Jun 19
The Flexibles XPS tone chart needs a F40 (h4s6) curve applied, as Print Control Wizard internal correction assume that this curve is present and cuts back the compensation curves as such.
17 Jun 19
Studio Visualizer doesn't update the applied changes in the graphics.
17 Jun 19
If there are a lot of images and symbols in the Dynamic Libraries and there are many 'Import Dynamic Content/Table/Graphic/Barcode' nodes run in a short period of time, it can build up the Workflow Engine Queue and cause it to process very slowly.
17 Jun 19
07 Jun 19
Document Support is not working anymore after upgrading to WebCenter 18.1.
04 Jun 19
In very specific circumstances, tasks may fail unexpectedly when Automation Engine is under heavy load.
04 Jun 19
Plato file contains die information from 'old' version of one-up.
04 Jun 19
GS1 Datamatrix will error on certain Alpha Numeric Entries.
31 May 19
Loading Large Project histories of multiple users, causes application server to hang.
30 May 19
Application server is hanging during starting of workflows.
30 May 19
Mandatory fixes for Print Control Wizard v18.1.0 (Curve Pilot).
28 May 19
FlexProof/GDI: Duplex output, Verso output are no longer centered.
28 May 19
Saved Search Dashboard will not show results for a counter, when the search used for the counter contains a SmartName.
27 May 19
When a Product (Part) is created and linked to a Job, the subfolder structure in its corresponding Data Zone may not be shown properly in the Products view in the Pilot.
22 May 19
SSO Plugin incorrectly always sends ForceAuthn as true to the Identity Provider, which is not desirable for certain customer SSO setups.
17 May 19
SSO Plugin incorrectly always sends ForceAuthn as true to the Identity Provider, which is not desirable for certain customer SSO setups.
17 May 19
Studio Toolkit for Labels: Conical warp is performed at an angle.
16 May 19
Dynamic Barcodes with custom fonts used in DVDP files shift their position when expanded on Automation Engine.
09 May 19
Chain-direction is wrong for Elliptical Dot and 180 degrees rotation.
09 May 19
03 May 19
03 May 19
03 May 19
Interact with Web Service: * When uploading a file, avoid to send full local path info, as this is not relevant and may even cause trouble at the receiver. * HTTP (response) status code '201: Created' may not be processed as expected.
25 Apr 19
Adobe® Illustrator® randomly crashes in Shuttle due to the number of files opened, including link files in Illustrator and temporary files managed by Illustrator.
24 Apr 19
The *Enter* key is not working in the *Save as* dialogs.
16 Apr 19
Special characters in file names are not allowed in Push to DAM workflow task.
11 Apr 19
Gang Run Printing: In (very) specific circumstances, sub-otpimal nesting and/or cut-line anomalies may occur.
08 Apr 19
08 Apr 19
08 Apr 19
05 Apr 19
Create Wrapper File: Wrapping multiple LEN separations may show wrong knockout overprint behaviour.
05 Apr 19
"Assign task to …" does nothing when triggered. It doesn't link roll/groups defined in allowed assignee.
29 Mar 19
Problems with Unicode support in BitmapViewer for LEN(X) files.
27 Mar 19
Dynamic Barcodes with custom fonts used in DVDP files shift their position when expanded on Automation Engine.
27 Mar 19
BRIX graphic kernel based tasks may treat layers unexpectedly: When opening a normalized PDF, layers having the same name may be auto-merged.
14 Mar 19
04 Mar 19
Changes in ICPRO are not taken into account unless Imaging Engine is restarted.
28 Feb 19
When an Adobe Illustrator® file has a layer mask applied, the openings in the layer mask are not honored and everything is covered.
27 Feb 19
Imaging Engine tasks: The ripping process may fail in case a Printing Condition is selected.
13 Feb 19
Proof for Contract Approval: In very specific circumstances, opening a saved ticket on a Mac Pilot may fail to bring up the task panel.
12 Feb 19
Due dates appear on projects when no date is set in the project template or where no date was present in earlier installation version (e.g: v 14).
11 Feb 19
Create Sheet Layout / Step & Repeat CAD based: In very specific circumstances, these tasks may wrongly apply centerline truncation to resolve bleed overlaps where SmartFlapping was expected.
11 Feb 19
Connecting a remote Imaging Engine may sometimes fail. A version conflict error with Automation Engine may be raised, even when the versions are actually compatible.
11 Feb 19
Search Results can disappear depending on the permissions of a user, but the count still shows the correct number. Search Results can disappear when there is a document linked in multiple projects in the results but the results disappearing depends on the permissions of the user in those projects and also if the search is run for the first time. If there is no linked document in the search results, the problem does not occur. If the user has permissions to all projects of a linked document, the problem does not occur (which means that the problem never occurs for admins).
11 Feb 19
04 Feb 19
01 Feb 19
Step & Repeat Tabular: Left / right bleed is unexpectedly applied before possible rotation, while it should be applied after rotation.
30 Jan 19
28 Jan 19
#Cutting Paths in LEN file are not shown or shown with wrong dimensions in BitMapViewer. #Similar behavior in the Merger software requires an update to DFS 18.1.
25 Jan 19
25 Jan 19
Export to PDF File: When opening the resulting PDF in Acrobat Pro, the ink list shown in the Print Production Output Preview dialog may be inaccurate in case of multipage files.
24 Jan 19
SmartMarks may unexpectedly give error with the following message "Illegal operands used in comparison".
22 Jan 19
Export IMP file to GRI/PDF File: Plate marks may be missing in the output.
21 Jan 19
Apply ArtPro Action List: Linked files in the input may not be referenced properly anymore in the output.
10 Jan 19
Application Server Java services show constant Very High CPU Utilization.
10 Jan 19
Gang Run Printing: - In very specific circumstances, nesting may fail with a message "Rejected (Cut Path is not closed)". - The "Export Nested Layouts" task may fail on creating a PDF report in case there are many (more than 50) stations.
09 Jan 19
Documents linked to a task are not shown the first time on project tasks overview page.
04 Jan 19
This hotfix solves the following two issues: - Document references are not saved during Project Creation when Attribute Category is collapsed. - Attribute Category jumps back to top when repainted.
03 Jan 19
21 Dec 18
Approved documents remain in My Work > My Approvals.
19 Dec 18
Wait for Action (Checkpoint): The task may steer user decisions to an incorrect output pin (sometimes even to multiple ones or to none).
19 Dec 18
Create ArtiosCAD Layouts: ... # The task may fail for designs without menu variables. # The task may result in inconsistent naming for embedded (Enterprise) designs.
17 Dec 18
Incorrect Line Break when content is pushed to Chili.
14 Dec 18
Unable to select Master and Text Language when building Text Document Saved Searches, due to language codes being interpreted as hexadecimal numbers.
04 Dec 18
Viewer - annotations not/wrongly visible in compare-mode. Problems with annotations in the Viewer.
27 Nov 18
Need for Universal Text to be able to use fonts added/activated while Adobe® Illustrator® is running.
20 Nov 18
The Dynamic Marks position does not follow after changing the Trim Box size. This behavior depends on the version of Adobe® Illustrator®, it works fine in AI CS6.
15 Nov 18
In certain circumstances, the application server will crash due to an error in the view server related to the Global Vision tools.
07 Nov 18
Document Version shows a document has been uploaded more than once, in quick succession, leading to a misleading document history.
07 Nov 18
Warning is displayed when entering document attributes that are backed by a list and configured to use the option 'Allow other values'.
07 Nov 18
Screen freezes during Create Project from Template and Complete Task.
07 Nov 18
In specific circumstances, Web Service Access Points may fail to work properly.
02 Nov 18
Unable to do task related actions (Create, Start, Complete).
02 Nov 18
Dynamic Content - Dynamic Tables: Wrong nutrients added to table.
31 Oct 18
# WebCenter 18.0.1 Viewer Approval "Some attributes are not filled out correctly." # Viewer - annotations not/wrongly visible in compare-mode. # Issue with approval of graphics. # Version 18.0.1 Viewer Compare Side by side view - Reference Version's Annotation boxes missing. # Problems with annotations in the viewer.
30 Oct 18
Changes made to any project attributes via saved searches do not get saved in Project History.
26 Oct 18
Studio Designer files unable to be viewed in WebCenter Collada Viewer. Some files are not openend, others are opening really slow.
25 Oct 18
Users have a strange IE display behavior for document references.
25 Oct 18
Security scan reveals XXE vulnerability in saved search.
25 Oct 18
WebCenter cannot communicate with Chili over HTTPS using TLS1.2.
25 Oct 18
Commercial Print - Add to Pages View: The task may cause the Pilot Pages View to get blocked when run on a multi-book imposition input.
25 Oct 18
HTML5 Viewer does not show pending approval status in certain situations for pagelist files.
24 Oct 18
Role/Group overwrite on import when names are common. During import of a Project Template, any Role defined in that template that is not already previously defined in WebCenter, and whose name matches that of a group already existing in the system, will overwrite that group with the role. Similarly, if importing a group into a system where the group does not already exist but a role already exists by the same name, the role will be overwritten by the new group. This impacts the set up of project templates in terms of security settings, invitees, and how invitees of existing projects from that template are assigned to roles and tasks.
24 Oct 18
Action buttons in tasks are sometimes not available. This issue is Browser related.
24 Oct 18
VDP Text object spreads out excessively when converted to Universal Text.
23 Oct 18
VDP Text object spreads out excessively when converted to Universal Text.
23 Oct 18
Fixed Run-Time Error #340 And Fixed for Unreadable Japanese Phrases in some fields.
22 Oct 18
Correct FlexRip output for PDF files with recognized text in optional group.
11 Oct 18
Pilot: It may not be possible to open the "Organize Favorites" dialog.
11 Oct 18
Due dates appearing on projects when no date is set in the project template.
05 Oct 18
The "Gravure Tiff" action in an "Apply ArtPro Action List" task may in very specific circumstances cause wrong output in case of objects with grouped transparency (for example: overlapping objects).
04 Oct 18
Gang Run Printing: Improved handling of CAD objects (from normalized PDF files) in gang run nesting and cutting export.
04 Oct 18
Workflow parameters may not resolve properly in case custom SmartNames exist that have a name starting with the prefix "wfp.". This can happen for workflow parameters to be resolved in a child workflow for instance or for workflow parameter values that are loaded through XML.
04 Oct 18
Hotfix 201806008 may cause entries in the To Do List to lose the 'View' link for their associated files.
03 Oct 18
Document Reference attribute style shows up different and blinks when loaded.
03 Oct 18
Apply ArtPro Action List: Add support for ArtPro+ defined station numbers for (MFG based) Step and Repeat.
03 Oct 18
Gang Run Printing: In case of irregular shaped cutlines, some of the iCut Marks may wrongly get positioned inside the printing area.
26 Sep 18
Opening many files in ArtiosCAD Enterprise is causing a resource leak causing crashes and the toolbars to not show up.
11 Sep 18
Pack Proof: The report printed below the job in case of inline verification may be incomplete.
05 Sep 18
Approved document can still be annotated, even though the Approval preferences are set to prevent this from happening.
28 Aug 18
PDF thumbnails or previews may not show as expected: overprint effects may not be taken into account properly.
27 Aug 18
23 Aug 18
Statuses of Imaging Engine tasks may in specific circumstances (involving CIP3) no longer be updated in Automation Engine.
21 Aug 18
This hotfix solves the following issues: * Microcell dots are not taken into account to be screened when there is a cut in the curve to lower the 100% ink. * HD dot settled in file after rip changed to C dot.
17 Aug 18
When doing delegated work, WebCenter does not detect annotations.
16 Aug 18
Window of BOM dialog on second screen when detaching second screen.
13 Aug 18
Gang Run Printing: Printing a layout from the 'Display Layouts' view may cause the corresponding output workflow to fail.
13 Aug 18
Pilot's Job Overview: Filtering by Customer Name doesn't work.
10 Aug 18
Proof for Contract Approval: In very specific circumstances, proof verification may fail with unexpected and incorrect high dE results.
07 Aug 18
Using the "Intersect Design tool" changes view side.
07 Aug 18
Equinox proofs produce wrong output in case any of the process inks (inks from the input strategy) is missing.
01 Aug 18
Grouped Output Email/Zip Options: The options on grouped output (radio buttons) are not working. Any selection made will be ignored.
30 Jul 18
Compression Analysis give blank results when switching to another language.
27 Jul 18
The Automation Engine Viewer may not open properly when trying to view a file on an output pin of a task or a control from within a launched workflow.
20 Jul 18
Classic normalization (or viewing with the Automation Engine Viewer) of very specific PDF files may seem to hang (or show nothing).
18 Jul 18
PDF Processor based tasks may unexpectedly alter their output PDF file structure such that subsequent BRIX graphic kernel based tasks may end up with a normalized PDF output that has unexpected or way too much layers.
09 Jul 18
WebCenter SDK output contains unescaped ampersand character.
06 Jul 18
Shuttle clients may lose the connection with the AE server, which makes it impossible to launch workflows.
05 Jul 18
Jobs arrive in the Proof Client with status "Not Supported" on non-English Windows systems, when sending the proof overprint charts within Color Pilot.
02 Jul 18
Previews of images used as graphic could be missing on the PDF layout reports.
21 Jun 18
20 Jun 18
Comparison viewing may not be possible against older versions.
19 Jun 18
Integrate with WebCenter task can't upload documents when any document type is selected.
11 Jun 18
Preflight with PitStop: In very specific circumstances, executing a PitStop action list may cause wrong output with unexpected visual changes.
08 Jun 18
Export Nested Layouts: When saving cutting files as PDF, all objects (except for the i-Cut regmarks) get a stroke and the fill attribute is removed.
01 Jun 18
01 Jun 18
ArtiosCAD Enterprise users are experiencing delays when reaching to certain parts of the software when using a subscription license.
30 May 18
Check Job Parameters: add proper support for MFOLD screen (after being renamed from MF). Curve Pilot: Add dot MFOLD to the default list of dotshapes.
29 May 18
Classic Step & Repeat tasks: PLATEFIT SmartNames may not fit properly around SmartMarks in case these are attached to "Visible Objects".
28 May 18
Application closes because it cannot check out subscription license. You can sign in but the subscription is not validated and the application is not licensed.
22 May 18
WebCenter 16.1.1 Task Specification/Attribute value disappears after proceed to fill other value(s) followed by key 'Enter' or 'Return'.
21 May 18
Imaging Engine tasks: Changes on ruling and angle made via public parameters may not be taken into account for spot colors.
17 May 18
#Missing lines/ gaps in lines on a PDF report. #ArtiosCAD 16.1.x gets slow performance when saving files on resource (database). Also getting file database information is taking more time to show.
09 May 18
VPLATEFIT/HPLATEFIT not fitting around SmartMark objects when SmartMarks are attached to "Visible Objects".
02 May 18
Device Manager fails to create pixel+ plates after upgrade to 16.1.1.
23 Apr 18
All objects (except for the i-cut regmarks) containing the selected ink(s) for cutting, get a stroke and the fill attribute is removed.
20 Apr 18
Linecount information in the LEN file cannot be read by DFS anymore because of a "," in the information for 'solid screens'.
19 Apr 18
Subscription Service fail to access internet when behind PAC server without authentication to check if Named User Subscription assigned is still valid. Application shows Sign In Panel, after signing in, it is possible to use the application for a few times.
16 Apr 18
On the particular computer hardware the customer is using (very new), trying to use any of the Resampling Options in the Imaging Engine ticket causes the task to fail.
10 Apr 18
Ripping certain jobs at 960 ppcm = 2438.4 ppi fails with : "PixelMachine.kWorkerCrashed".
06 Apr 18
Clean install of FlexProof does not create a necessary share during post-install.
06 Apr 18
RGB channels of TIFF images change to black when placed in i-cut Layout.
06 Apr 18
Save Results to Excel generating duplicates when Excel is requested again from the same page when the previous request was still ongoing.
04 Apr 18
i-cut Layout keeps tiling options from a previous PDF, and does not update the file tiling sizes automatically when new PDF is selected.
04 Apr 18
The i-cut Layout exported production CUT files might have double cut contours. This can happen when the export dialog shows multiple inks with the same name in the list.
28 Mar 18
Preflight with PitStop: It is not possible anymore to create CertifiedPDF without a digital signature.
22 Mar 18
Database Access Points looking at an external database configured to be accessed through a specified JDBC driver, may stop working after upgrading to Automation Engine 16.1.x.
19 Mar 18
Export Imposition to PDF: the task may fail for impositions referring to non-normalized PDFs with more than 100 pages.
13 Mar 18
Conditional SmartNames no longer work when using non-existing Job Parameters.
12 Mar 18
Unable to load Pallet Load containing Recessed Solutions.
12 Mar 18
Masks are not adjusted after nesting, this can result in one graphic bleeding into the adjacent graphics.
02 Mar 18
In specific circumstances, the "Upload to Cloud Storage" task may have problems with uploading to an Amazon S3 bucket (and fail).
01 Mar 18
Adobe® Illustrator® crashes during import of PDF files due to too deep nesting of groups or too many layers.
01 Mar 18
Fix for crash on clean install of ArtPro+ 16.1.1 (fixes for Select Same and Create Rectangle are also included).
28 Feb 18
Licensed applications take very long to launch or even do not startup at all.
23 Feb 18
Licensed applications take very long to launch or even do not startup at all.
23 Feb 18
Pack Proof: The status of a requested verification may not be reported back properly in case of a WT7900 proofer in combination with an ILS20 spectrophotometer.
22 Feb 18
Automation Engine workflows may in specific circumstances take a (very) long time to start.
08 Feb 18
"Error in cascading attributes: Ajax call unsuccessful. Status: 404 The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."
06 Feb 18
02 Feb 18
Add SmartMarks: Enabling the option "Fit Margins" on PDFPLA files containing objects in PDF blend mode "Overlay" may result in missing objects in the output.
29 Jan 18
When exporting TIFFs from Studio Visualizer using a Model from Studio Toolkit for Flexibles on MacOSX 10.12, white artefacts will appear after the export.
24 Jan 18
On Pallet load diagrams, no corner posts were shown on the Word document produced through 'Print Custom Template' option.
12 Jan 18
Since 16.1, it is no longer possible to create a Staged Approval having only one Stage in order to access the 'name' field.
08 Jan 18
Dynamic Marks Layer expands in Illustrator Layers menu if other layers are manipulated (hidden/shown/locked) or after file save, if the Dynamic Mark set contains a barcode.
02 Jan 18
Warning displayed when keying in document attributes that are backed by a list and configured to use the option "Allow other values".
21 Dec 17
When interfacing through JDF to launch a "Proof (FlexProof)" task on Automation Engine, the task may fail in case ink selection is requested.
20 Dec 17
Imaging Engine tasks may fail if the output folder is located on a share using non-Latin (such as Chinese for instance) characters.
19 Dec 17
Calculate Ink Key Settings (CIP3): On a non-English OS, the task may generate CIP3 files with an incorrect decimal separator.
18 Dec 17
Content within PDF files may lose clipping masks when processed by PDF Processor based tasks such as "Optimize PDF Separations" or "Extract Inks".
18 Dec 17
WebCenter - Document References are not properly uploading during Project Creation when required fields are initially missing information and later corrected.
15 Dec 17
Licensed applications take very long to launch or even do not startup at all.
13 Dec 17
When saving ArtPro (16.1 and older) file from Mac High Sierra on Windows Server 2008R2 gives the error "Error #0: …".
11 Dec 17
Color Engine Pilot crashes when synchronizing PantoneLIVE libraries.
05 Dec 17
Using the Shuttle plugin causes Adobe Illustrator to crash.
28 Nov 17
After a reboot, only WebCenter_Inst is available, not the custom instances. WA: restart the services a second time.
28 Nov 17
After a reboot, only WebCenter_Inst is available, not the custom instances. WA: restart the services a second time.
28 Nov 17
Gang Run Printing: Nesting of (very) large format PDF files may cause a wrongly scaled result.
28 Nov 17
Classic normalization (or viewing with the AE Viewer) of very specific PDF files may give a wrong result.
27 Nov 17
After a proofer recalibration (through the "Check and Recalibrate" wizard in Color Engine Pilot), a "Print verification strip" request in a "Proof for Contract Approval" task (Pack Proof) may cause strips to be printed that unexpectedly and wrongly fail when being measured / verified.
27 Nov 17
When parts of a CAD layout are mapped onto lines in registration color, the geometry could shift position on the back side (turn/tumble front to back).
24 Nov 17
Document Search Results in a "Card View" do not appear after upgrading to WebCenter 16.1.1.
13 Nov 17
Classic normalization of PDF files that have inks that are used in opacity masks only, may result in normalized PDF files which, when processed further by BRIX graphic kernel based tasks, may cause wrong output.
10 Nov 17
Project characteristic is used to display action button only in some projects (the one that have this characteristic). But when using JavaScript in the Button, it becomes available in all projects even if the correct characteristic is not present.
09 Nov 17
Attributes of new components wrongly become read-only when project creator does not have change rights in template project folder.
08 Nov 17
When using the "Normalize PostScript / PDF / Illustrator 8.0 File" task, while selecting "Convert using profile tag" for the option "Objects with RGB Profile Tags" on the "Color Management" tab to normalize a PDF with a combination of DeviceRGB and ICC tagged images, color profiles may get mixed up, possibly causing wrong image color results.
08 Nov 17
After calculating the Data-Input for first time, the calculation for the second export go into a temp folder instead of the private path when the customer wants to save it.
16 Oct 17
When exporting a layout, the scissors icon has to be selected for the extra structural inks (ex. crease/drill, etc.) upon each export. To avoid it, there is now a preference option where one can specify a list of separation names (with wildcards).
13 Oct 17
Expand Dynamic VDP Data: In specific circumstances, technical ink objects may be missing in the output.
12 Oct 17
When placing PDFs in ArtPro+, the resulting Placed Art may not look OK or may not get processed correctly.
12 Oct 17
Not possible to allocate Named User Subscription licenses for Store Visualizer when a proxy server is involved.
03 Oct 17
Cascading list attributes in search do not find correct results when selecting a value containing characters like ( ) ~| & etc.
14 Sep 17
Automation Engine may be unstable and eventually go down under heavy load of Imaging Engine tasks.
11 Sep 17
ArtiosCAD Enterprise will not detect the WebCenter 16.1.1 license. New features such as Task Management in ArtiosCAD will not be available in ArtiosCAD Enterprise. When going to the browser, you do NOT see the "MY TASKS" section. The reason is that the license is not detected and this feature will be hidden.
06 Sep 17
When creating a child project, the autonaming will accept attributes which are filled in at parent level, but if an attribute is used that is only being filled in during child project creation, the value is not being used for autonaming.
06 Sep 17
Expansion fails due to restricted license for font.
29 Aug 17
Regression when using brackets in cascading list attributes in search.
11 Aug 17
CreateUser SDK call does not correctly check the user limits in the named user license model.
11 Aug 17
When opening (multipage) graphical files with multiple versions in the viewer, the thumbnails in the document selector do not work. It is not possible to view or compare older versions of the file, errors like "Cannot read image parameters of file" occur. Document selector in HTML5 Viewer contains broken thumbnails. It is not possible to compare with older versions of the file. Not all pages of previous versions are shown in document selector. Error messages are displayed in the viewer. (i.e. "Cannot read image parameters of file")
11 Aug 17
Regular user cannot open the iframe to select a document from MediaBeacon. This can only be done by an Admin user. Regular users and Project Managers need to be able to do this as well. A regular user or Project Manager cannot open the browser popup to select a document from MediaBeacon. Only an Admin user can do so.
11 Aug 17
Non English shortcuts can not be changed to customer preference.
10 Aug 17
Problems with the output of a 3D animation in ArtiosCAD 16.1 bld1699.
10 Aug 17
Random task failure issue: “Exception of class BGM_ETryAgain”. The BGMD log file shows "RPC call failure" message.
08 Aug 17
In some cases, PDFPLA files created with S&R Tabular ticket will lose some elements from the 1up.
08 Aug 17
# The color accuracy of certain spot colors is not improved after running it through the Refine Ink Wizard. This can occur for spot colors that are near the gamut boundary of the proofer. # The Refine Ink Wizard takes a very long time to build the spot color refinement chart. # Refine Ink Wizard results are wrong if the color strategy has an 'overrule substrate color' ink set, but the toggle is not checked. # Error exporting color strategy referencing spot colors.
14 Jul 17
Wrong Warping results in versions newer than PackEdge 3 due to changing the meaning of "rows and columns in the grid”. Earlier these numbers were purely an indication and the actual grid was computed by distributing the total number of cells evenly over the actual strip. But now the numbers are taken literally.
07 Jul 17
PDF Reports created by "Inspect Artwork" or other "Inspect …" tasks (powered by GlobalVision) may fail to open in Adobe^®^ Acrobat^®^, causing an "Access Denied" message.
07 Jul 17
For IE-10912, job errors out with: "Error: PixelMachine.kACRError2; number of ScreenSets exceeded the limit; ACRErrorType: 15;". For IE-10381: "Unexpected white lines in the design".
06 Jul 17
Error while using Rich Text Controls on Rich Text Specifications.
28 Jun 17
Add Dynamic Marks: In specific circumstances, the task may not apply the mark(s) as expected.
27 Jun 17
Tasks consider inks that have the same name but a different color equivalent to be completely separate inks, which may cause unexpected wrong behavior when viewing, extracting inks or RIPping with Imaging Engine f.i. Imaging Engine tasks may apply wrong screening parameters for uncolored patterns.
20 Jun 17
The docatt[] function does not work in form JavaScript sandbox.
19 Jun 17
Step & Repeat Tabular: The "Grids" tab in the task panel may behave wrong when opening existing tickets saved in an older version.
19 Jun 17
Crash in Image Downloader Assistant when trying to proof with Color Management.
13 Jun 17
Not possible to print background colors when printing a webpage from WebCenter.
06 Jun 17
Layer editor: False error - "Invalid pattern …”. Pallet Maximizer: Incorrect solution.
05 Jun 17
05 Jun 17
ArtPro and BRIX graphic kernel based tasks may fail unexpectedly when Automation Engine is under heavy load.
05 Jun 17
Automation Engine may be unstable under heavy load. The Pilot may hang, or workflows may get stuck.
01 Jun 17
Opening an AI file in Adobe® Illustrator® causes DeskPack Shuttle to disconnect from server.
01 Jun 17
ArtPro and BRIX graphic kernel based tasks may fail unexpectedly when Automation Engine is under heavy load.
30 May 17
The "Integrate with WebCenter" task may behave unexpectedly when mapping output parameters for specific actions (SDK calls) to workflow parameters while integrating with WebCenter 16.0.
23 May 17
Apply ArtPro Action List: The task may fail on purpose (with a request to resave in ArtPro) without really being necessary.
23 May 17
White pixels show up around contour or text objects.
17 May 17
i-cut Layout 16.0 - Cut contours become uncolored for some graphics.
16 May 17
Items that are no longer linked to an XML and no longer appear in the Dynamic Content palette are still highlighted in the document as if they were still linked.
10 May 17
Support for Epson SureColor P5000 with verification.
10 May 17
ArtPro: The "Ruling" dropdown in the "Screening" panel (in "Imaging Engine" mode) may be empty.
05 May 17
Added support to use SmartNames in the ink attribute queries for SmartMarks in PackEdge/Plato.
04 May 17
BRIX graphic kernel based tasks may fail to find external references in case PFS path remapping is needed.
04 May 17
The error message "Could not retrieve screen data from the server” appears when opening an Image to Screened Separations ticket, there are no screens showing up in the ticket.
04 May 17
Solves eight diverse problems related to Report file(s), Production Cut files, Selection tool and errors like System error 5 etc. Refer Symptoms given below for complete description.
13 Apr 17
Project creation can go wrong when the Project Manager is configured to be set from a template.
24 Mar 17
Gang Run Printing: In very specific circumstances, it may happen that a layout gets through because it contains more elements rather than having a better fill percentage.
14 Mar 17
Step & Repeat Tabular: The task may fail when processing input files coming from different folders.
13 Mar 17
Crash of the Check and Recalibrate tool when using the in-line Epson SpectroProofer.
08 Mar 17
Apply ArtPro Action List: An "Export PDF" action for an input ArtPro file with dashed strokes may cause shifted dashes in the PDF output.
01 Mar 17
Starting up application results in licensing error.
24 Feb 17
Normalize PDF File: The task may in very specific circumstances cause an image in the input to be swapped with another image in the output.
22 Feb 17
One-up Trim and Media Box not honored by PowerLayout Standalone.
13 Feb 17
Export Nested Layouts: In very specific circumstances, the task may fail to create print files. BRIX graphic kernel based tasks may in very specific circumstances unexpectedly change screening parameters, which can result in wrong Imaging Engine RIP output.
07 Feb 17
For a given Step & Repeat layout created by Automation Engine, some inks may be rendered to screened file, but others always end in task error 'Worker unexpectedly quit during job processing'.
03 Feb 17
When saving a normalized PDF file with more than 28 spotcolors, the following error occurs: "Cannot open file <file location and name> for writing".
02 Feb 17
Gang Run Printing: A file submitted to substrate size 'Any' for a queue that has multiple sizes, may in specific circumstances get stuck in the queue with a message 'failed to place on sheet'.
27 Jan 17
Imaging Engine does not add (Staggered Cut) CAD Data in LEN files for Unregistered inks.
24 Jan 17
Updated support for FDA 2016 nutrition facts Table Layouts.
24 Jan 17
24 Jan 17
The same ink is added twice in the Inks menu after removing unused inks and colors.
19 Jan 17
Grid Mark SmartMarks disappear in Plato after saving.
19 Jan 17
(XMP) XPath Query SmartNames which cannot be fully resolved may cause tasks or workflow controls to fail.
16 Jan 17
Ink Mapping in DeskPack 16.0.1 and 16.0.2 not working without Color Engine license.
02 Jan 17
Tasks allow completion even if required specifications or required document attributes are not filled in.
29 Dec 16
WebCenter Bug - Multiple Document Templates to be used during Project Creation.
26 Dec 16
WebCenter Notifications doesn't seem to work from the workflow. But it works when changing manually in WebCenter.
23 Dec 16
This hotfix ensures that the ArtiosCAD defaults are excluded from any configured auto-naming/auto-numbering.
23 Dec 16
Restricted Set values are not rendered in a Read-Only Completed mode of a Task.
21 Dec 16
15 Dec 16
Updating approval status in the HTML5 viewer gives an error.
09 Dec 16
Add Marks to Imposition: Adding an Image mark with option "Color" set to "Mapped" may not map inks as expected.
01 Dec 16
Export ArtPro to Normalized PDF File / Apply ArtPro Action List ("Export PDF" action with "Normalized PDF" preset): When the input ArtPro file contains JPG images with a resolution lower than 300ppi, their size and position in the resulting normalized PDF may be wrong.
30 Nov 16
Gang Run Printing: In very specific circumstances, the nesting algorithm may cause incorrect layout results.
30 Nov 16
Attributes view not working anymore in the Viewer in WebCenter 14.1.1 while it's still working in WebCenter 14.1 r6.
24 Nov 16
The Automation Engine Viewer may visualize very specific PDF files differently as compared to their FlexRip output.
21 Nov 16
Prepare for Viewer: The task may fail for very specific input files. Such files may fail to open in the Automation Engine Viewer as well.
09 Nov 16
Apply ArtPro Action List: An "Export PDF" action with the option "Exclude or Remap Separations" switched on, may cause the task to fail.
09 Nov 16
Improvements to the stability and reliability of the connection to the Esko Proof Server.
02 Nov 16
Step & Repeat Template based: The task may not honour the grid masks of its PDFPLA template.
01 Nov 16
Linked files are copied to the same location as the file but the links are lost and all external files need to be relinked when the file is opened.
26 Oct 16
Check & Recalibrate (C&R) crashes when proceeding to the measure page. Sending profiling charts triggers CMM on the ProofServer. Error creating media set when restoring recalibration or using the 'recalibrate with...' function. Inline C&R hangs at either 0% or 100%.
26 Oct 16
Export to PDF File: In very specific circumstances, the task may fail for ArtPro generated normalized PDF input (with a "Missing halftone information …" message).
20 Oct 16
Prepare for Viewer: the task may fail for bitmap TIFF input from a Nexus RIP.
19 Oct 16
'Save' no longer works after trying to complete a task with required document attributes.
07 Oct 16
When trying to make a change to a color pair, Adobe® Illustrator® crashes.
26 Sep 16
It is not possible to create a new user using SDK call CreateUser.jsp in WebCenter 16.0.
22 Sep 16
Export Nested Layouts: Unexpected diagonal cut lines may result, in case multiple cut inks are involved having the same name (but different screening parameters).
20 Sep 16
Project Import/Export with Documents wrongfully asks for a Life Cycle Management license to be activated, when exporting a project with documents.
14 Sep 16
Apply ArtPro Action List: An "Export PDF" action may - fail when nested opacity masks are involved - for specific input, cause wrong output in case separated PDF is requested.
08 Sep 16
Unable to edit Project Attributes in ArtiosCAD Enterprise "Project Information" dialog box unless they are empty.
30 Aug 16
ERROR: Missing halftone information in Normalized PDF file.
26 Aug 16
Wrong Ruling value after Image to Screened Separations on Imaging Engine with Normalized PDF files.
23 Aug 16
Exporting AP file which includes a CT to a PDF will show the CT as a full black image box.
19 Aug 16
Some files, after ripping in Imaging Engine have missing contents in the output file. The initial hotfix 1607004 fixed this but had a performance penalty.
16 Aug 16
The options panel of the Export to PostScript dialog could not be opened anymore and the user is not able to change the settings for Export to PostScript task.
12 Aug 16
Gang Run Printing: Graphics may get stuck in a queue if its nesting settings are configured to allow a 90, 180 or 270 degree rotation.
11 Aug 16
Rotation and/or mirror of Dynamic Text Mark is lost.
04 Aug 16
Issues with Defaults - Plotting Style: No longer able to adjust visualization on the screen or modify an output to a sample table.
02 Aug 16
02 Aug 16
TruckFill 2.13 (Japanese) - Export report mis-alignment fixed.
11 Jul 16
CaseFill: False calculation error (No solution found). Display Pallet: Fixed run-time error #9. Pallet base weight incorrectly (unreasonably large) stored. Pallet Builder: Attempted to save a new pallet base throws run-time error #9.
07 Jul 16
Plato check job parameters is always working, even though disabled in the Preferences.
15 Jun 16
Export to PDF File: In some very specific cases (involving empty colors), the task may generate wrong output.
11 Jun 16
After upgrading to Automation Engine 14.1, Gang run printing will not nest files if the substrate queue or sheet name contains special character.
06 Jun 16
Gradients in InDesign PDF files disappear after import into Adobe Illustrator.
27 May 16
Proofs generated via PackProof randomly come out with spot colors printed in Black.
25 May 16
Screen rosette for clear-centered screens can get broken when file is rotated and/or mirrored and/or made seamless.
24 May 16
Check Job Parameters: The task may not force dot shape "FM" although the job inks are set up to do so.
05 May 16
Check Job Parameters: The task may fail when it has to auto-correct for a job barcode of type PDF417.
30 Apr 16
Export ArtPro to Normalized PDF File: In very specific circumstances, running this task followed by another task that is based on the BRIX graphic kernel may cause unexpected visual changes.
29 Apr 16
ASIR Barcode : Possibility to reduce 'Number of codes' to 1.
28 Apr 16
Files selected to be added to document references can be cleared when other documents are added or removed.
28 Apr 16
When opening any old layouts (pre 14.1.1 upgrade) the warning "Do you want to resort the inks to reflect the ink sequence used in the placed graphics?" pops up regardless of the one-up being modified after the layout was saved or not.
27 Apr 16
Apply ArtPro Action List: The "Open ArtPro File" action may fail when there are linked images with a file name ending in a space character.
25 Apr 16
Step & Repeat Tabular: Different input files having a common ink, once with a specific printing method and once with printing method "unknown", may cause the task to fail.
08 Apr 16
Ability to open locked WebCenter documents in ArtiosCAD Enterprise in read-only mode.
06 Apr 16
Updating traps using PowerTrapper Client fails.
01 Apr 16
Apply ArtPro Action List: An "Export PDF" action may generate a wrong result in case the input has placed files with transparency. The task may sometimes hang (on exit).
31 Mar 16
When trying to open the trial version of the Cape program after the installation: "Invalid system, Cape Pack will close" error message appears.
29 Mar 16
Cannot use Automation Engine Jobs in PackEdge and Plato if the Job due dates are after 2038.
22 Mar 16
The visualisation of some exotic shadings is not correct. This was the case for shadings with all empty stop colors, but having a different opacity value for each stop color.
04 Mar 16
SmartNames that refer to a non-existing job parameter may resolve different for some tasks as compared to others or to the SmartNames view.
02 Mar 16
Create CAD Sheet: The task may fail for specific normalized PDF input (when there is composed text inside a CAD object).
02 Mar 16
The BRIX graphic kernel may render some exotic gradients wrongly for normalized PDF files created in older (10.x or 12.x) versions.
01 Mar 16
The output of an "Adjust PDF Screening" task may in very specific circumstances be interpreted wrongly by BRIX graphic kernel based operations later on (such as viewing f.i.).
27 Feb 16
In some cases the output on FlexProof gives a wrong page placement. It can be that a page is printed on 2 different pages (one in the correct position and one in the wrong one) while the page that has been "replaced" will be missing.
22 Feb 16
Mark Clip parameter value is not restored properly from IMP file. Decimal places are cut-off.
15 Feb 16
11 Feb 16
Extracting cut path based on a specific spot color: in case (part of) the path was outside the clipping mask of the PDF file, it could happen that this path was used as cut path.
09 Feb 16
ArtPro generated S&R output may have an XMP section with incorrect ink order info. For specific ArtPro files, the visual appearance may change or objects may be missing when converting them to PDF.
08 Feb 16
PackEdge 14.1.0 - Opaque Ink used for Axial Shading renders incorrectly (coarsely) in 'Ink Based' View mode.
03 Feb 16
Step & Repeat Tabular: When starting from DeskPack generated normalized PDFs, the output may in specific circumstances have missing objects.
01 Feb 16
Screening information lost for temporarily hidden layers.
29 Jan 16
FlexRip stops with the following error when ripping normalized PDF files: "ERROR: error: exception: access violation while reading".
28 Jan 16
FlexRip stops with the following error when ripping normalized PDF files: "ERROR: error: exception: access violation while reading".
28 Jan 16
Exporting an ArtPro file to PDF may cause wrong output when spot colors with CMYK flags are involved and the option "Process output separations using CMYK flags" is enabled.
27 Jan 16
Packaging Information Database (PID): Enhanced Batch Export.
26 Jan 16
Opening a normalized PDF in PackEdge or processing it in a BRIX graphic kernel based task on Automation Engine may for very specific input files cause objects to disappear.
21 Jan 16
Reconstructing the scale factors after opening a PDFPLA file could result in unwanted shifts in the graphics (when working with tiled graphics on sheets greater than 5 meters).
21 Jan 16
Import JDF Step & Repeat: The task may fail with an unexpected error: "sheet must be positioned within the plate".
21 Jan 16
Processing a normalized PDF in a BRIX graphic kernel based task may for very specific input files cause objects to disappear.
19 Jan 16
Display Pallet: Limit Column Height stopped working. FCA: Incorrect Truck gross and nett weights displayed. Import buffer too small when importing into PID database.
06 Jan 16
Display Pallet: Limit Column Height stopped working. FCA: Incorrect Truck gross and nett weights displayed.
05 Jan 16
Import buffer too small when importing into PID database.
24 Dec 15
Run-time error #11 when running in CIF Mode / MD Load weight missing during import.
24 Dec 15
The execution of a button based on the change of attribute for a date and time will reset the time to its previous selection if the WebCenter interface is not in English.
21 Dec 15
Preflight via External Application: Even though the configured Report Language for a PitStop Server 13 is set differently, all reports come out in English.
03 Dec 15
List not filtering after selecting a task specification.
30 Nov 15
Export to PDF File: Hotfix HF_1405031 introduced a new issue where applied SmartMarks may appear twice in the output.
27 Nov 15
RIP to task: The mixture of rollfed merging, rotation and distortion is generating wrong output.
27 Nov 15
Dynamic Tables 14.1 subscript vitamin numbers push the rules down too much. Row height is dissimilar to non-subscript items.
26 Nov 15
Image becomes a lot darker after processing a normalized PDF in Check Job Parameters, followed by Export to PDF File.
20 Nov 15
Reusing Plato layouts using staggered cutting, with revised ink lists can leave old cutting paths belonging to unused inks. These paths may result in incorrectly positioned cutting paths on the ripped image files.
19 Nov 15
Export to PDF File: In some very specific cases, patterns may lose their overprint.
19 Nov 15
Adjust mask does not work on some MFG, but works on previous version 14.0
18 Nov 15
(Flex)RIP tasks: When pre-ripping is needed and the "Convert Strokes" option is enabled, the task may fail for specific input files with an "Unhandled Exception" error message.
18 Nov 15
Imaging Engine (Proof Server): Pack Proof : Wrong color of output of large files. Automation Engine: Proof (Pack Proof): Inefficient default compression may reduce task performance significantly.
17 Nov 15
White objects are not printed when outputting on the WT7900 with the Pack Proof task.
13 Nov 15
ARD files, generated in ArtiosCAD 14.1 from a new ArtiosCAD Canvas file ACD, will incorrectly match the Ai artboard and the printable area outlines after import in Illustrator. It is very hard to match the artwork properly.
12 Nov 15
Create PAF / JPG / XML (LinkEdge), Add Ink Eaters: Inks used only in opacity masks may cause XML ink-coverage info or ink eaters to be wrong.
03 Nov 15
This hotfix includes fixes for the following issues: Inline Check&Recalibrate did not work on all PCs (depending on Windows OS and installed patches) - same underlying issue can cause verification to fail in the Automation Engine Proof tasks. Proofing on Epson: Ink limiting for Orange and Green did not happen. Proof chart sent from Color Engine Pilot to Esko proof client: Job Explorer Error: Not supported. Connection to Proof Server might hang. Switching between FlexProof & PackProof make connecting to ProofServer impossible.
03 Nov 15
Apply ArtPro Action List: An "Export PDF" action requesting separated PDF output may cause the task to fail.
02 Nov 15
This hotfix solves the following issues: 1. In a stand-alone PackProof installation, proofers are not visible in the Proofer Profile dialog. 2. Printing overprint charts fails with the error message "An error occurred while processing the separations".
02 Nov 15
FlexRip and Imaging Engine 14.1 differences in XMP in 1bit TIFF or LEN output. No printing method XMP data in output file from Imaging Engine.
29 Oct 15
Disabling of Revisions feature is not applied during the Upload of a new Document Version.
26 Oct 15
Send to Proof Server task fails regularly with a red cross.
23 Oct 15
Scrolling in Top Image Panel in Asset Browser and Clock tool of Rich Text editor.
21 Oct 15
Image to Screened Separations: View files generated along with the digital films (LEN files f.i.) may have wrong screen ruling and angles applied.
19 Oct 15
Incorrect color in image in Normalized PDF written by Esko Data Exchange.
15 Oct 15
Export Nested Layouts: In case of a mix of normalized and non-normalized input files for Gang Run Printing, graphics may get misplaced or lowres images may be used in the nested output.
12 Oct 15
Improvements to the stability of the licensing subsystem.
06 Oct 15
Broken Segments in cut lines when exporting a cut file with letters from i-Cut 14 and with the paths open.
02 Oct 15
Saved search does not hold criteria when moving to next page.
28 Sep 15
Running a Check Job Parameters task on PDFPLA files might cause some SmartMarks to get lost.
25 Sep 15
Check Job Parameters: The task did not skip inks used in opacity masks only.
25 Sep 15
Attribute values of document references are being cleared unintentionally when the same document is referenced multiple times within the form/page.
18 Sep 15
Export ArtPro to Normalized PDF File: In very specific circumstances, running this task followed by another task based on the BRIX graphic kernel may cause unexpected visual changes.
17 Sep 15
Export to PDF File: In specific circumstances, applying SmartMarks may result in missing marks in the output.
17 Sep 15
15 Sep 15
Viewer fails even if GetDocViewableStatus.jsp SDK call indicates it is ready.
15 Sep 15
15 Sep 15
The Die object properties window is totally greyed out when the file format of the placed CAD graphics is DDES.
14 Sep 15
Over inking for Orange and Green colour because the ink limitation is not applied.
11 Sep 15
Default Job naming after placing first graphics no longer working.
08 Sep 15
When exporting or launching workflows to Normalized PDF via the Data Exchange plug-in it may be found that certain glyphs have not exported - resulting in missing text output.
04 Sep 15
Import JDF Step & Repeat: The task may fail in case global Automation Engine Products are involved.
31 Aug 15
When enabling "Save print simulations", the job stops with a "No license for requested screen" error
29 Aug 15
XMP data on the ripped file contains extra screen information from ticket settings.
28 Aug 15
Imaging Engine output may be incorrect when PhotoShop images are involved making use of spot colors and softmasks.
26 Aug 15
Image to Screened Separations: Opening a ticket for this task in the Pilot may take very long.
25 Aug 15
"Create Imposition from Runlist" tasks fail when Oracle is used for the Application Server database and "Extend automatically" option is used in the ticket.
24 Aug 15
No output from FlexProof RTL. Error “exception: access violations while writing”
22 Aug 15
Create Report (ReportMaker): The report may show empty in the Automation Engine Viewer when starting from a normalized PDF input that originates from an ArtPro file with Nexus screening.
20 Aug 15
Export to PDF file from a step and repeat file that contains alpha vignettes might result in wrong output.
18 Aug 15
JMF Milestone signals may no longer be sent after launching Imaging Engine tasks which make use of separation exceptions.
18 Aug 15
A "To Do" list entry may show corrupted "Message" text in case that was entered in an oriental language (e.g. Japanese).
11 Aug 15
WebCenter integration: system instability may occur when hundreds of Automation Engine workflows are initiated from WebCenter simultaneously on a powerful multicore Automation Engine Server.
29 Jul 15
Studio in unlicensed mode will always crash Adobe® Illustrator® when trying to save an Illustrator document that contains a placed structural design file.
15 Jul 15
Boxes become locked in truck load editor a second time.
08 Jul 15
Automation Engine may be unstable under heavy load. Tasks and workflows may hang or crash unpredictably.
06 Jul 15
Export to PDF File: Exporting a previously normalized PDF file containing a registered designer ink may result in an unexpected color for that ink.
25 Jun 15
Step & Repeat Tabular: The sheet fitting logic for staggered grids changed to always ignore the staggers, which is not compatible with how it was before 14.0.
22 Jun 15
Submit XML to Gang Run: The XML tag to request recto/verso placing did not work properly; Gang Run Printing: The nesting process might get stuck for either input files that are too big to fit on the substrate or when reaching a result that is valid except for not meeting the minimum fill requirement.
19 Jun 15
The Barcode dialog was not always adapted when switching to different Automation Engine job folders (with different barcode job parameters).
18 Jun 15
Saved Search behaves differently when used in a Menu Tab.
02 Jun 15
Smooth curves within the input files are not retained within output files.
27 May 15
Step & Repeat Template Based: SmartNames are not resolved properly when used for specifying the template "File Name" parameter.
27 May 15
When exporting the print & cut file, the structural ink Crease was included in the print file, although it was selected to go to the cut file.
26 May 15
Failed to upload document because of a special character.
22 May 15
Opening and saving (even without changing) a normalized PDF interactively in PackEdge/Plato or in a BRIX graphic kernel based task in Automation Engine, may be for very specific input files cause objects to disappear.
11 May 15
The "Normalize PostScript/ PDF/ Illustraor 8.0 File" task may fail in case the input file contains very specific non-Esko XMP data.
08 May 15
Ripping Chinese jobs with Chinese inknames on a Chinese OS errors out.
07 May 15
Further improvements to the stability of the licensing subsystem.
07 May 15
Normalize PostScript/PDF/Illustraor 8.0 File: the task may fail in case the input file contains very specific non-Esko XMP data.
30 Apr 15
24 Apr 15
When placing a file with any layer non-printable and non-visible externally, the layer gets visible again. However the GUI indicates otherwise, the printing state is grayed out.
24 Apr 15
Faulty positioning when rotating stations: Turn/tumble front to back could result in shifted stations on the back side in case of CAD based layout with stations having a rotation angle (different from multiples of 90 degrees).
21 Apr 15
PDFPLA doesn't rip any more after upgrading from 12.1 to 14.0.1
16 Apr 15
Gang Run Printing: Setting the "Respect the graphics order" option for a substrate may not work as expected.
15 Apr 15
08 Apr 15
Cape Pack v2.13 Release D9 update patch includes fixes for the following: 1. CaseFill External Interface crash: When user enterprise system interfaces with CaseFill program, the program crashes at the Multi-Viewer Graphics screen when the user selects "Export and Exit" menu. 2. External interface mode: Modules return a false negative, that is, user expects exports from Cape Pack but no export is returned to the calling program.
02 Apr 15
Launching a trapping request to the Automation Engine Server from a DeskPack PowerTrapper client, while enabling the "Save Links" option in the "PDF Export Preferences" dialog might take very long to succeed.
06 Mar 15
Cascading dropdown is not auto-selecting when cut & paste or edit is used in the field instead of selecting the value.
03 Mar 15
Check & Recalibrate ends with the error: “Chart outside measurement area”. This can happen when doing a relinearisation with an automated Check & Recalibrate with a spectroproofer.
17 Feb 15
WebCenter View: Going back and forth between this view and another may cause a logon error to WebCenter because of too many open sessions.
10 Feb 15
When opening the dispatchers, none of the queues come up. When checking Eskolink, the portnumer 0 is shown.
09 Feb 15
Trap with PowerTrapper: The task may unexpectedly fail for some very specific input files.
09 Feb 15
The FlexProofE tool "Server File Maintenance", copies the complete C drive to the defined new output folders.
03 Feb 15
Step & Repeat CAD based: Revert to default behaviour of prior Automation Engine releases to skip structural lines at layout level for MFG and import them for CFF2.
03 Feb 15
FTP Access Point: In some specific circumstances, accessing and fetching files from a secure FTP server does not succeed.
03 Feb 15
Apply ArtPro Action List: Using the "Trim & Bleed" activity to add bleed may in specific circumstances cause the bleed mask to become ill-shaped which makes the output unsuitable for production.
27 Jan 15
When running the DeskPack - Dynamic Content - Studio installers on a Mac, it's not possible to select the local Mac SSD drive to start the installation.
16 Jan 15
Apply ArtPro Action List: When executing an action list, it was not possible to find linked images next to the ArtPro file itself when the links would be broken.
13 Jan 15
The Cape Truckfill v2.13 Release E8 Updates Patch includes fixes for the following: - New Truckfill v2.13 algorithm returns inconsistent result compared to the Truckfill v2.06 Algorithm. - New Truckfill algorithm loads products beyond the container height.
12 Jan 15
12 Jan 15
12 Jan 15
(Flex)RIP tasks: The "Resolve Transparency" option may, in specific circumstances and in combination with 'Dot Gain Compensation" settings, cause incorrect output when applied on a (normalized) PDF input generated by an ArtPro (Processor) Step & Repeat action when also technical inks are involved.
09 Jan 15
Group into grid could result in stations getting shifted in case of staggered grids.
08 Jan 15
When doing "Convert stroke" of a PackEdge file, the application crashes and exits with "system error 253".
07 Jan 15
SmartMarks revert to regular objects when you place a file (CT image) and then perform an Undo action.
07 Jan 15
It is not possible to measure with a first generation i1Pro UV-cut device.
07 Jan 15
(i-cut Automate) Create CAD Sheet: The bleed from the selected MFG CAD file is set to overrule by the XML input. This works fine except for the last placed graphic.
05 Jan 15
Missing marks when ripping all separations of a normalized PDF Step & Repeat file created via ArtPro.
05 Jan 15
The Style Mapping in Dynamic Content is not updated correctly.
30 Dec 14
22 Dec 14
Restore "Launch Favorites" ordering behavior to how it was in 12.x and before.
22 Dec 14
Import JDF Step & Repeat: The task might fail in specific circumstances with a message that the sheet must be positioned within the plate.
19 Dec 14
When the "Resolution" option is set to "Solid", the "Add Ink Eaters" task might not add ink eaters for areas where the uncompensated ink key values are (close to or) at 0%.
15 Dec 14
Step & Repeat Template based: when loading a template, some formulae and named objects might not be regenerated correctly, which may cause one-up PDFs to be positioned wrongly.
12 Dec 14
Output to ACM of spline segments now also uses arc commands.
12 Dec 14
Copy/pasting a Dynamic Table results in the copied table no longer being linked.
11 Dec 14
Custom SmartNames don't resolve correctly when used in a (public) parameter for a workflow launched from a Shuttle Client.
11 Dec 14
Opening a file with Dynamic Content in Unlicensed Mode loses the link to the XML.
10 Dec 14
Adobe® Illustrator® hangs forever when the undo command is used and there is a locked Dynamic Marks layer. When the Dynamic Marks layer needs to be regenerated in response to the undo command, Adobe® Illustrator® freezes if the Dynamic Marks layer is locked.
10 Dec 14
Custom Table fields in the Dynamic Tables palette have limited functionality in Adobe® Illustrator® CS6 and CC. Some user changes are ignored and the original values are restored.
09 Dec 14
Unzip: The task might fail when unzipping a file containing a '\r' or '\n' (newline) character in its name.
09 Dec 14
Normalized PDF files generated by ArtPro that use a (CMS) registered spot color inside a softmask might cause inconsistent opacity results when processed further as compared to the original ArtPro PDF.
09 Dec 14
Export to PDF File: For specific input files, transparency might be lost on certain images when the compression option to downsample contones is enabled.
09 Dec 14
Converting objects to strokes results in spikey elements. This was working as expected in version 12.
08 Dec 14
Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite support for Automation Engine Client Apps.
05 Dec 14
Missing images in after file is RIPped. Flexo angles may incorrectly be seen as offset angles causing a license error in Imaging Engine for CDI (which has only licenses for flexo angles).
04 Dec 14
This hotfix solves the following three issues: • Some EPS files do not import and cause ArtiosCAD 14.0.1 to crash. • ArtiosCAD 3D PDF Output rendering is wrong if cut/crease is used. • ArtiosCAD Enterprise database fields are invisible if the attributes are set to required.
02 Dec 14
When the Viewer dialog is enabled, "Ink Remapping" and "Cleanup unused inks" did not work correctly. All inks and hence the contents on the document were deleted too.
27 Nov 14
Ripping does not complete. It reaches a point and then does not continue.
19 Nov 14
18 Nov 14
PDFPLA shifts during the ripping (same can happen with FastImpose files).
17 Nov 14
When opening a normalized PDF in PackEdge14.1.0, some letters of a text box can be partly shifted. This is not the case when opening the same PDF in PackEdge12.1.2 and its previous versions.
13 Nov 14
Black shadow changes to white shadow in output (FlexProof/TIFF). No error/warning is shown.
13 Nov 14
When creating overlaps on both sides of a tile and then saving it as a template, the overlaps are only applied to one side when the template is reopened.
06 Nov 14
In the Shuttle or in the Pilot (when in 'Shuttle' mode and typically via "Launch Favorites"), opening a workflow's (or a task's) public parameter panel may take quite some time.
04 Nov 14
Unable to set the cut length of a sleeve larger than two times the height of the object it is shrinking over.
23 Oct 14
A 'no license' error may pop up when selecting a CDI 2530 device in the panel of the "Image to Screened Separations" task, or when opening or re-launching an existing ticket configured for such a device.
23 Oct 14
Export of cutting files results in double lines. This applies to structural lines (other than the graphic's cut path) which are embedded in the original graphics as objects with both a fill and a stroke in the same spot color. The selection of all paths in a particular spot color in a native PDF file picked up the fill and the stroke as separate entities.
22 Oct 14
Gang Run Printing may sometimes generate a nested result that doesn't fit the substrate.
20 Oct 14
Printing an ink book for an Equinox strategy results in an error: "Proof failed: the Color Engine Pilot could not connect to the Approval". There is no way at all to print when no proofing solution is installed.
17 Oct 14
CIP3 output is upside down when sending jobs rotated 90 or 270 degrees.
10 Oct 14
Upload applet doesn't work after upgrading Java to version 7 build 51.
06 Oct 14
Calculate Ink Key Settings (InkPlanner): When this task follows a RIP task starting from a FastImpose imposition (IMP file), the resulting CIP3 PPF file might indicate a wrong paper format (PaperExtent).
09 Sep 14
The output file is not copied to the FTP server (in case of an output flavor to file - TIFF/ PS/ PDF).
09 Sep 14
Hotfix bundle for WebCenter 14.0 r10 covering: - Saved Search/Asset Browser caching problems - Workflow retry/relaunch/feedback problems.
08 Sep 14
Configuring an Imaging Engine only allows selecting a single worker, even though a license for more workers might be available.
02 Sep 14
Prepare Station: The task may fail with an "Unhandled Exception" error in some very specific circumstances.
01 Sep 14
A new set of Pantone colors (added in Suite 12) was not yet recognized in the FlexRip/B code (which is frozen on a Suite 10 Assembly 6 code base). Any separation in such a color turned out completely white after FlexRip/B.
26 Aug 14
Check Job Parameters: The task may in specific circumstances wrongly fail with an "Unexpected ink" message. Next to that, further processing of a normalized PDF generated by an ArtPro step&repeat process starting from normalized PDFs, may again in specific circumstances cause artefacts with image masks being applied in wrong places.
25 Aug 14
This hotfix includes fixes for the following: Pallet/Arrange/Design Group: Fixed inconsistency of Pallet product and Load nett weight for when 'Actual Nett weight is enabled'. Display Pallet, Order Fulfillment: Fixed Report alignment issues as well as other related issues, e.g. unable to edit a load without crashing. Single Pallet: Fixed Layer Algorithm was not working for default input data. Rebranding - Used new Cape bitmaps and logo.
21 Aug 14
When using Dynamic Panels in a localized version of Adobe Illustrator, the artwork in Dynamic Panels colored with a Dynamic Ink with a high index does not get recolored to empty fill/stroke but stays colored with the Dynamic Ink.
21 Aug 14
It might be impossible to create new SmartNames of type "Database Query", as the "External Databases" section could be missing in "Tools > Configure".
21 Aug 14
For some very specific PDF input files, processing of these files might cause font rendering issues (typically with 'X' or '#' characters).
20 Aug 14
For some very specific PDF input files, processing of these files might cause font rendering issues (typically with 'X' or '#' characters).
20 Aug 14
Hotfix for Studio Visualizer for Ai - Flexible bags have holes when exported as 3D PDF. In unlicensed state, trying to open the Export dialog of Studio Designer will crash Illustrator. Pantone Unocated Paper doesn't work.
06 Aug 14
The action "Convert color space" of the "Manage Color" task may generate bad output (i.e. black channel, black point) when used with certain source and/or destination CMYK profiles and the Perceptual rendering intent.
01 Aug 14
BRIX graphic kernel based tasks might unexpectedly cause output filesize to increase substantially when processing S&R input.
30 Jul 14
For path object, if only blending mode is added for fill OR stroke, Select By Attributes will not detect it.
21 Jul 14
Image Plane Mapping pallet did not show the ink mapping information of the selected image anymore.
18 Jul 14
Process color operation is split up into four spot color operations.
08 Jul 14
Once a text was filled in the Document Info section, it was not possible to remove it. The original text was still saved in the XMP metadata section of the normalized PDF file.
08 Jul 14
Apply ArtPro Action List: Performing an ArtPro Step & Repeat action on (normalized) PDF files and exporting the result to a (normalized) PDF file again might cause a non-optimized output which in turn may cause BRIX graphic kernel based tasks later in the workflow to fail.
01 Jul 14
Export to PDF File: If the input has objects in a registration color and the "Use technical inks in output" option is unchecked, these objects might be missing in the output.
26 Jun 14
Some embedded transparent CMYK rasters are imported as transparent gray images.
12 Jun 14
Apply ArtPro Action List: The "Grid Step and Repeat" activity fails when the input folder contains files of an unsupported type for this activity.
30 May 14
Wait for Action (Checkpoint): When the input file properties change during this task (f.i.: from a normalized PDF to a native PDF file type), the changed properties are not taken into account when the workflow continues after releasing the checkpoint.
27 May 14
Opening a normalized PDF file containing an indexed image via the PDF Import plugin in Adobe Illustrator displays wrong result.
26 May 14
After upgrading DeskPack in CS6 to version 12.1.2 or 12.1.3, a lot of AI files and/ or Adobe PDF files get corrupted. Trying to open these files in AI again will pop up a message saying the file is corrupt or that it contains an Illegal Operand. The files cannot be opened anymore unless you apply Adobe's workaround.
19 May 14
Send E-mail: The new 12.2 option "From" might cause some Email servers and/or clients to confuse their users with showing multiple senders or "on behalf of" indications, which makes replying difficult.
16 May 14
The "designer" inkbook is available again even when there is no Color Engine license. Process inks were listed by InkManager and also appeared in Esko XMP when a Grayscale image was placed (linked) but colored with a spot ink (using the Color palette) even when "Process Inks in Images" were disabled. Fixed wrong transfer of "3rd-party XMP" from .AI files to Normalized PDF files: extra barcode and font entries appeared in Esko XMP of the Normalized PDF even when all fonts were outlined in the PDF
14 May 14
A popup entry was added in the Plato Viewer dialog to toggle on/off the visibility of all technical inks.
06 May 14
Add Marks to Imposition: Non-process inks from the input PDF file might not map automatically to the mark(s). They do only when defined as job inks.
06 May 14
In DeskPack for Illustrator® when exporting an Illustrator file with placed PDF file, an empty PDF file is returned.
06 May 14
When using the document name textfield in SmartMarks at station level, during JDF export, these textfields got wrongly updated in the name of the PDF file into which the station was exported.
02 May 14
Cape Pack v2.13 D5 Update: Keep your Cape Pack v2.13 up-to-date by downloading the latest patch. This hotfix covers the following programs in Cape Pack v2.13: Display Pallet, Casefill group, Pallet group.
24 Apr 14
Normalize PostScript / PDF / Illustrator 8.0 File: In a rare case, overprint may render incorrectly when normalizing a specific Adobe Illustrator document.
15 Apr 14
Publish on WebCenter, Prepare for Viewer: Publishing or preparing might fail for some specific LEN file input.
14 Apr 14
Overprint renders incorrectly in PackEdge v12.1.x when importing Adobe Illustrator document.
14 Apr 14
When screening a high resolution screened image (1-bit copydot) over a lower resolution single-pixel image (8-bit), white lines could appear in the output (depending on output resolution, CT resolution and relative position).
11 Apr 14
Viewing ArtPro files with many and/or large external TIFF images using the Automation Engine Viewer might be very slow.
01 Apr 14
Hidden layers in a PDF exported by ArtPro are marked with the Print property 'Never Prints' instead of 'Prints When Visible'.
28 Mar 14
If a Normalized PDF is altered by any prepress task and then stepped in ArtPro or an ArtPro Action List (AAL), and exported again as a Normalized PDF, it's possible that it won't display correctly when opened in PackEdge.
28 Mar 14
A normalized PDF generated by an ArtPro Step & Repeat of a PDF from PackEdge might be incomplete when opened in the Automation Engine Viewer or in PackEdge.
28 Mar 14
Normalized PDF files generated by ArtPro that use a (CMS) registered spot color inside a softmask might cause inconsistent opacity results when processed further as compared to the original ArtPro PDF. Export to PDF File: When the task is set up to rasterize with anti-aliasing, images might be too low in resolution in the output.
27 Mar 14
Deskpack 12.1.0 Preflight X-Height Check: the "Zoom to Selection" does not work if text is dynamic
25 Mar 14
When opening Version_10_1.pdf and/or Version_12_0_1.pdf, the vignette is still visible but field in Color factory remains empty, so color field can't be edit any more.
24 Mar 14
Expose (...) on Barco ImageSetter (...): Tickets to drive a FlexRip - B or BI do not open properly in the Pilot on Mac.
21 Mar 14
Empty stations are not visualized using an unique color.
20 Mar 14
Export to PDF File: If the input has objects in a registration color and the "Use technical inks in output" option is unchecked, these objects might be missing in the output.
18 Mar 14
Elements could be missing in the normalized PDF files that are generated using the "Normalize PostScript / PDF / Illustrator 8.0 File" task with the destination color space option set to Grayscale.
18 Mar 14
Tasks based on the BRIX graphic kernel might unexpectedly clip away parts of a PDF design when such a task would extend the MediaBox (margins).
17 Mar 14
Proof (Image Downloader): Jobs containing PANTONE inks (from a standard Esko inkbook) are failing in case merging is used.
17 Mar 14
The reconstructing of common cutting lines while importing cff2 does not work fully. Annotation and Text information is missing when importing a layout cff2 file in Plato 12.1.2.
14 Mar 14
Resize PDF for Output: the task might not work according to specification, causing f.i., distorted output instead of equally scaled.
13 Mar 14
Adobe® Illustrator® crashes on exit when BoostX is started without a license
13 Mar 14
SmartMark selection is broken both when trying to set it up as a public parameter as well as when trying to choose a set from within Adobe Illustrator PowerLayout Client. Also, the (DeskPack) Shuttle Client does not find any of the public tickets although several tickets are saved as public.
13 Mar 14
Artlink does not scale text correctly to fit text in textbox (Apply ArtPro Action List).
12 Mar 14
AI PowerLayout and PowerTrapper Client (DeskPack) workflows might be broken.
11 Mar 14
When changing and saving an ink in the Ink menu, the following warning message appears: “WARNING: Ink <xxx> missing in the XMP inklist”.
10 Mar 14
Gang Run Printing (i-cut Automate): Files might get stuck in the Gang Run Printing queues.
07 Mar 14
Closing the "Job Setup" dialog might sometimes fail because the "Update Job" progress bar gets stuck.
07 Mar 14
Wait for Action (Checkpoint): Releasing a ToDo item might not show the options as defined by the task but just the default Accept or Reject.
07 Mar 14
Wrong FlexRip output for PDFs referring to LEN files
05 Mar 14
Design Wizard expansion of templates may fail in case not all separations from the template are kept in the final design and some text fields are referring to specific inks. For instance, when a text field refers to ink 7 but ink 6 is not kept in the final design after expansion, the text reference to ink 7 gets lost as the inks are cleaned up too early. This problem only occurs in specific cases and only in PDF workflows as the behavior of the cleaning inks in GRS workflows is different.
05 Mar 14
Export ArtPro to Normalized PDF File: The task might swap images on ArtPro Step & Repeat files.
05 Mar 14
InkPlanner: CIP3 output shows a shifted preview, causing incorrect ink key settings on the press.
05 Mar 14
WebCenter Viewer doesn't work after upgrading Java to version 7 build 51.
05 Mar 14
Characters specified by name instead of character code are not always honored, resulting in error and/ or no rendering.
05 Mar 14
The "Optimize PDF Document" is not taking into account the PDF UserUnit feature when applying "Adjust Page Box"
05 Mar 14
Trap with PowerTrapper: Using SmartNames to set the Pull Back Distance in a PowerTrapper Rule does not work
04 Mar 14
When a non admin user tries to access a custom report, errors are generated that specific attributes cannot be found. It is related to custom reports that define parameters linked to the WebCenter attributes.
04 Mar 14
Dynamic Content does not honor content of new target XML
04 Mar 14
The JMF query to get all marks from the Automation Engine server is not working.
25 Feb 14
In some very specific case, FlexRip output from normalized PDF files originating from an ArtPro file with technical inks might be wrong.
25 Feb 14
Cannot delete ICC profiles within Color Engine Pilot 12.1.
20 Feb 14
PressSync strategies having a minimum and/or maximum value with more than one decimal digit might give unexpected output.
18 Feb 14
WCR 12.0 out-of-LAN integration support for AE 12.0.0
17 Feb 14
On moderately to heavily loaded servers, some tasks (typically the more recent (native) PDF processing tasks, such as for instance: "Optimize PDF Document") may fail without any indication. This may happen more often for tasks running on an assistant in case of a (loaded) master-assistant(s) configuration. In fact, the tasks run fine, but there is an issue with reporting their status to the server.
17 Feb 14
Measuring a barcode in Automation Engine Viewer might report an incorrect magnification factor.
14 Feb 14
Extract Inks: The output of the task might, in specific circumstances, cause subsequent PDF processing tasks (such as Export to PDF File) to fail with a "Missing halftone info..." message.
08 Feb 14
Prepare Station: The alignment of graphics and CAD design could be wrong when CAD die lines show imperfections.
03 Feb 14
Add SmartMarks: The task might fail when adding Plato specific SmartMarks.
03 Feb 14
Separations used by empty graphics are by default excluded from output (both cut and print files).
03 Feb 14
SmartMarks applied in Step & Repeat tasks might appear on unexpected separations for inks used in opacity masks only.
31 Jan 14
When upgrading Shuttle Client in Adobe® Illustrator® to version 12.1.2, PowerTrapper Client 10.1.1 (Assembly 6) will be able to launch trap tasks to the server but double-clicking the task entry of the finished task in Shuttle Client in Illustrator® will no longer open the trapped file in Illustrator®. This is related to the fact that Shuttle Client 12.1.2 is incompatible with PowerTrapper 10.1.1. The same problem occurs when PowerTrapper 12.0.0 (Assembly 1) is used. It works as expected when PowerTrapper 12.0.1 or later is used.
28 Jan 14
FlexRip keeps processing and makes corrupted output in case a network issue prevents from completely reading a CT file. This hotfix checks for errors when reading CT images and avoids corrupted image data when a network problem occurs.
28 Jan 14
Missing error message when PowerLayout Standalone grid creation fails because of linked images in opacity mask in 1-up.
27 Jan 14
The Export to PDF File task might error out when the incoming normalized PDF file contains wrapped LEN files of a specific type. This hotfix not only solves this problem but also improves the stability of other tasks handling these LEN files.
22 Jan 14
When trying to view files in the Automation Engine Viewer, the following error might occur: "Failed to connect to server: ...”. The only way to make the Viewer work again is to restart the Application Server.
21 Jan 14
Slow opening of documents from a Job Folder in DeskPack.
20 Jan 14
Collada crashes in ArtiosCAD Enterprise (not standard). Existing test files do not crash.
08 Jan 14
Import JDF Step & Repeat: The task may fail when a station mentioned in the JDF would map on an implicit and unused product (part) without a valid URL.
08 Jan 14
The pattern of an object might be shifted when the borders are moved by the "Optimize and Clean (PSFix)" task in Automation Engine or interactively in PackEdge.
20 Dec 13
Optimize PDF Separations: When running a normalized PDF file through this task, it may happen that a separation disappears unexpectedly. This can occur for an ink which is used both as a regular ink as well as an opacity-mask ink
18 Dec 13
After upgrading to Automation Engine 12.1.1, users are getting locked out of their AD accounts. The system is set to lock out a user if they fail in a login attempt more then six consecutive times.
11 Dec 13
Optimize and Clean (PSFix): the task may cause page content to shift upwards and to the right.
10 Dec 13
When using a PDFPLA file as input in the Check Job Parameters task, Plato specific formulas and SmartMarks are not always correctly loaded and regenerated. This causes missing marks in the output.
09 Dec 13
Export to ArtPro File: Exporting a normalized PDF which references external images with opacity channels may lose opacity channel information.
05 Dec 13
Prepare Station: The alignment of graphics and CAD design could be wrong when CAD die lines show imperfections.
29 Nov 13
Expand Variable Data to PPML File: A variable element might be incorrectly placed into the fixed part when starting from a VDP document created in PackEdge.
29 Nov 13
Zero-percent inks in vignettes could give problems with overprints.
28 Nov 13
In Automation Engine 12.1.x, non-admin users cannot release the To Do items which are not specifically assigned to them. This Hotfix pre-releases new Automation Engine 12.2 functionality that introduces a new user access right to allow non-admin users to release To Do items not specifically assigned to them.
27 Nov 13
Since switching to using the XMP data to determine the used inks, it could happen that the list of inks passed to the Viewer dialog can contain not-yet existing inks (when file was not completely loaded yet). This hotfix also solves the following two issues: - Unwanted separations were created because of the “opacity mask only” inks (SmartMark sets were applied incorrectly. - Wrong output of opacity masks without any apparent warning or error.
20 Nov 13
In the Proof (FlexProof) task, the verification layout as defined by the "Measuring Device" in the "Verification" tab may not be honored.
20 Nov 13
After update from Plato12.0 to 12.1.0 and to 12.1.1 ArtiosCAD lines are in knock out in JDF (MIME).
19 Nov 13
1. An error is shown in the verification tool when using a handheld spectrophotometer, because the reference data cannot be loaded. 2. The FlexProof task fails when verifying spot colors with the Esko and Solid color strip type.
19 Nov 13
In the “Optimize PDF Separations” ticket, the "Remap Inks" action may unexpectedly revert the screening parameters to default values for an ink that gets remapped.
18 Nov 13
When requesting information on a Job in a Mac Pilot, it can take a long time to show the job information in case there are many Job Category values defined
18 Nov 13
Minimal waste and minimum layouts nesting modes could result in overlapping cut paths
15 Nov 13
License cannot be activated or deactivated on Mac OS X 10.9
14 Nov 13
Drafting tools fail to refresh. Some tools like line offset, stretch by polygon, delete a conline do not refresh after the tool completes. It appears the geometry was not added or deleted.
12 Nov 13
Wrong text spacing may occur in the output files of the "Normalize PostScript/ PDF/ Illustrator 8.0 File" task in case of mirrored text.
08 Nov 13
Ink eaters could not be added if the station contained a SmartMark set
07 Nov 13
Problem with certain features of the GRS files when exporting to normalized PDF. Line width modulation is lost after conversion.
06 Nov 13
The "Export ArtPro to Normalized PDF File" task might cause an image to view or rip as a duplicate of another image in the input
31 Oct 13
CIP3 output could become clipped/ stretched when rotating the job onto unrotated plates for CIPress setting 'Position Film'
31 Oct 13
DeskPack PowerTrapper doesn't preserve trapping distance in Japanese environment
31 Oct 13
Barcode information is removed automatically from the ArtPro file when screening is applied on a barcode using the "Apply ArtPro Action List" task
28 Oct 13
When viewing 1-bit TIFF files or LEN files with the Automation Engine Viewer, using the Calculate screen ruling and angle tool might give the message "Screen measurement failed".
22 Oct 13
Export IMP File to PDF File: Pages might be in wrong order when exported in Spread Print Mode.
18 Oct 13
Crash of Color Engine Pilot when importing a CxF 3 file
17 Oct 13
The Proof (FlexProof) task ends in error when proofing an Equinox job containing a spot color with an Equinox color strategy
17 Oct 13
This hotfix solves the following two issues with PantoneLIVE inks in Viewer: 1) Wrong colors shown for PantoneLIVE inks. 2) Adobe Illustrator crashes when PantoneLIVE inks are used.
16 Oct 13
Adjust PDF Screening: If all separation settings are not changed in an adjust rule, it might happen that the screening parameters in the resulting PDF file do not match with their corresponding description in XMP. This may cause trouble in further processing of the PDF (for instance, missing separations after ripping).
16 Oct 13
Tiling operation fails after loading certain tiling templates (missing glue information)
10 Oct 13
Equinox conversions without flattening can result in overprint objects being colored unnecessarily with 0% of an ink. If this object is above the items carrying values of the same ink, then the underlying color is removed.
09 Oct 13
Missing Ink Coverage information in Smartmark for ReportMaker task
08 Oct 13
Keep on last backups is not working in the Server Admin backup
07 Oct 13
Script SmartNames using a Job Parameter are not resolved anymore when the Job Parameter is not defined
30 Sep 13
The "Expand Variable Data to PPML File" task hangs when run on a file that contains a barcode with magnification other than 100%
18 Sep 13
Problem with online activation of License Manager 1.3.9/1.3.10
13 Sep 13
Repaint problems such as gray areas in the UI, buttons not available, etc. occur in the Products View of the Automation Engine Pilot.
12 Sep 13
Publish on WebCenter: The "Document Description" field on the "Destination" tab is no longer taken into account.
04 Sep 13
Optimize PDF Separations Ticket not registering with the designer ink book causing unregistered inks in the workflow
29 Aug 13
Correcting the behavior of spotcolor softmasks with a gradient while processing (normalized) PDF
28 Aug 13
The Automation Engine Viewer could crash when panning
28 Aug 13
The Automation Engine Viewer might not show some images in a PDF file in very specific circumstances
27 Aug 13
Calculate Ink Key Settings (InkPlanner) not generating correct output when file is ripped with 90 or 270 degrees rotation
27 Aug 13
The ink name(s) and density values in the Color Factory in PackEdge 12.1 are not correctly updated, when an ink is added or removed manually from the list in the Color Factory or dragged and dropped from another ink path.
26 Aug 13
Workflows that wait for WebCenter document approval would not continue, even when the document is approved and the "Publish to WebCenter" task finishes successfully.
23 Aug 13
When creating tiles, the SmartMarks are not applied if the task is run in "Using Template" mode.
22 Aug 13
Processing normalized PDF files which refer to (large) TIFF images might cause (BRIX based) tasks to fail.
20 Aug 13
Error when trying to read DGC/ICPro files with special characters in the name.
13 Aug 13
The SmartID is not calculated correctly in PDF files saved in Adobe Illustrator and having embedded XMP data. This occurs if the XMP data has external references which are no longer available.
12 Aug 13
Any additional changes to the Document Info in PackEdge is not kept after saving and re-opening the file.
09 Aug 13
Unable to place an ARD structural design file using data exchange in DeskPack. “The ARD file cannot be opened” error message appears.
05 Aug 13
When an external file gets changed, Plato updates these external references. Updating external references after the ink table in these files are changed, could result in losing some inks. The mechanism of determining the used inks of placed PDF files has been changed. Now, the XMP data is used instead of loading the real data. This mechanism gives better performance.
02 Aug 13
The Export to ArtPro task would fail with "ERROR: Could not find file <file name> for OPI; getting data from PostScript file" when the input file contains links to images on a remote server.
01 Aug 13
Step & Repeat CAD based: Revert to default behaviour of prior Automation Engine releases to skip cut lines at layout level
01 Aug 13
Non-admin users are not able to release items in the To Do List that have been set to "Any user"
26 Jul 13
SmartMarks attached to a 'Position mark' SmartMark could get copied many times
25 Jul 13
Automation Engine 10.1.1 won't RIP or proof files on FlexRIP 12.1. Instead you get following errors: ERROR: bgfrm.nofastripresource(bg_prog_fastrip_v121) ERROR: bgfrm.tickerrnodevice(bg_prog_fastrip_v121) ERROR: Error occured submitting job to Rip Component
25 Jul 13
When trying to view files in the Viewer, the following error would occur over time: "Cannot read image params. Cannot retrieve image params. Exception of class BG_ECouldNotReadFromSocket". The only way to make the Viewer work again would be to restart the Application Server.
15 Jul 13
Nesting a lot of tiles while using corner or trim marks on each layout made i-cut Layout running out of Windows resources (user objects and GDI objects). (note that when using the amount of tiles & sheets as described in the CW-log, it's advised to use Automation engine to process the job).
27 Jun 13
When trying to map 'any Pantone color from any Pantone book' to the limited GRO set, use a waterfall approach instead of failing after the first try.
26 Jun 13
Option Colorant Order is only supported in DFE-installations, but should not appear in FlexRip/Indigo installations.
25 Jun 13
24 Jun 13
When (re)launching a workflow from within a job, but with selecting an input file from another job, this workflow unexpectedly starts in the first job while it previously started in the other job.
24 Jun 13
Clipping masks are lost when a separated PostScript file is normalized.
24 Jun 13
The output of the "Create PDF File from RunList" task could be wrong when the run list contains an uneven number of files that do not have the same dimensions.
24 Jun 13
- The ink order of technical inks would be reset when you run the "Export ArtPro to Normalized PDF File" task. - Using Grid Warp in the Apply ArtPro Action List task would cause the task to crash.
21 Jun 13
An issue during the normalization of a PDF file could cause images to disappear
21 Jun 13
Normalized PDF files that have been stepped in ArtPro PowerStepper would not always be rendered correctly in PackEdge-Plato and the Automation Engine Viewer.
21 Jun 13
When you edit a normalized PDF file in Adobe Illustrator with no Esko plug-ins installed, the resulting file can no longer be processed by PDF tasks.
21 Jun 13
The Apply ArtPro Action List task could error when the ArtLink database contains special characters.
21 Jun 13
Certain TIFF files that are created by the Export to ArtPro File task would be locked by Mac OS X Finder indefinitely while it would try and generate a preview. The rest of the workflow would fail trying to access the (locked) TIFF file.
21 Jun 13
One dispatcher was waiting till another finished before it started its own job. Technical reason: The named pipe used for communication between dispatcher and RIP kernel was not always unique.
18 Jun 13
The strip layout would always revert to IO although set to SpectroProofer when using the Proof (FlexProof) task.
10 Jun 13
Allow to add overlap on the outer tiles - show tile size when hoovering over a tile.
06 Jun 13
PantoneLIVE ink books are not listed with the correct ink book name in InkSwitch.
05 Jun 13
When doing turn or tumble front to back, the graphics on the back side were wrongly positioned. This hotfix provides a workaround for this issue. The actual issue (CAD-X failing to create a bleed mask for the backside of the first station) still remains.
03 Jun 13
The bounding box of italic text was computed wrong when text was editable, so it got clipped in the PDF. CAUTION : the file has to be rewritten anyhow, since the PDF is wrong !
31 May 13
Placing certain normalized PDF files made Plato crash (containing level 1 (= 1 ink) images mapped to empty ink).
31 May 13
Place normalized PDF files containing references to CT images with strange ink tables (empty inks) made Plato crash
31 May 13
When opening some normalized PDF files in PackEdge, the following error message was shown: An error occurred while parsing a PDF shading. Possibly the PDF file contains an invalid shading object. The shading is ignored. This problem has been fixed.
31 May 13
The Front and Back files that the Export Imposition to PDF File task creates would overwrite each other when the JDF layout file contains different ink mapping information for Front and Back. The output of an Export Imposition to PDF File task could be wrong when inks from a PANTONE Uncoated ink book are used. When modifying and saving a large IMP File from FastImpose, a subsequent Add to Pages View task could hang for a while and then fail.
28 May 13
support for the new I1 pro 2 / I1IO 2
21 May 13
Proof (FlexProof): In case verification is requested and a color strategy is used, the DGC from the strategy was not taken into account.
17 May 13
PantoneLIVE inks are not saved with the correct XMP data.
17 May 13
Shuttle locking domain accounts within a minute when the wrong or no password was specified in Shuttle preferences.
10 May 13
10 May 13
Merging is not possible if a path is defined in the output field of the ticket.
07 May 13
Create Report (ReportMaker) would not generate the mark for each separation in the file.
26 Apr 13
It is not possible to proof with merging enabled and an Image Downloader set up.
25 Apr 13
When you try to launch a single workflow with multiple products as inputs, a workflow is launched for every product individually.
23 Apr 13
Pre-ripping tasks on PDFPLA files with SmartMarks could take several hours and blocks the queue for other tasks.
23 Apr 13
When images have a clipping mask, White Underprint not correct
22 Apr 13
Plato selects the wrong job when opening a PDFPLA containing products
22 Apr 13
When the Optimize PDF Separations task is used to remove separations, the resulting files may error because of "Missing halftone information".
22 Apr 13
This hotfix fixes a regression issue that was introduced in hotfix HF_1202006 and causes wrong page numbering when normalizing PDF files.
22 Apr 13
PDF for cutting file contained user units if the PDF for print file was outside the limitations of the Adobe PDF library
19 Apr 13
Fixes and improvements that have been released with ArtPro 12.0.2 are not available in AE 12.0.1.
19 Apr 13
The "Make Plate on CDI" task could fail with a java.lang.NullPointer exception with files that have been ripped by Nexus.
18 Apr 13
Opacity mask issue: gradient looks wrong when placed externally
18 Apr 13
Problem with Powertrapper: Can not change the trap distance of color pairs
18 Apr 13
The Publish Imposition on WebCenter task wrongfully works off the PDF file instead of the imposition. The task never completes and cannot be canceled.
18 Apr 13
Normalizing a PDF file that has text rotated in Acrobat could ignore that rotation.
18 Apr 13
Fixes for font encoding, composed text and special vignettes.
16 Apr 13
Certain TIFF files that are created by the Export to ArtPro File task would be locked by Mac OS X Finder indefinitely while it would try and generate a preview. The rest of the workflow would fail trying to access the (locked) TIFF file.
12 Apr 13
Designs containing PSD images and spot channels might give differences when processed in Suite 12 Assembly 2 as compared to Suite 10.
10 Apr 13
The Viewer can become slow or unresponsive, up to a point where the application server needs to be restarted.
08 Apr 13
When creating a new gradient as a new fill during ink-remap, holding additional info on gradient transform was not transferred.
08 Apr 13
The hyperlink in the WebCenter view in Pilot should take you to the WebCenter project.
08 Apr 13
When activating a non-visisble layer by clicking on the name, the layer should get visible automatically
04 Apr 13
Unable to print to HP Z6200 or T7100 - Wrong linearization charts - Wrong version of driver for HPZ5200
03 Apr 13
03 Apr 13
Radial issue with export to norm PDF out of CS6
02 Apr 13
During export production files, export PDF for cutting, alias names for PDF layers were ignored
02 Apr 13
PDF import plug in doesn't keep gradation appearance
29 Mar 13
Create Wrapper File: The output of the task might not be correct when starting from (an) input file(s) with (very) large dimensions.
29 Mar 13
Page objects could show up empty in FastImpose after the file was processed by Check Job Parameters task.
29 Mar 13
Problem plugins in Illustrator: there is a significant lag while using these plugins in communication with esko server - It really slows down the application.
26 Mar 13
The ServerAdmin (egwebsrv.exe) continues to consume CPU when browser windows are left open.
26 Mar 13
Staggered Cut info was no longer visible for separations with screen angle 0
26 Mar 13
Slowness issues in Automation Engine and PackEdge-Plato.
18 Mar 13
Running many concurrent BRIX graphic kernel based tasks (falling back on sdbtask.exe) on a powerful multicore system sometimes and unpredictably may lead to unexpected behaviour, such as very slow starting / running of some of these tasks.
15 Mar 13
The stroke width of objects in the output PDF files could be incorrect
11 Mar 13
The server might slow down considerably or even come to halt in case of many Pilots (> 50) connecting ...
08 Mar 13
05 Mar 13
27 Feb 13
When images have a clipping mask, White Underprint not correct
27 Feb 13
The thickness of the board is not displayed after export as 3DPDF.
27 Feb 13
Last used SmartMark set was not taken as default when restarting the editor or when creating a new layout
27 Feb 13
The station does not keep inverse information when replacing a station
27 Feb 13
Die object properties greyed out when placing DXF
27 Feb 13
Export to ArtPro File: A faint outline might appear on object (for example, image) borders in some specific cases involving opacity masks
25 Feb 13
When trying to map 'any Pantone color from any Pantone book' to the limited GRO set, use a waterfall approach instead of failing after the first try.
25 Feb 13
There might be problems when sending multilayer impositions from large PDFs (> 100 MB) to WebCenter.
25 Feb 13
Allow WebCenter to launch Automation Engine workflows via JDF without license checks.
25 Feb 13
Screening issues with PerfectHighlight on Pixel+
25 Feb 13
Optimize PDF Separations: Allow process inks to be remapped to unregistered inks (as was already possible for non-process inks).
25 Feb 13
Route Failes to check pages sizes when multiple routes are used - JPEG Creation fail
25 Feb 13
1. Export to PDF File: Selecting the factory setting "PDF for Illustrator CS2 or higher" might give wrong output in case of multi-channel images with spot color(s) (different if compared to other factory settings); 2. Preflighting or viewing secure PDFs that reside on a (slow) network disk may take unexpected long processing time.
18 Feb 13
Step & Repeat Template based: The task does not error out when a SmartMark is not available.
15 Feb 13
Reprint of old PE7 design with AE10 does not match with original in case the design makes use of a softmask in a registered designer ink.
15 Feb 13
application crashes when clicking an Errors&Warnings item - clickin on object in Errors&Warnings does not do anything
15 Feb 13
After creating a file with dynamic images in Dynamic content, the file is saved and closed. But when the file is re-opened, the images are not visible.
13 Feb 13
Thin lines appear around the image and 'Close small gaps' doesn't generate traps that close the gaps
12 Feb 13
The Esko version of an ink book is opened instead of the PantoneLIVE version
11 Feb 13
The recalibration is not stored in the output device after a C&R session.
11 Feb 13
Application crashes when connecting to an Automation Engine job with the job parameters containing spaces, "%s" or "% s" in its name.
11 Feb 13
PowerTrapper creates small artifacts and 'close small gaps' is not closed
11 Feb 13
Blank image Skipped on Esko PDFs while launching from AI
08 Feb 13
Database Backup schedules which were set up with the "Server Admin" tool (for SQL Server 2005 and higher) might be not longer executed on schedule after a restart of the Automation Engine server.
08 Feb 13
08 Feb 13
Inks that are only used in opacity masks should not be taken into account when applying SmartMarks.
08 Feb 13
08 Feb 13
Illustrator crashes when opening a file with barcodes
08 Feb 13
ArtiosCAD Enterprise 12.0 customers must be able to upgrade to a new version for the ArtiosCAD Enterprise client software
07 Feb 13
Application crashes when downloading the custom PantoneLIVE libraries.
29 Jan 13
It is no longer possible to open the Press Settings dialog from the Viewer dialog
28 Jan 13
Prepare for Viewer: It could happen that the task unpredictably ends in an error: "Exception of class BG_EIllegalUTF8Character".
28 Jan 13
Updating Data Exchange to version 12 will make Screening 10.1.1/A6 unstable, crashes occur (Ink Manager update related)
28 Jan 13
Updating Data Exchange to version 12 will make PowerTrapper 10.1.1/A6 unstable, crashes occur (brixkernel related)
28 Jan 13
To avoid problems on Mac OSX with the Pilot "Launch" functionality from the Automation Engine web page, a Pilot "Download" is added after installing the hotfix. This workaround allows you to install the Pilot locally (without the auto-updating feature !)
25 Jan 13
To avoid problems on Mac OSX with the Pilot "Launch" functionality from the Automation Engine web page, a Pilot "Download" is added after installing the hotfix. This workaround allows you to install the Pilot locally (without the auto-updating feature !)
25 Jan 13
Mask (smartflapping) cuts off part of the red strip
25 Jan 13
Multi-channel .psd images might give incorrect output due to the wrong reuse of planes of the same image with different alpha handling
22 Jan 13
Create nested layouts: In case of guillotine nesting, the 'respect graphics order' option is sometimes ignored (when trying to combine several items on the sheet).
18 Jan 13
The 'Dimension Line' SmartMark is not functioning.
09 Jan 13
07 Jan 13
After upgrading Mac OS to 10.7.5 and Java update 2, visualizer 10.1/12 don't show any models
07 Jan 13
PackEdge is crashing when the powertrapper is being refreshed after modifying the traps.
04 Jan 13
FlexRip and Editor/Viewer in some specific cases give different output in a PDF workflow, while the output was identical in the originating GRS workflow (from which the PDF was derived)
03 Jan 13
BRIX graphic kernel based tasks (falling back on sdbtask.exe) might fail unpredictably in some very exceptional circumstances (related to sending log messages).
20 Dec 12
20 Dec 12
20 Dec 12
Running many concurrent BRIX graphic kernel based tasks (falling back on sdbtask.exe) on a powerful multicore system sometimes and unpredictably may lead to unexpected behaviour, such as: - very slow starting / running of some of these tasks - corruption of the font database, causing (subsequent) tasks to fail
20 Dec 12
Back side cad is moved with error massage "Die shape is not closed"
12 Dec 12
11 Dec 12
1: The "Add to Pages View" task fails when multiple files are processing at the same time. 2: It is not possible to use SmartNames in the "Publish Imposition on WebCenter" task.
11 Dec 12
05 Dec 12
Viewing an ArtPro generated normalized PDF in the AE Viewer might show design elements to be missing as compared to Adobe Reader. This could happen in case of nested AP layers with legacy printability/visibility markers.
27 Nov 12
The function "Replace Image by..." in PackEdge did not remove the original image from the document when this image is part of an atomic group.
19 Nov 12
Fixes for Color Engine Pilot issues, mandatory for customers using the PantoneLIVE solution
15 Nov 12
Problem with Structural Inks not being present within the cut files.
12 Nov 12
CP workflows may error out with an "Invalid barcode object" message when processing existing Impositions that have barcodes. This only happens in case the imposition contains side guide marks (PDF).
12 Nov 12
After upgrading Mac OS to 10.7.5 and Java update 2, visualizer 12 doesn't show any models. When creating a new file or opening a previous design, the model preview is empty. Note: This fix should ONLY be used on systems affected by the rendering problems (i.e. Systems with ATI or AMD graphics and Mac 10.7.5 or higher)
05 Nov 12
When creating a station, the preference option on die shape inks is always considered. However, if the station is used to replae an existing station, the die shape from the original station is copied into the new station. In this case, the ink mapping on the station (mapping the die shape ink to an empty ink) was still active making the extraction of the die shape ink fail (workaround: first switch back from manual to 'trimbox')
05 Nov 12
When connecting Plato/PackEdge 10.1 to AutomationEngine 12, not all resources are used from AE 12.
05 Nov 12
When opening a file created with Dynamic Content/Dynamic Barcodes, Illustrator crashes almost every time.
05 Nov 12
Fixes for Color Engine Pilot issues, mandatory for customers using the PantoneLIVE solution
05 Nov 12
Since upgrading to Suite 12, domain users cannot be used for logging on to the Pilot anymore in case the domain name contains a dot (f.i. "name.com")
15 Oct 12
Further processing of a normalized PDF generated with the "Normalize PDF File" task might cause trouble in case the original native PDF contained the same PANTONE ink with both a short and a long suffix (f.i. "PANTONE 485 C" and "PANTONE 485 CVC").
15 Oct 12
The "Proof (Image Downloader) (deprecated)" task is broken.
11 Oct 12
Create Nested Layouts: When working with some particular double-sided artwork, the guilloting nesting algorithm was not able to find an optimal solution.
11 Oct 12
A TCP file generated by the Automation Engine's "Trap with PowerTrapper" or "Trap - Prepare Trap Pairs" task could not be opened in PackEdge 12.0.
11 Oct 12
The ink list in Plato is resorted to reflect the ink sequence in the placed graphics. This resorting should only happen upon (re)placing graphics. The resort also happened when changing the layout setup.
05 Oct 12
Custom Generic Brix task "modifyinks" with commandline "/inkremove=(C,M,Y)" gives problems on 'empty' PDF files.
05 Oct 12
The UI components in the Die Object Property dialog were not enabled when a CFF2 file is loaded in the document. It was not possible anymore to change the appearance of a CFF2 file.
05 Oct 12
When connecting to an Automation Engine 12 server, the location of the Common Data Resources could not be retrieved.
03 Oct 12
The document info from the current document was replaced by the document info from a file that is placed in the current document.
02 Oct 12
Processing a specific normalized PDF file generated by ArtPro (f.i. creating a report with it or performing step & repeat) might cause design elements to disappear.
27 Sep 12
Some specific AP files might not view correctly in the AE Viewer tool.
20 Sep 12
Connecting to mailservers that do not support TLS (such as gmail) was broken.
20 Sep 12
When doing a replace graphic in station view (adding extra/new inks), SmartMarks at layout level were not updated upon return to layout view.
12 Sep 12
The Pilot might hang (become unresponsive) after opening and closing the "To Do List" dialog many times. Doing this on more than 1 Pilot may even cause the hanging to happen sooner.
11 Sep 12
Using the Viewer in Automation Engine could in specific cases be considerably different from what Adobe Reader shows ...
06 Sep 12
Create Nested Layouts: It is not longer possible (as it was in Suite 10) to use plate presets defined in i-cut Layout.
06 Sep 12
Calculate Ink Key Settings (InkPlanner): The task panel has no support for category "Global" SmartNames in the new "Paper Weight" and "Paper Thickness" fields added in AE 10.1.
04 Sep 12
Colorant remapping between a PDF and its external references could become inconsistent, resulting in wrong output
31 Aug 12
- CW112992 : Connection with the PantoneLIVE server is failing - CW113348 : unable to change the preference settings
30 Aug 12
Step & Repeat tasks: Plato formulas used in Text SmartMarks were not resolved correctly.
23 Aug 12
Normalize PostScript / PDF / Illustrator 8.0 File: Wrong output for specific input case (pattern issue).
21 Aug 12
Trapping issues with PowerTrapper Client 12, Getting error when updating traps after making changes to color pairs
20 Aug 12
Publish on Web: PDF annotations are not always recognized properly, which might cause WebCenter to not accurately indicate the existence of annotations.
17 Aug 12
Technical inks are knocked out during export to PS file
16 Aug 12
Upgrading Configuration Manager from Suite 7, 10 to Suite 12 does not work.
16 Aug 12
Create Nested Layouts: In a particular case, the guillotine nesting algorithm was not efficient enough to achieve minimal sheet wastage.
16 Aug 12
The Moire detection filter in the Viewer was too strict for checking the ruling differences of 2 or more separations. It turned out that 2 separations with a more or less same ruling (difference of 0.000001) were identified as having different rulings and thus falsely highlighted the overlapping areas in the document as "Moire".
08 Aug 12
When opening a PDFPLA file, the paints used in the dieshapes were checked/corrected. During this operation, colors used in other objects could get changed too. 0% knock Out Ink as fill is vanishing from Plato file when reopening the file.
08 Aug 12
When trying to access data on an Automation Engine container directly from a Mac client (f.i. double clicking on an ArtPro file in the Pilot to open it), it was not possible to reuse an existing AFP mount to that container if it resides on a host having underscore "_" characters in its name.
24 Jul 12
Convert Imposition to Normalized PDF: Some marks might get more (unused) inks after conversion than before, which may cause empty separations after ripping.
13 Jul 12
Preflight with PitStop: Moving from PitStop 10.0 to 10.3 kernel to try to support more recent profiles
13 Jul 12
13 Jul 12
ShuttleServer consume almost 100% of one CPU core when the server locale is set to a foreign language
13 Jul 12
RIP tasks: for some flavors (eg. DCS), when using the "Resample to automatic chosen resolution" for the "CT Resampling" option in the Advanced tab, the task ends with an error: "error submitting job to Rip Component".
13 Jul 12
13 Jul 12
Problem with normalized PDF files generated by ArtPro and processed by the new PDF processing tasks.
13 Jul 12
Ripping same data twice results in different LEN files
29 Jun 12
When opening a pdfpla file containing a link to a CAD file that is not found, the link was lost.
21 Jun 12
Step & Repeat tasks could generate masks in a way that after ripping they leave white lines in the ripped output.
21 Jun 12
RIP panels: Public parameters for DGCs are simple fill-in fields instead of drop-downs as in the panels.
21 Jun 12
Description: Can not save a 3D PDF Symptoms: No file is created when trying to save 3D PDF – reported to be fixed in Suite 12.
21 Jun 12
When forwarding a ToDo to another user, that user doesn't get notified about this. He/she has to go look for it in the ToDo list or restart the Pilot.
15 Jun 12
Getting out of memory errors caused by BoostX-InkMix
15 Jun 12
PowerTrapper is adding process separations where not required
15 Jun 12
Create Wrapper task: when using this task inside a workflow, it could by mistake detect certain TIFF or LEN separations from unregistered designer inks as being black
14 Jun 12
when using TI104137-7250 code in DP, the content "TI104137-7250" consumes more bytes than e.g. ="0TI104137-7250" and needs bigger symbol which causes wrong output. Sympton: get wrong output as specified.
14 Jun 12
Create Wrapper File: When this task is in the middle of a workflow, it may have difficulties recognizing inks of the inputs (f.i. LEN files) of the workflow.
12 Jun 12
Imagemark SmartMarks not always correctly regenerated in Plato (happens when placed stations also contain SmartMarks)
12 Jun 12
When opening an XML file with Dynamic Barcodes, it frequently crashes.
12 Jun 12
PantoneLIVE on Suite 10 assembly 6, to be installed for a correct inkbook name of PantoneLIVE libraries.
12 Jun 12
Products View: For some specific PDFs, the thumbnail in the Product(s) (Gallery) may be missing (displayed as N/A).
12 Jun 12
Copy or Move File: When a copy or move fails, the input of this task may get through to both the Error as well as on the OK output pins.
01 Jun 12
After doing an Optimize and Clean task(PSfix) the normalized PDF gets more than 30 MB (original normalized PDF is half the size)
24 May 12
Wrong use of Spot Inks when wrapping TIFF files
22 May 12
Visualizer: failed to import or export collada files when you logged in on the OS with a domain user. importing or exporting to collada file failed: "please check whether the destination folder as well as the temp folders are writable"
21 May 12
Create Webcenter Project: when a template project is used having a colon (:) in its name, the project creation fails.
15 May 12
Export to JDF uses low res (150 dpi) images in case of native pdf files.
15 May 12
Jobs containing Morisawa fonts no longer worked via the FlexRip PS channel
15 May 12
Smarttext using a registrations ink is gone when proofing with a refinement.
11 May 12
FlexProof: Verify with Esko + solid color strip type and use a multicolor source profile in your color strategy (Equinox). The value for the last colors (the extra solid colors added to the Esko stip) are incorrect in the it8 file.
11 May 12
Imposition to rip, a white line appears crossing the output files.
11 May 12
Shapes clients will not be able to access the Shapes store in Studio products
08 May 12
Automatic Ink Mapping of Color Bars is behaves differently when compared to Suite 7
07 May 12
When opening a PDFPLA file containing station numbers refering to missing fonts, the title bar shows the name of the station instead of the name of the pdfpla file.
25 Apr 12
Visualisation in Viewer/Acrobat and PackEdge does not match.
20 Apr 12
Export to PDF takes hours with color management
19 Apr 12
The Digital Film XMP ink attribute was not always correct for unregistered inks
16 Apr 12
28 Mar 12
PDF Import: export AI file with linked files, the links are lost
28 Mar 12
During trapping, blank images are produced on top of originals
27 Mar 12
the Group transparency effects are lost when replacing an image
27 Mar 12
alpha channel of rasters with mapped-away inks were omitted from Normalized PDF
21 Mar 12
ArtPro Action List: Public parameters don't work
21 Mar 12
Adobe Illustrator crashes if XML is updated when the layer containing Dynamic Objects has visibility turned off
15 Mar 12
When launching the Check Job Parameter on a PDF, the AutoCorrect isn't being executed properly.
01 Mar 12
Barcode is either missing bars, or barcode is not updated at all
27 Feb 12
23 Feb 12
Performance issue with font-trees + Images are scaled after re-saving file
23 Feb 12
When using the “Output Self-Contained File” option in Power Client, the resulting Normalized PDF is not self contained
16 Feb 12
Publishing from AE10.1 to WebCenter 10.0 does not work when the "Make available for download" option is switched off.
16 Feb 12
Deselecting the ‘Keep 100’ toggle in Curve Pilot no longer cuts back the 100% value (unless you explicitly lower the maximum value)
16 Feb 12
Export to PDF File: Source profile in color management tab is not kept
15 Feb 12
The Automation Engine 10.1.1 Viewer displays colors differently, or mistakenly detects color changes as compared to Automation Engine 10.1.
08 Feb 12
JDF based Step & Repeat: Stations are placed in different (wrong) order as compared to Automation Engine 10.0.2
08 Feb 12
In the Generic Brix task in Automation Engine 10.1.1, the "Command Line" field does not accept certain characters anymore (such as double quotes).
07 Feb 12
Fixes a number of issues related to creating staggered cuts paths.
03 Feb 12
Unable to update an existing project in WebCenter using the Create WebCenter Project task.
31 Jan 12
When applying dynamic content to holding text it changes the font size/leading/kerning (the font styles are lost).
31 Jan 12
Fill ink eater area did fill with unused inks when option Minimal Density" or "Minimal Ink Key Value" was enabled. This only happens for recto-verso documents.
24 Jan 12
When normalizing a PDF file, or opening it in PackEdge, an error appears: “cannot set up for proc to be stored” or “not enough memory to complete the task”
23 Jan 12
Step & Repeat Template based: the task might give an error on external references (from ImageMark SmartMarks).
19 Jan 12
Prepare Graphics for Nesting: The "Offset cut path" option in the "Optimize" tab does not accept negative values.
19 Jan 12
Illustrator hangs when launching a workflow on a file (with many large linked files) in DeskPack Shuttle, and eventually an error appears.
19 Jan 12
When opening .dgc files, the reference dgc field was not showing the correct value (was always showing 'ref', but the file contents were OK).
17 Jan 12
Visualizer crashes when trying to open files with special characters like the German ü and when opening an empty PDF from ArtPro’s Open in Visualizer feature.
17 Jan 12
When running a ReportMaker ticket, the error ERROR: ERROR-BRIXSDB SYSTEM ERROR 5 appears.
12 Jan 12
After performing a Equinox color conversion on a file in PackEdge 10.1.1, saving the file gives a “Unhandled C++ Exception” error, and the resulting file is corrupt.
11 Jan 12
Launching of complex workflows tends to be slow, and for very complex workflows even could cause an out-of-memory error.
06 Jan 12
Text becomes a simple fill when releasing the Dynamic Object.
04 Jan 12
Part of a vignette can disappear at high output resolution
04 Jan 12
This hotfix addresses the following problems in i-Cut Preflight 10.1 build 12: * Colour mixes ...
29 Dec 11
25 Dec 11
Thumbnails generated for WebCenter have fixed sizes: 50x50,100x100,200x200. This Hotfix allows the user to specify the thumbnail sizes in the Automation Engine or OBGE CFS.
20 Dec 11
System Error 5 when starting up PackEdge and Plato.
20 Dec 11
The Normalize PostScript/PDF/Illustrator 8.0 File task may fail if a PDF contains a wrong indication of PDF core fonts being used. In a WebCenter context, this means that such a PDF file cannot be viewed anymore.
16 Dec 11
The prepare for viewing task puts the prepared data not to the right location.
12 Dec 11
Looking in the XMP data of Norm PDF’s created by Data Exchange Plugins, sometimes you would see LPI’s and Angle’s that would go out several (7-8) decimal places, with some numbers at the end. Such as 420.0000305. This is causing problems with PackEdge/Plato (FlexRip already has had a HotFix made to fix the problem there)
09 Dec 11
Incorrect visual result in Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Illustrator of Normalized PDF file, bad pattern and solid color in Adobe Illustrator.
06 Dec 11
When using the <jobcustomername/> in the customer name field of the "Add to Products" task, the task ends with: java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException.
05 Dec 11
Check Job Parameters task crashes on large multipage files
01 Dec 11
When exporting GRS to normalized PDF, microtext might shift or disappear. Fonts change when exporting GRS to PDF.
24 Nov 11
TrueType fonts with lower quality hinting instructions might cause artefacts in the output (such as shifted accents or too skinny characters - reported for some Times New Roman Italic fonts).
22 Nov 11
Station shifts position when proofed (because UserUnits were not taken into account when expanding ...
22 Nov 11
Smartcolourclnt license is being taken in Illustrator even when turning off all plugins except for the free ones. (Data Exchange,Shapes,and Shuttle.
22 Nov 11
When a font is selected in the Font Style panel, in some cases it shows the first one in the list instead of the one used. This is a user interface problem in PackEdge-Plato 10.1.0.
21 Nov 11
In a commercial printing workflow, when opening a multi-book imposition (IMP), the book order may be wrong, which can cause wrong PDF page assignments in the books.
17 Nov 11
FlexProof/E tasks are not updating properly: even though the proofs have finished printing, the tasks still show up as "printing".
15 Nov 11
This hotfix improves the check and recalibrate algorithm to get better results with all types of proofer profiles.
10 Nov 11
ColorTone no longer starts up when using the CMS Data tree used in Suite 10 A6 (build 315 or higher)
09 Nov 11
The Prepare Station fails with a "Caught Unknown Exception" message if there is a large amount of text in the die separation.
08 Nov 11
Interruption of the list products query in the Link Products dialog when typing a new filter.
08 Nov 11
This file is created with blends in Illustrator. Before this can be trapped, in background the blends are expanded.Doing this manually, you will already see that a zilion objects are created, and trapping this impossible with the current SW.
08 Nov 11
Very small overlaps of a low-res CT could disappear when ripping at a high resolution. For example, the letter "i" was missing in some output step & repeats.
07 Nov 11
After the ink selection changes in Suite 10 Assembly 5, the FlexRip BI+B workflow no longer worked if more than one ink/screen combination ended up in the intermediate GRO+TIFF file.
18 Oct 11
The synchronization of the die shape between two front side stations is wrong.
17 Oct 11
In case a pdf is only 1 page and contains front and back (readerspread), page is not automatically assigned correctly + even when doing manually, not correct for front and back on page 1 and 2 (book has only 2 pages)
17 Oct 11
The Job-ID is not automatically selected when launching a task via the shuttle
17 Oct 11
Dotproofing (create wrapper + proof (FP) is too slow. Compared with the Proof (IDL) task it is 7 times slower.R&D recommends to use the Proof (IDL) task again but this task is not working for the a E output flavor.
03 Oct 11
FRC crashing and Paper format A3 is not taken. Customer has to print all documents from Acrobat. Production Proofing is severely hampered!
30 Sep 11
A drop shadow ct is rotated 90 degree after exporting using the ticket “Export to PDF for Illustrator 2 or higher”.A drop shadow is missing when exporting to PDF 1.6.
15 Sep 11
Exporting Norm PDFs to PDF/X-1a:2001 is resulting in warning message of:The original file contains objects with too many colorants (2). Because this can give viewing problems in some PDF viewers, we split up these objects according to their color components.when objects are only CMYK + 1 spot. This should only be done when there are 8 colorants in the file.
09 Sep 11
Cannot restore Flexproof Config on new hardware in Suite 10ass5 coming from Suite 10ass4
06 Sep 11
Extra info of Color Pairs with MouseOver is not available anymore.
06 Sep 11
31 Aug 11
Rules in PW does not work correctly in Chinese version.
29 Aug 11
Using SmartNames to define inks in "Optimize PDF Separations" task does not work
26 Aug 11
User sessions are expired when going back and forth from Files view to webcenter view 5 times...in AE10.1 jobs view
25 Aug 11
Adobe Illustrator crashes when using SBA.
25 Aug 11
25 Aug 11
SmartName in the static print job ticket field of the print on digital press ticket is not being resolved. When the SmartName resolves to a PrintJobTicket which contains spaces, then the creation of the PrintJob on the DFE fails.
24 Aug 11
When sending EPS file through PostScript channel of FlexRip, it errors out.
24 Aug 11
Adobe Illustrator crashes when updating the Viewer if you are using BoostX/InkMix
22 Aug 11
Non normalized files imported in Plato are wrongly imported compared to the same ones normalized during the import.
11 Aug 11
Open supplied AI file, BlackQRSticker_EA.ai, in AICS4Open PowerLayout and load the setting file, pamco step.xmlUse the supplied CVS file, BlackQRSticker_EA.csvCreate the .ppml and fixed PDF.Open PilotSelect both filesUse the default ticket, Rip to WS4000 series, to rip and send files to IndigoThe .ppml file fails but the PDF runs successfully.
01 Aug 11
Flexrip Indigo - Colour strategies not showing in the WS4000 tickets after upgrade to 10.1
06 Jul 11
In PSD images, the spot channels were influenced by the alpha channel (which is not the correct behaviour).
29 Nov 10
Preflight with PitStop: re-enable for normalized PDF input (with an appropriate disclaimer message).
08 Nov 10